Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 7: Monsters Strike

"Bombard! Conceal!" A veteran on the position screamed exhaustedly.

"唰!" Qin Hao almost rolled over subconsciously, and then rushed behind the bunker. The cooking soldiers behind him were unknown, but since the squadron rushed into the bunker, they followed up.

"Boom!" At this time, the plasma group arrived, and a high-concentration plasma instantly engulfed a Gaussian defense gun. The plasma that splashed after the explosion still had terrible lethality, and several mobile infantry soldiers did not hide in time. When he entered the bunker, he was hit by a splash of plasma, and he was burnt instantly.

Mobile infantry are the cheapest cannon fodder on the entire battlefield. They do not have any armor that can defend the enemy's attack. Although the power exoskeleton provides them with extra strength and agile support, it does not help at all in defense.

"Brother, it's too dangerous here, let's withdraw."

"Fart, where can you go? Where is the entire Isis Beach not dangerous?"

而且 "And even if you successfully withdraw from the battlefield? The battlefield recorder on your shoulder will mark you as a deserter. According to wartime military law, this is a death penalty!"

Uh ...

A few cooking soldiers who had never been on the battlefield were almost scared, and a few mobile infantry next to them were trembling, and at first glance they were recruits who had not been on the battlefield.

Qi Qinhao lay behind the bunker and carefully watched every move on the battlefield. As a cooking soldier, he was not without any advantage. At least the cooking soldiers would not receive combat tasks under normal circumstances.

Just like now, although facing the plasma bombardment, the mobile infantry responsible for the battle still has to rush out of the bunker, and then control the Gauss artillery to fight back, and even have to rush to the outer edge of the front to stop the giant beetle that rushed up .

"Squeak ..." With the sound of a worm, a large number of giant beetles began to charge towards Z3 Heights under the cover of Plasma.

"Brothers, give me a fight!" Ralph, a two-man commander like a bear, roared loudly. He was carrying a Kamensky single-armed combat gun in his hand, and was constantly firing at the giant beetle swarm ahead. An energy cannonball exploded in the middle of a giant beetle, blasting these disgusting bugs apart.

虽然 Although this combat gun is said to be a single soldier, it has a strong reaction force. Even if it is equipped with a powered exoskeleton, only the strongest soldiers can control it.

"DaDaDaDa ..." By the side of Ralph, the soldiers of the 2nd company were also full of firepower. Although these people had not been on the battlefield much, they could survive the recent landing battle and came to the assembly site. That means that their personal qualities are still good, so under the leadership of Ralph, it is not a problem for them to hide behind the bunker and fire a gun.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Plasma worms bombarded one after another, and the Gauss guns that had just been dropped were destroyed one after another, and the mobile infantry hiding behind their bunkers also suffered heavy losses.

"Why didn't the air support come? If you continue to do so, the Z3 Highlands will be lost!" Qin Hao kept observing the situation on the battlefield behind the bunker. As a veteran who had experienced a year of hard fighting, he analyzed at the strategic level. The ability may not be worth mentioning, but in the analysis of the situation in the local small battlefield, he is no worse than those combat staff in the battleship office, because his experience is all obtained through the battle of death.

"Woo ..." At this time, a federal fighter appeared in the sky. These ultra-low-altitude fighters swept across the battlefield with a whistling sound, followed by a series of violent explosions on the ground. Those Plasma worms that were just flaunting Wu Yangwei were instantly blown apart, and the high-voltage plasmons in their belly spattered out, turning all the giant beetles around them to ashes.

"Long live!"

"Blow up these bugs!"

Uh ...

There was a burst of cheers on the Z3 high ground. After the plasma plasma worms were killed, the giant beetle's charge was not afraid. These guys did not have any long-range capabilities. They only used sharp forefoot to attack behind them. However, under the powerful fire attack of the federal soldiers, these giant beetles had no chance to approach the federal fortifications.

"Engineers! Go and build a temporary landing site!" Colonel James, the commander of the 106th Motorized Infantry Division, saw the position stabilized, and immediately ordered the construction of a landing site in preparation for the landing of the next large landing ship.

The mission of the 106th Motorized Infantry Division was to grab three high ground, then stabilize the position to repel the enemy's offensive, and then build a temporary landing site for the landing ship to land. Only when the landing ship landed on the Alpha Star, large combat equipment could be transported to From the ground, small landing craft can only transport mobile infantry and some simple equipment, such as large equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles, which can only be transported by landing craft.

"Yes!" After the engineering battalion took command, UU read the book www. immediately piloted the SCV and began to install guidance beacons and shield force field nodes.

With today's technology, landing ships do not need a special airport. They can land anywhere, but because of their large size, they are very slow and fragile during landing. If there is no shield force field protection, Once attacked, it will be the end of the ship's destruction and a landing ship will be destroyed, and the cost will be too great.

"Hoo ... it seems that the federation really has a firm foothold in Alpha Star!" Qin Hao watched as the space engineering vehicles began to be busy, and the heart that had been hanging was relieved.

But as the crowds on the Z3 high ground cheered, the ground under their feet suddenly shuddered.

"What's the matter ?!" Qin Hao throbbed in his heart. Although he had experience in combat with Alpha Star, he had never encountered such a situation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The earth trembled very rhythmically. If it had to be described, this might be more like ... a heartbreaking footstep!

"Look over there!" A soldier shouted suddenly.

Everyone was looking in the direction of the soldier's fingers, and saw the towering giant trees in the distant dense forest falling down one by one, and on top of these tens of meters of crowns, there was a cricket beast head.

"That ... what is that ..." Almost everyone was stunned, and no one had seen a monster of this size!

Following the giant beast's footsteps, the towering trees were trampled down. From the course of the giant beast's journey, it was apparently coming towards the Z3 highland!

集中 "Concentrate all firepower! Aim at that monster! Fire!" Colonel James roared exhaustedly. If the monster was brought close to the high ground, it didn't even need to attack, as long as he walked from here, the Z3 high ground would be flattened!