Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 732: Tun Bing

"Surender? Are you kidding? You actually let our Childe family surrender ?!" Roth looked at Qin Hao like an idiot.

"Well, if you don't surrender, then I will destroy your fleet!" Qin Hao said solemnly.

"Get off! I advise you to get out of here quickly! Trouble our Childe family, you have no place to die!" Roth snarled, and when arrogance became a habit, IQ was a bit off-line.

At this moment, Roth had no idea that his fleet had been suppressed by others, and when he talked to Qin Hao, the others did not stop the offensive. Now his warships have lost contact more than usual. .

But even so, Roth was still obsessed with the invincible background of the Childe family, and he still naively thought that with the prestige of the Childe family, he would be enough to dispel these unknown soldiers in front of him.

"Baturu, how is the progress?" Qin Hao asked through psionic energy.

"It's almost over, and three more warships haven't been corroded!" Batulu replied.

Because the Childe **** fleet has a total of 22 ships, in front of the four Corruptors, these warships that can not fight back after being slowed down can not help but spray. Within ten minutes, these Childe family ’s The battleship was infected with the fungus of the Corrupter.

The spores spread wildly in the battleships, and they quickly infected the humans in the battleships, turning them all into the puppets of the Corruptors.

"Sir ... we lost contact with all the other warships!" The lieutenant pulled La Rothdad's sleeves tremblingly, while Rosd was still screaming at Qin Hao.

"What !? All of them are lost?" Roth was startled, and as he was about to get angry, he suddenly noticed that his lieutenant's expression became dull, and after Roth, he found that his body had begun. Out of control!

"This ... what the **** is going on?" Roth was frightened, but now he doesn't even have the ability to speak, and his body is completely controlled by mycelium.

"Hurry up, let's leave after spraying!" Qin Hao urged on his flagship. He never expected that this time the battle would be so easy. Even the forced evolutionary Skywalker had no time to participate in the battle, and the battle was over. .

"Ah! I knew this group of Skywalkers would not be wasted." Qin Hao sighed.

"King, you don't need to worry, as long as you return to your home star, these low-level skywalkers, we can hatch as much as you want!" Batulu said.

"Well! Go ahead, recycle these Skywalkers, and then we are ready to fight back to the house." Qin Hao nodded. Although these Skywalkers have been forced to evolve, they will not live long, but Qin Hao does not want to waste them In space.

Soon, these Skywalkers flew back to the Invincible and Overlord. Although they will soon die, but in the nest, their bodies can be sent back to the incubation chamber to decompose into organic substrates. Waste a little bit of resources.

After recovering these Skywalkers, the four Corruptors also basically completed their work, and all of the 66 Childe family warships were controlled, except for a few of the spacecraft that were initially damaged by the Qin Hao fleet. In addition, all other ships are intact. As long as the core code is recompiled, these ships can immediately participate in the battle!

"Let the corrupters come back, we should go home." Qin Hao ordered.

"Yes!" Baturu immediately recalled four Corruptors. After these Corruptors returned to the battleship's hangar, Qin Hao's fleet began to adjust its course and was preparing to make a leap to the home star.

As for the Childe family's fleet, the crew members had now become the puppets of the four Corruptors. Under the orders of the four Corruptors, although the crew members acted strangely and stiffly, they all completed the corresponding instructions.

Although these mycelium-infected humans are slow to move and the spacecraft they control cannot fight, returning home is not a problem.

After half an hour, Qin Hao's fleet began to jump into phase space, and after a few jumps, he returned to the home star.

Here, Qin Hao went home happily. Not only did he harvest a large number of transport ships this time, but he also took over twenty more active destroyers of the federal level, which can be said to be profitable.

But as the so-called families rejoiced and felt sad, the Childe family immediately became anxious after discovering that their fleet had lost contact. They immediately dispatched a fleet to the G107 waterway investigation, but the investigation continued In May, they did not find any clues. The transport fleet seemed to disappear out of thin air!

Originally, even if the fleet was attacked, the 22 **** warships could not be destroyed instantly. They would definitely be able to use the information for help. Even if they were too late, they would leave traces of battle. According to the Childe ’s investigation fleet, Traces, you can get a lot of clues.

But the problem now is that Roth was wrong from the beginning. He did not order the fleet to fight back at all, so the 22 destroyers under his command were captured without being fired.

Therefore, there is no trace of fierce fighting left on the entire 107-channel ~ ~, which makes the Child's investigation fleet unable to find any clues.

Now the Childe family can only judge from the clue that the fleet signal was last received. At most, they can infer the approximate location where the transport fleet is missing. To find more clues, it is tantamount to haystack needles. .

On the side of Qin Hao, after he brought the fleet home to the garden star, he began to take a big rest. In the next time, Qin Hao let Batulu hatch the Corruptors and Skywalkers, and then moved to several large transport ships. Several secondary worm nests and hatching chambers.

Then Qin Hao waited patiently for Lorenzo's work while he was in the army.

Now the focus of Lorenzo's work has been transferred from the warship to the transport ship. Because the core code of the transport ship is much simpler than that of the warship, the efficiency of Lorenzo and others has also been improved to a certain extent.

The most important thing is that transport ships do not need to participate directly in the battle, so they do not need a captain with a strong self-awareness. As long as they can fly the spacecraft and keep up with Qin Hao's fleet, such a captain is already qualified, so a back A can get it, there is no need for Qin Hao to spend a huge price to hatch the parasites. To read this site, please use the latest domain name