Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 738: Regret late

Carin watched all these guys around him panic and bewildered. He could not help but sigh. Now among these so-called high-level, he may be the only one who keeps reason.

But the problem is that rationality is useless. He is now at a loss, but anyway, the only thing he can do now is send a warning message to the Commonwealth, telling them that Qin Hao ’s true goal is actually the Blood Moon Night Mercenary Corps and The pirate fleet under those family control.

Although Carlin still does not know what Qin Hao is relying on so far, Carin believes that Qin Hao, a former federal hero, is definitely not a lunatic, and he will never seek the deadly provocation of Blood Moon without being sure. night!

Since Qin Hao dared to fight against Blood Moon Night on Kavia Star, and he dared to show Wu Yangwei the important information to Carin and others beforehand, this shows that Qin Hao has absolute confidence!

Suddenly, Carlin felt that he and everyone in the Federation might have underestimated Qin Hao. He might not be just a brave man. Maybe it was wrong for them to strike Qin Hao in order to fight against President Claude. Decide.

But now what Carin thinks is not important anymore. The conflict between the Confederation and Qin Hao is almost irreconcilable, because the person who led and framed Qin Hao was Speaker Barn, and the representatives of the major families almost all agreed or acquiesced. Qin Hao must hate these people. If he wants to reconcile this contradiction, the price paid by the major families is absolutely impossible for them to accept.

So after Carin sent the information, all he could do was pray.

While Carin was praying to the **** he believed in, Qin Hao also completed the third deployment of forces to Kavia Star, and a large amount of Plasma Worm was dropped on Kavia Star, Kavia Star Although it is a desert planet, the living environment is relatively harsh, but for the swarm, this environment is already within an acceptable range, so after being put into Kavia Star, the Plasma Worms quickly adapted to the environment there. Environment, and then ready to fight.

Time has passed, and the phase radar of the Falcon constantly updates the latest coordinates of Blood Moon Night, and the Blood Eagle Pirates under Qin Hao have also entered the attack position. Now as long as the blood moon night The fleet appeared, and then they would be greeted by the overwhelming artillery baptism.

"Mr. Carlin, are you still there?" Qin Hao once again communicated with Kavia Star!

"I'm ..." Carlin's spirit was gone now.

"According to my phase radar, two other Pirate Fleet fleets will arrive at Kavia Star Gravity Well in five minutes on Blood Moon Night, and several other Pirate Fleet fleets will arrive within a few hours. When Qin Hao said this, he was very calm and even had a look of joy, but Qin Hao's self-confidence made Carlin's heart darker.

"Do you want to say this when you contact me?" Carlin asked with a bitter smile. He had just made contact with his family. The people in the family told the Carlin Federation's decision that they had dispatched the Khalid fleet to support Now, this is a recent federal fleet, but its combat power cannot be compared with those of the pirate fleet, and its arrival will not solve any substantial problems.

At this moment, although the Federation attaches great importance to the intelligence sent back by Carlin, as Qin Hao said before, Blood Moon Night and those pirate fleets under the control of the family can no longer turn back. They have entered a state of transition. Even if you want to evacuate, you have to wait until Kavia Star speaks.

"Of course not. I want you to see what I rely on. After reading it, you better still have enough confidence in the Federation." Qin Hao waved his hand, and the picture cut to the Bloodhawk Pirate Fleet. Outside.

At this moment, the overwhelming skywalker army is being released from those transport ships. Carlin and others have been curious all the time why there are so many transport ships in Qin Hao's fleet, and now they finally understand that Where is the transport ship? This is the troop carrier!

Hundreds of thousands of skywalkers danced in the vast starry sky, and the army they formed was like a dark cloud ...

"This ..." Carin felt that his throat was blocked by something. He had seen videos of these bugs before. That was a video sent back by the Cold Wind Pirates. In the video, these bugs showed With an amazing fighting power, just a few thousand is enough to destroy a small fleet, and at this moment, there are more than tens of thousands of insect swarms around the Qin Hao fleet!

"You trusted the Swarm ?!" Carlin said very hard. Before they claimed that Qin Hao trusted the aliens, it was pure stigma, but he did not expect that the former federal combat hero did not trust the aliens. He trusted It's Zerg!

"You misunderstood a bit, I did not rely on the Zerg." Qin Hao said lightly.

"You don't have to quibble, is it possible that the bugs just happened to happen?" Carlin said in an angry voice, obviously, he was very disdainful to Qin Hao, a human traitor.

"I didn't say that they have nothing to do with me ..." Qin Hao smiled, and then continued to say, "But I didn't trust the Zerg, but I tame the Zerg!"

"What ?!" Qin Hao's answer is even more difficult for Carlin than betraying humans ~ ~

"It's impossible!" Carlin muttered to himself.

"Nothing is impossible. I have to run back to Alpha Star at the juncture of that crisis. Isn't the purpose just for them? But I didn't expect to return to the Federation after my death and wanted to report my gains to the Federation When using the power of the Swarm together to fight against aliens, you actually caught me and framed me! "Qin Hao's tone was very light, as if talking about other people's affairs.

"..." Carlin was a little speechless. Although Qin Hao's content could not be proved true or false, if what he said is true, then the decision of the federal parliament may really be a big problem. If they choose to win over Qin Hao, then the Federation may already have the ability to fight against aliens!

At this moment, human technology is highly developed. Almost all diseases have medicines that can be treated, but there is no such thing as regret medicine, so it is too late to say anything now!

Five minutes elapsed, and Kavita's gravity well began to experience severe spatial fluctuations. Following the opening of a large number of phase channels, a ship emerged from phase space! To read this site, please use the latest domain name