Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 679: interest

The firepower of the Sixth Fleet screamed wildly. One Skywalker was blown up by volleys. These guys apparently didn't put the swarm in their eyes. The two or three hundred Skywalkers were quickly destroyed by them almost half.

At this time, the bugs began to retreat, they no longer attacked, but harassed the periphery in accordance with Qin Hao's order. Once the spacecraft of the Sixth Fleet approached the spacecraft of Kelos and others and wanted to tow them, the bugs would come up Harassment, after all, towing ships are not as sturdy as warships, and they can easily be destroyed.

However, when the warships of the Sixth Fleet concentrated their firepower, the bugs would coax again and again. Although every harassment would cause casualties, the damage was much smaller than before.

"Grandma, these bugs are really cunning!" Barr continually cursed.

"Don't worry about those bugs, and take us away!" Kelos continued to urge.

"Kilos, why are you so scared of death? It's a shame on your reputation for the Dantes family!" Barr said dismissively.

"You are an idiot!" Roared Kilos.

"Don't worry, when I kill these bugs first, let's go in and get the Bloodhawk Pirates out. Don't you say that the bugs are under their control?" Balman said indifferently.

"My fleet has reached the periphery of the asteroid belt. How are you?" At this time, a new communication was received and the first fleet arrived.

"Everything is in your hands! Narvis, you are late." Barr answered with a smile.

"Kilos, how are you doing?" Asked Narvis, the commander of the First Fleet, who was also a sideline of the Tangtais family and was a cousin with Kilos.

"Not great ..." Kilos told the situation of the fourth fleet.

"That's right, it was beaten by a group of bugs. You're ashamed of Kilos." Barr laughed, because his ship suffered only minor injuries, so he didn't put the insects at all. Eyes.

"Narves, I suspect these bugs are related to the Bloodhawk Pirates. They may be hiding somewhere in the asteroid belt and attacking us through the swarm of swarms." Kilos told Narvis, although they were all The commander of the sub-fleet, but Narvis, as the commander of the first sub-fleet, is obviously higher than them.

"Oh?" Narvis frowned.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be better if we rushed in and finished them?" Barr laughed.

"But they can control these bugs ..." Kilos frowned.

"Don't say that your guess may not be true, even if it is so, even if the Bloodhawk Pirates can control these bugs, haven't they been killed by us? Now the First Fleet has arrived, and we meet at Together, afraid of a blood pirate regiment? "Barr said dismissively.

"Well! According to your description, these powerful and cosmic creatures have been killed by a thousand. It is estimated that even if they take orders from the Bloodhawk Pirates, no more bugs can attack us." Narvi Nodded.

"But ..." Although Kilos couldn't say anything, he instinctively felt that it would be dangerous to go deep into the asteroid belt.

"Nothing! If the Bloodhawk Pirates are really inside, then we must catch them!" Narves said.

"Just for that one billion bounty? Is it worth the risk?" Kilos asked.

"Of course the billion-dollar bounty isn't worth our risk, but a test spaceship just completed by a federal laboratory is worth it!" Narves said.

"The Bloodhawk Pirates turned out to be test targets?" Both Kilos and Barr opened their mouths wide.

"Originally, but this time on the Blood Moon Night, they lost their faces. They sold the experimental spaceship to the little pirate regiment at a low price as usual, and then taught them how to use it, and then killed the little pirate regiment. There are actually talented people in the Blood Eagle Pirate Regiment. They directly formatted the core code of the test spacecraft, and they also killed the dead who were responsible for driving the spacecraft. Obviously, they have coding experts, and they also mastered the new spacecraft Technology! "Narves laughed.

"Let's go! Isn't that blood moon night out of touch with that test spaceship?" Barr asked.

"Yes!" Narvis nodded.

"No wonder they're in a hurry. Not only will losing the test space lose face, but if the test cannot be completed, they won't be able to explain to the Federation!" Kelos suddenly realized.

"Yeah, this matter can be big or small. If the Bloodhawk Pirates are found, then Blood Moon Night can attack it as planned and record the experimental data, then everything will be the same as it did, but the problem is If the test spaceship could not be found in time on Blood Moon Night, they would be miserable, and then the old guy may not be able to explain to it! "Narves laughed.

"What do you want?" Kiros' eyes flashed.

"That's right! Destroy this experimental spacecraft, so that the blood moon night can no longer get experimental data, wait for it to be investigated, hum! The old guy's life will be difficult, our Tangtais family may be able Take a step up! "Narves said.

"It seems that I have no reason to stop you ..." Kilos sighed, the interests involved were too great, and even a risk must be tried.

"Your ship has lost its power. I will leave a guard anti-aircraft to protect you, and then Barr will bring your fleet with me ~ ~ I'll see if the Bloodhawk Pirates are really hiding in Here! "Narves said.

"Alright! Good luck to you!" Kelos nodded.

Soon, all six ships of the first fleet also entered the asteroid belt and merged with Barr's fleet.

After leaving a guard anti-aircraft to protect Kilos and their three lost-powered ships, Narves took the reorganized fleet to the depths of the asteroid belt.

At this time, the first fleet and the sixth fleet have merged. The size of the nine warships makes them not afraid of the possible ambush of the Bloodhawk Pirates.

"The Hound thought to search for dense areas of the asteroid belt. Don't let go of any deliberate signals." Narves ordered, in the first sub-fleet, there was a professional reconnaissance ship. Although it lacked firepower, it had radar The system is very powerful. Although there is interference everywhere in the asteroid belt, as long as it enters a certain range, the Hound can still let the enemy do nothing.

"Yes! Sir!" The Captain of the Hound immediately took command, and then turned on all radars at full power, carefully searching every corner of the asteroid belt. To read this site, please use the latest domain name