Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 67: Big stomach king

"I'll take it. Although it ’s a big family, do n’t waste too much on Qin Hao. We ca n’t eat so much ..." Han Dong dragged Qin Hao's sleeve in private. As a compatriot, he saw Qin Hao was so shameless that he couldn't help but feel a bit shameful.

"This is not necessarily enough ..." Qin Hao muttered in a low voice, and then continued to order by himself.

"It's okay, brother, you can rest assured that we can't finish packing!" Kyle's family is rich and doesn't care about a meal, so he doesn't care at all, but he doesn't think Qin Hao can eat so much.

"Hehe ..." Qin Hao smiled, but his heart secretly said: "Where is this?"

"Okay, order so much first, not enough to call!" After ordering fourteen or five high-calorie dishes, Qin Hao stopped.

"Well! Order," Kyle told the waiter.

"Okay! Do you have any more?" The waiter asked after placing the order.

"Nothing, I'll call you again," Kyle said.

"OK!" The waiter nodded, then turned away.

"Qin Hao, you can really do it, you really eat big households ..." Han Dong listened to the dishes Qin Hao ordered, in fact, Qin Hao ordered nothing of high-end expensive dishes, but some affordable high-end dishes. After all, the caloric meat dish is no longer enjoyed by his current appetite. It is true that he fills his stomach first.

"Hehe ..." Qin Hao smiled and said nothing.

The waiter started to cook because of the time, because others also ordered seven or eight dishes, so most of the dishes were ordered by Qin Hao, but they are really affordable dishes, all big fish and meat.

"Oh, today's dishes are hard enough!" Crewe smiled. To be honest, he looked down on Qin Hao in his heart. When Qin Hao defeated Kyle before, he also felt that Qin Hao was a threat to him.

But now, Crewe doesn't take Qin Hao seriously at all. In his opinion, Qin Hao is an earthen bun that hasn't seen the world. See what dishes he ordered? Pork elbow, steak, grilled meat, whole duck and chicken, hasn't this guy ever eaten meat? Which mountain stream did he come from?

In Qin Hao's dormitory, only two white men, Crewe and Auguste, came from the earth, and the earth is not a place where ordinary people can live. People living here are either rich or expensive, but also rich and rich. It can be said that they and those from Qin Hao who came from the immigrant planet are basically people from two worlds, so don't look at Kyle's family, although they have a little money, they really are not in the eyes of Crewe and Auguste.

In these two white men from the earth, Auguste's arrogance was written directly on his face. His family is regarded as a famous family even on earth, so let alone the 602 dormitory, and the entire Federal Naval Academy is not much. Personally he was glaring.

Although Crewe ’s family is also a giant from the earth, it ’s nothing like August ’s family, but he ’s not the same as August ’s. He always gives a kind and friendly feeling to people. In fact, he even looked down on the "lower pariahs" from the immigrant planet.

In general, Crewe is superficial, but in fact he discriminates against people of non-earth origin, and Auguste does not discriminate against anyone. He ignores those who are too far apart from him, so Han Dong made jokes about him and he was not angry, because people like Han Dong were not even looked at by him.

"Come! Eat, eat, eat ..." Kyle greeted everyone enthusiastically. Because it is a military academy, you can't drink here. After drinking and drinking, everyone can only eat stuff.

When we first started eating, everyone was chatting and eating, but after five minutes, everyone except Qin Hao was dumbfounded. Their eyes were glaring round, and each one looked at Qin Ha with a stunned expression. The desktop comes.

"You eat too ..." Qin Hao found that the atmosphere was not right, and looked up at his roommates. At this time, the empty plate in front of him was already over a foot high.

"Brother Hao, I'm convinced!" Kyle pointed his finger and said to Qin Hao: "No wonder you have such strength, good guy, this meal is really not what ordinary people can get!"

"Brother! Take it!" Han Dong didn't know what to say anymore, he picked up Qin Hao.

"Uh ..." Across the table, Kru and Nan Yun looked at each other, and both of them were also calmed down, but the two of them were just looking at something new.

"You eat too, I don't care about you first." After Qin Hao said, he immersed himself in eating again. The army's life made him used to eating fast, so he didn't care about these stunned roommates.

"Waiter, add food!"

"Waiter! Order!"


At the end, where is Qin Hao burying his head to eat, the remaining five people are happy, they take turns ordering Qin Hao, anyway, as long as it is a big fish and meat ~ Qin Hao is not picky, blink In the effort, the plate in front of Qin Hao was almost one person tall.

"Another dish!"

"Good job!"

"Come a lamb leg!"

"Add a chicken! It's mine!"


At this time, the guests in the restaurant stopped eating, all around Qin Hao and they applauded at the table. Seeing their excitement, I didn't know I thought it was cheering for the team they wanted!

As time went on, in the end not only the guests in this restaurant were watching, many onlookers also sent messages to their friends, so more and more people watched Qin Hao eating here.

"Hey? Isn't he the guy who has said that the cafeteria chef has fallen down?"

"Yes, yes! I have seen him!"


Because Qin Hao showed his amazing appetite in the cafeteria before, he didn't look at just entering school, but when he was in the Federal Naval Academy, he was considered a little famous.

"I'm ready!" Qin Hao looked up and said when Kyle was about to order again.

"Brother Hao, this is what you are!" Kyle once again pointed out Qin Hao, and today he opened his eyes.

"Oh ... let you spend your money ..." Qin Hao said a little embarrassed.

"It's all right, don't pay me today!" Kyle laughed.

"Ah?" Qin Hao froze, did Kyle really regret it? Then I have a big bleeding today, I knew I would eat a full eight.

"He invited me this time!" Kyle said, pointing to a few guys in suits.

"He is?" Qin Hao didn't know this year's man.

"Introduce yourself. I'm the manager of this restaurant. My name is Lu Yuan." The man in the suit said.

"Hello, my name is Qin Hao!" Qin Hao also reported his name politely.