Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 674: Swarm Attack

Although the most technologically advanced machete-class medium destroyer Falcon is not yet operational, the Manghan light frigate Hongying is a federal active battleship, and its performance is considered to be very advanced among the Corsairs in the Ollis galaxy. Already.

After a month of assault training, the crew of the Red Hawk have graduated. Although the carapace restrains the self-awareness of these pirates, it gives them a stronger concentration. This makes them change the speed when they learn hard technology. Go fast.

So at this moment, the Hung Hom actually has the ability to conduct preliminary operations. As for higher combat effectiveness, it can only be achieved through continuous running-in.

However, at this time, Qin Hao did not plan to launch the Hongying. Although its technology level is stronger than the dozen or so pirate ships on the opposite side, after all, it is only a light frigate. Lightness means less skin and blood, although the technology is advanced. , But also could not stand the other party.

After spending hundreds of millions of dollars to buy a new boat, Qin Hao didn't want to be knocked out.

"Baturu!" Qin Hao ordered directly to Her Majesty's Swarm Leader.

"Observe your orders, King!" Batulhu responded immediately.

"Forced evolution of ten teams of Skywalkers!" Qin Hao ordered, this dense asteroid belt is definitely his home field, where the small space Skywalker can move freely, and the battleship must be careful to avoid the dense asteroids, In the event of a collision, those warships would have to eat.

In addition, dense asteroids can also be used as bunkers for skywalkers, allowing them to minimize casualties when attacking the enemy, which is very beneficial for the extremely vulnerable flying insects.

"Observe! King!" Baturu immediately took orders.

The ten teams of Skywalkers have entered a forced evolutionary state. They will gain the ability to fight in space at the cost of a significant reduction in life. After the First World War, no matter the victory or defeat, waiting for them will be death!

Qin Hao stood in front of the radar monitoring screen of the Falcon. Although the core code is still being compiled and the warship has no combat capabilities, the radar can be used alone.

At this point, the enemy fleet had split into three lanes. One team stayed in the XD7 star gravity well to search. After the other two teams left the gravity well, one team went straight to the asteroid belt to search, and the other team went in the other direction.

"Okay! I actually split up! It was just what I wanted!" Qin Hao nodded secretly. If the three teams of enemy warships came together, he would certainly increase the pressure. After all, the enemy ’s strength is more than four times his. Once blocked, In the asteroid belt, there were several rounds of volleys, and Qin Hao's fleet was immortal and disabled.

But now it's okay. The opposing soldiers are divided into three ways. Obviously, the Bloodhawk Pirates have not been taken into account. This makes Qin Hao's pressure suddenly relieved.

"Come on! Come on in!" Qin Hao said silently, meanwhile, a cruel smile evoked in the corner of his mouth.


"Master Kilos, we have reached the edge of the asteroid belt. Are we entering the search?" A pilot of the Fourth Fleet raised his head and asked.

"Decrease speed, enter the asteroid belt, all ship shields are fully open, watch out for the enemy's ambush!" Kilos is the commander of the Fourth Squadron. He was once an officer of the ancestors of the Tangtais family. Coming to this pirate fleet, the combat literacy is definitely not weaker than the grassroots officers of the Federal Navy.

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the Pirate Squadron began to slow down, and then entered the asteroid belt with its shield fully open.

Under the command of Kilos, this pirate fleet traveled very slowly, and almost all the power of the ships was provided to the shield system and the radar system.

However, at this time, several ships of the Blood Eagle Pirate Regiment had their engines and lights turned off, and they were in a radio silence state. Therefore, in the dense asteroid belt, it is almost impossible to search for Qin Hao by radar.

Compared with other fleets, Qin Hao has an advantage that others cannot match, that is, Qin Hao can give orders to parasites in nearby ships through psionic energy, and these parasites can communicate the order to its host or Swarm within a battleship.

Therefore, although Qin Hao's fleet was in the silence of radio, the communication between them remained unblocked.

"Batulu, how long will it take for the swarm to evolve?" Qin Hao asked.

"There are three minutes left, King!" Batulhu replied.

"Okay! After the evolution is completed, immediately order the Swarm to attack!" Qin Hao ordered, because after the evolution of the Skywalkers, their life span is very limited, so they must be put into use immediately. This is why Qiao Haocai has to fight every time The reason that ordered Baturu to evolve the swarm.

"Observe! King!" Baturu took the lead immediately.

A few minutes later, a thousand Skywalkers flew out of the Invincible and Overlord. These flying insects went straight to the pirate fleet in the distance. They relied on spraying special substances, and the speed was very fast. Just ten minutes later, they The pirates' spaceship was approaching, and the pirates knew nothing at this time.

"Squeak!" With the roar of a Skywalker Warlord, the flying insects began to attack!

This pirate sub-fleet has only four battleships. Except for one ultralight destroyer, all others are frigates. Although these ships are fully shielded, the Skywalkers launched their attacks only after they were very close to the battleship. This distance Now, the energy shield of the spacecraft has no effect.

"Beep toot ..."

It wasn't until the alarm sounded that the pirates headed by Kilos realized they were under attack!

"Damn! What a creature of this kind!" Soon ~ ~ Kilos saw these skywalkers through the images taken from the outside of the hull. He had seen these strange creatures once before, and it was Grew. Bring back the video and video, his spacecraft was injured by this creature.

"Is this asteroid belt the habitat of these weird creatures?" Kilos secretly said, because Gru was attacked not far from here.

Until now, everyone, including Kilos, has not linked the Swarm to the Bloodhawk Pirates. They just feel that this is an unknown cosmic creature, and they just broke into the habitat of these guys.

"Master Kilos, the attack of these creatures is very fierce! The hull structure of the second ship has been corroded with a large hole, and emergency treatment is in progress! Other ships have also suffered damage to varying degrees!" A pirate reported.

"Turn on the anti-aircraft artillery and drive these things away!" Kilos ordered, if he was elsewhere, he would definitely order the fleet to accelerate and distance himself from these weird creatures, but not now, they are in the asteroid belt. If you dodge blindly, it is easy to hit those asteroids, and the damage caused by them can be attacked by these creatures. It is even terrible! To read this site, please use the latest domain name