Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 689: hunting

In more than a month, Lorenzo has finished compiling the core code of the four spaceships. At this moment, Qin Hao can safely use these four warships.

After effectively expanding his forces, Qin Haoke couldn't sit still. Now the Lunqin Republic is in jeopardy. Qin Hao doesn't have much time to farm slowly. He can't wait for Lorenzo to compile other spaceships.

Lorenzo was left to continue his work, leaving the pirate crew of the remaining eight warships to continue to build the base. Qin Hao took his eight battleships with full combat power and set sail from his home star.

At this moment, Qin Hao, it can be said that the guns were replaced by guns. Half of the eight battleships were of the destroyer class. Two of the remaining four spacecraft were simple carriers and a carrier frigate. They were the only platforms carrying insect swarms. One of the frigates is still the active Mang class of the Federation. This fleet's combat power can already sweep those small and medium pirate groups in the Ollis galaxy. Unless it encounters large pirate groups supported by family forces, Qin Hao can completely cross. go.

And even if you encounter those large pirate regiments, which are not the main fleet of the other party, Qin Hao can still take a bite!

"Come on, see who hits my muzzle so badly!" Qin Hao sneered as he stood on the bridge of the Falcon.

The new machete-class destroyer Falcon, at this time has become Qin Hao's flagship and also his ship. In addition to the original armament, this spacecraft was additionally equipped with some equipment by Qin Hao, but the The drone was thrown by him with a worm nest and an incubator in it.

After the fleet set sail from its home star, it made a mighty leap toward the star gate. Qin Hao's purpose was simple—hunting! And his prey is naturally those pirate regiments!

After discovering the magical use of carapace and parasites, Qin Hao had a thought in his mind: Is n’t the front of Qin Republic tight? Aren't they short of troops? Then Qin Hao went crazy in the Oris galaxy, captured the pirate spaceship madly, and when he hoarded to a certain extent, he took a huge fleet with the Roentgen Republic, both sides of the Earth Federation!

Although Qin Hao has the confidence to occupy the Kazakh galaxy with his current strength, he has not rushed to do so. The reason is simple. It is not difficult to defeat the Kazakh fleet and the Kazakh galaxy is simple. But the problem is to hold on. It's not easy. With the strength of Qin Hao's hand, once the federation's on-track fleet comes, he has to run away and have to withdraw from the Kazakh galaxy. In that case, isn't it a waste of effort?

After all, Qin Hao was not a true pirate, and his purpose was not to loot the Kazakh galaxy, so the short-term occupation did not make any sense to him.

Now for Qin Hao, the most important thing is to garrison soldiers, and his means of supplementing his strength is to **** others 'warships and **** others' soldiers!

This is very consistent with the Zerg habit-plunder!

The Swarm doesn't produce anything, so what it lacks is the same. At this time, Qin Hao also did the same. Although he built a base, he did not have any industrial foundation. It was impossible to build a warship. There was no immigration planet, and no conscription. Speaking, so if he wants to expand, he can only rely on grabbing!

"What's going on? Wandering for two days, why didn't a pirate fleet meet?" Qin Hao frowned. He had left his home star for two days, but had nothing to gain.

"Master, the size of our fleet is already very large. The ordinary pirate regiment sees us running early. Who dares to come over?" Formosa told Qin Hao.

"That's it ..." Qin Hao nodded, but in no time, he had an idea, and then he said to Formosa: "Do you have any news channels?"

"There are some," Formosa said.

"Put a wind out and say that you have found the trace of the Blood Eagle Pirates, and then we choose a place to continue ambush!" Qin Hao said.

"Master, where do we ambush?" Formosa asked.

"Of course I'm looking for a place to hide ..." Qin Hao said.

"I think the vicinity of the LZ7 star on the G107 channel is OK!" Formosa was very familiar with the G107 channel.

"Oh?" Qin Hao frowned, and Formosa immediately opened the map.

There is also an asteroid belt near the LZ7 star, but this asteroid belt is not very large, but it is enough for Qin Hao's fleet to hide.

"Okay! That's it!" Qin Hao nodded, the position here is very good, it can be called attack, retreat and defend. After the ambush battle is finished, Qin Hao can take the fleet to jump directly from here to the garden star.

Qin Hao is not worried about the exposure of the home star, because the home star is beyond the coverage of the interstellar network. After the pirates chase it, they cannot communicate with people in other places, but at the gravity well of the home star, They just don't want to run away.

Now Qin Hao is the second head of the home star zerg family, and the dormant is dormant. The home star star swarm is his master. As long as he orders, the endless skywalker will force the plan, and then burst out of the atmosphere to take those pirate ships. Shred to pieces!

You should know that even the fleet of Holy Admiral could not carry the endless army of flying insects. Eventually, they had to withdraw to the periphery of the gravity well and directly destroy the planet.

And the pirates' fleet cannot have the ability to destroy the planet, they dare to come to the home star, then don't expect to go back, and the network is broken here, they can't send the news back.

In this case, Qin Hao would naturally not worry about the pirates finding the coordinates of the home star ~ ~ so he dare to jump directly to his old nest no matter where he is from.

A few hours later, Qin Hao's fleet arrived at the asteroid belt near LZ7's gravity well.

"The Overlord, the Invincible, and the Falcon stayed outside as bait, and other spacecraft hid inside the asteroid!" Qin Hao ordered.

"Master, is it too dangerous for you to stay outside?" Formosa asked a little worriedly.

"It's okay, if I don't stay outside, why would that person be fooled?" Qin Hao said lightly. Now this machete-class medium destroyer is the real bait. It must stay outside, and Qin Hao is not willing to replace it. Ferry.

However, although it is a bait, in Qin Hao's plan, these three ships will not be too threatened. Once the enemy appears, they will enter the asteroid belt. After all, it is the main battlefield of the swarm.

The terrain in the asteroid belt is complicated, the battleships are inconvenient to move, and they cannot jump, but the small and very flexible Skywalker is not subject to this constraint, and the asteroid can provide cover for them. Here, Skywalkers can fully play Fighting power of 120 percent. To read this site, please use the latest domain name