Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 654: Carrying Swarm

During the installation of the armor, these pirates mourned in pain. The screams of thousands of people were piercing their hearts. Qin Hao felt shudder, and the three pirate heads infected with the parasite were more It was cold sweat. At this time, the parasites in their body had told them the working principle of the carapace, and also told them that if they were not honest, they might die, or they might become the walking dead like those pirates.

After about half an hour, all the pirates were put on their armors. After a painful sorrow, these guys calmed down, wondering whether it was painful and passed out, or the nerve tentacles of the armor began. Eroded their neurons.

After another two hours or so, the pirates started to stand up one after another, but these pirates at this time had no fear in their eyes, but a dull look.

"Okay, let's take your people back to the spaceship first." Qin Hao said to the three pirate heads who were scared.

"Yes ... Yes ... Master ..." the three pirate chiefs trembled.

"Go back to your post!" Formosa waved his hands at the pirates, and the parasite in his head conveyed the order.

After receiving the parasite's order, the pirates' helms immediately drove the pirates to the spaceship. Soon these pirates returned to their posts. At this moment, these pirates need to eat, drink and pull. Except for physical needs, they are actually no different from robots, and they have to obey all their actions.

"King, are you still satisfied with this effect?" Baturu asked with a smile.

"The effect is good, just a little too cruel." Qin Hao frowned.

"For these lower creatures, letting them live is already their greatest kindness," Batulu said.

"But what's the difference between being alive and dead like this?" Qin Hao asked.

"Perhaps, but this is the fate of lower creatures." Baturu said indifferently. It is an authentic Zerg, and the mode of thinking is also the way of the Zerg. Feelings such as compassion and intolerance, it is completely Incomprehensible.

"Ah!" Qin Hao sighed. Although he couldn't bear it, he was a so-called big-timer. If he was compassionate and compassionate like a Virgin, he would not be doomed, but there would be more people because of his. The heart is soft and sacrifices his life.

"King, what are we going to do next?" Baturu didn't have the troubles of Qin Hao.

"Take your worm nest with me!" Qin Hao said.

"King, what about my swarm?" Baturu asked.

"On these two broken ships, you can't take the swarm. Take some Skywalkers, and leave the rest to several other leaders." Qin Hao said.

"Observe! King!" Batulu immediately promised that Batulu didn't mind the bugs he gave to other leaders. For the leaders of these bugs, the bugs under his hands were not much. As long as there are nests, hatching the swarm is a matter of minutes.

"What else do you need to take?" Qin Hao asked.

"King, we have to bring as many energy crystals as possible. This time when we leave our home star, we don't know if we can find new energy crystal minerals. If we can't find them, we want to hatch more bugs, in addition to dissolving. In addition to pools to decompose organic matter, energy crystals are also essential. "Baturu said.

"Well! What you said makes sense, so that the energy crystals in the hands of several other Swarm Leaders will be brought together, and we will take them together!" Qin Hao said.

"Observe! King!" Baturu immediately conveyed Qin Hao's orders to several other Swarm Leaders.

After confirming Qin Hao's orders, several other Swarm Leaders did not dare to have any private possessions, and they all contributed all the energy crystals they had accumulated.

A large number of worker bees rushed to the side of the pirate ship with long dragons, and they were carrying a piece of energy crystal on their backs. A few hours later, the worker bees arrived at their destination.

"Formosa, the people who sent you all vacated the warehouse, throwing away useless things!" Qin Hao ordered.

"Yes! Master ..." Although Formosa kept his consciousness, he was now a slave to Qin Hao under the threat of parasites, so his name changed.

Soon, the warehouses of the two pirate ships were cleared out, and the worker bees transported the energy crystals in.

At this moment, the pirates have all become walking dead because of their carapace, so even if the swarm continues to pass by them, these guys are dull and have not caused any riots at all.

"The Worm's Nest is placed in the hangar of the Invincible." Qin Hao thought for a moment and said that the two broken ships of the Blood Eagle Pirate Regiment were too bad. If they confronted each other, they would not be able to fight with other pirate fleets. Take these two pirate ships as aircraft carriers. Although the Bloodhawk Pirate Regiment has no fighters, Qin Hao has Skywalker!

After a simple mutation, these flying insects can adapt to the environment in space. Although this way, their lives will be greatly reduced. Basically, after a battle, even if they are not killed, they will not survive, but Qin Hao currently does not have the ability to manipulate the Zerg gene lock, so he can only use the types of swarms that have been unlocked after the worm, including the type of temporary mutations. ~ ~ Only used after the worm and did not re-apply The locked bug or mutation direction can only allow Qin Hao's nest to continue hatching.

It is obvious to Qin Hao that the small third-class worm nest in Xiaoshanshan was sent to the flagship of the Bloodhawk Pirates—Invincible.

Since the heart of the worm nest and the secondary worm nest are not controlled by Qin Hao, he can only get a third-level worm nest on the pirate spacecraft. Although the incubation efficiency of this worm nest is lower than the first two, but After all, Qin Hao was able to command.

After everything was ready, Baturu came to the spacecraft and stayed with the Worm Nest.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of flying insects entered another pirate ship. This armed merchant ship called the Overlord was modified by a cargo ship. Except for the large cargo warehouse, neither the weapon system nor the defense system had any Desirable.

In other words, the entire Bloodhawk Pirate Regiment is weak like a **** except for its aggressive name.

After everything was done, Qin Hao let the worker bees deliver a lot of food and water to the two spacecrafts. After all, no matter whether they were pirates or bugs, they all had to eat! To read this site, please use the latest domain name