Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 717

Regarding the suppression of the stasis stance, Gabri did not take it seriously, because from the beginning, he did not feel that the Bloodhawk Pirates would easily let them leave, so the opponent's stasis stance was already expected by him.

Regarding the stagnation stance, Gabriel did not pay much attention. First, he did not intend to use short-range jumps, because the short-range jumps had to close the three major systems of engine weapons and shields. In this way, his cold wind pirate The regiment had to stand still and be beaten again.

You must know that the Cold Wind Pirates at this time are no longer the new force when they first arrived. When they set fire to the two destroyers, they were also attacked by the blood hawk pirates behind them, so the status of each one was not very good. If at this time you stand still and be beaten by others, the consequences will be disastrous.

So when Gabriella started, he didn't plan to use the phase engine, so the maximum effect of the stasis stance would have little effect.

As for speed suppression, Gabrielle is also completely acceptable. They can completely retreat while fighting. At this moment, there are 27 warships in the Cold Wind Pirates. The scale is not inferior to that of the Bloodhawk Pirates.

In addition, Gabrie had two cruisers in his hands as the trump card. He did not want to fight the Bloodhawk Pirates near the low-earth orbit of the YZX3 star, mainly to avoid the high-voltage plasma shot from the YZX3 star.

Although this kind of thing flies relatively slowly, it is too powerful. In case of being pinched a little, that battleship will be finished. On the rapidly changing sky battlefield, how can the fleet of the Cold Wind Pirates concentrate on avoiding these What about high-voltage slurry?

So in order to avoid accidents, Gabri simply took the fleet to evacuate in the direction of YZ star, and lured the Bloodhawk Pirates to pursue.


"Baturu, how is our secret weapon hatching?" Qin Hao watched the Cold Wind Pirates burst out of the encirclement, but did not have any anxious look.

"Lord! Incubation is complete!" Batulu replied.

"Then let them air out." Qin Hao smiled slightly.

"As you wish! King!" Baturu took the lead immediately.

The doors of the invincible and overlord spaceships immediately behind the Bloodhawk Pirate Regiment opened. When this time returned to the home star supply, although Qin Hao did not add more secondary insect nests to his fleet, But he implanted a hatching cavity on both the Overlord and Invincible!

In this way, the invincible and overlord spacecraft can not only carry the swarm, they can supplement the swarm at any time.

This time, Qin Hao chose to hatch secret weapons on these two ships!



With the hatches of the two spacecrafts opened, two giant zergs floated out of the spacecraft. The two giant zergs are large and their bodies are about fifteen meters long. If you add a few tentacles, With the tail, the audience may exceed thirty meters!

These new bugs are called Corruptors in the swarm. They not only have a larger volume than Skywalker, but also have more powerful combat capabilities than Skywalker.

Of course, the ensuing is also the giant jaw resource that the Corrupter needs to incubate. Basically, the energy crystals consumed by the ten Corruptors can hatch a parasite!

At present, among the arms of Qin Hao, parasites need to consume the most resources. Although the incubation of this kind of small worms does not consume much organic matter matrix, its demand for energy crystal is amazing.

In fact, after Qin Hao had been in contact with the swarm for so long, he also found out a little way. When the swarm is hatching, the larger the volume, the more organic substrates are needed, and the higher the strength of wisdom and ability, the more its consumption The more energy crystals there are.

The large and powerful Zergs like Corrupters naturally consume more exaggerated resources.

When the two Corruptors floated out of the Invincible and Overlord, two more Corruptors appeared. This time Qin Hao hatched a total of four Corruptors, and they quickly moved away from the Invincible and Overlord. Adapt to the environment in the universe.

Unlike Skywalkers, these Corruptors are inherently capable of fighting in the universe. They do not need to sacrifice life for the ability to temporarily fight in space.

"King of King ... after listening to your orders!" The four Corruptors all possess extremely high intelligence. Although they are not as good as the Swarm Leaders or Parasites, they are far more intelligent than Warlord-level bugs.

"Come on! Let me see your abilities and help me keep those warships in front!" Qin Hao ordered.

"Observe! My king!" After taking command, the four Corruptors rushed to the cold wind pirate regiment.

Because the battleships of the Pirates of the Cold Wind have been suppressed by the stasis stance, the speed has been reduced a lot, and the biological form of the Corrupter is obviously not affected by any effects such as magnetic fields, so these guys After several accelerations, several battleships behind the Cold Wind Pirates have been included in their range.

"Uh ..." At a long distance, the Corruptors began to attack.

What these corruptors spray is not a high-intensity acid similar to Skywalker, but a kind of biological spore. The effect of this kind of thing is extremely horrible. They can quickly infect the living body, and then change the living body into Slave of the Corruptor!

"Well ..." These biological spores soon hit several battleships of the Cold Wind Pirates.

"Sir, we have been attacked!"

"Report loss ..."

"The ship did not detect any losses ..."

"It's weird ~ ~ leave it alone ..."


Because no damage was detected, the attacked ships were ignored.

However, they did not find that the attacked position of the battleship was soon covered by a green mucous membrane. These mucous membranes seemed to have life. They extended inwardly along the various gaps of the battleship, and soon invaded the battleship. internal.

Although the tightness of the human battleship is excellent, after all, it is not overall, and those small enough gaps to be ignored are now the channels for the invasion of biological spores.

After the green mucosa invaded the interior of the battleship, these mucous membranes began to ball. One green ball appeared in the interior of the spacecraft's cabin. I thought these small **** were small, including the green mucous membrane. If you do n’t pay attention to observation, If you do, you may not find it, and even if you find it, most people will only think that it is something like moss.

But it is these green **** that are constantly growing. When they are larger than 0.1 mm in diameter, these **** break away from the mucous membranes and then float in the air. To read this site, please use the latest domain name