Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 747: meet

After the last pirate regiment had been harvested by the swarm, Qin Hao began to count his loot.

At this moment, in the entire Oris galaxy, most of the mainstream pirate forces have disappeared. In addition to the exhaustion of the main blood mercenary regiment, the pirate regiments under the control of the family have also been wiped out. Seven.

Because the remaining pirate groups were far enough away, they got the news before entering the last jump, so they escaped, but all these pirate groups were frightened, because Qin Hao's threat was too great, Blood Moon Night and so many large pirate regiments were annihilated by them, can the remaining pirate regiments persist?

So these pirate groups in the Ollis galaxy even began to figure out how to run. They have actively contacted their families. As pirates, they must not be able to return directly to the federal territory. The first thing they want to do is The thing is to wash the white, and the best way to wash the white is to accept the federal peace.

Before the details of Qin Hao had been found out, no one wanted to provoke him now, after all, the powerful nights like Blood Moon had been planted, and the other pirate groups didn't even want to find themselves boring.

"Master, this time the booty has been counted!" Formosa came to Qin Hao.

"What's our harvest?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"We have seized two battleships, twelve cruisers, fifty-five new destroyers, fifteen auxiliary ships of all types, and six new frigates, for a total of ninety!" Formosa Xiang Qinhao Meeting report.

"Ninety ships !?" Qin Hao was really taken aback!

"Yes!" Formosa confirmed with a little excitement, and he did not expect that this harvest would be so exaggerated!

"Ah! But this mission is not perfect ..." Qin Hao sighed while rejoicing, because Blood Moon Night finally completed their goals, destroyed Kavia City, and dealt with those dignitaries. The nobleman implemented the exit.

In this way, Qin Hao wanted to create public opinion through the bad behavior of these dignitaries, and the plan to crack down on the federal government was ruined, and he might even be bitten by the federal government in public opinion propaganda.

However, these are not important to Qin Hao. Now all he has to do is take a break and then attack the Keha galaxy.

After cleaning the battlefield, Qin Hao's fleet did not continue to stay with Kavia Star, but directly withdrew his home star. Although Kavia Star is a desert planet that can be colonized, but for Qin Hao, here is simply It has no value, because there are no civilians in his hands.

After returning to his home star, Qin Hao found Lorenzo as soon as possible.

"Brother, two battleships, how long will it take you to recompile?" Qin Hao asked openly.

"Sir, if we stop everything we have and concentrate on compiling the core code of these two battleships, then we need a week!" Lorenzo said, the time he gave was very short, and he wanted to The recompilation of the two battleships was completed in a short period of time, which would require inhumane overtime.

"As soon as possible!" Qin Hao nodded, and then asked Batulu and Formosa to bring the mycelium-controlled crew to the ground of the home star, and then concentrated them in the prisoner of war camp, waiting to install the armor. .

"Batulu, let the three frigates land and dock to the preparation zone. The crew inside stay in the prisoner of war to take care of the captives, and then the parasites inside the three captains leave the host." Qin Hao ordered to Batulu.

"Yes! King!" Baturu took the lead.

Soon, the three parasites flickered to Qin Hao's side with small wings, and they slowly landed on Qin Hao's palm. In the flying state, the three parasites seemed to be slightly larger. The mosquitoes disappeared when they fell into Qin Hao's hands, and the three parasites looked like small locusts.

"Arrange it, I see the commander of Blood Moon Night, and the captains of the two battleships!" Qin Hao said to Baturu.

"Observe! King!" Baturu quickly arranged everything, and Hu Ke and the captains of the two battleships came under the control of mycelium to a separate room in the prisoner of war camp.

At this time, Hu Ke and the captains of the two battleships knew the soberness and knew where they were, but they were unable to control their bodies and communicate with each other.

"Patter!" The door of the room opened, and Qin Hao came in with Formosa.

"Baturu, let the Corruptor release the mycelium control from the three of them." Qin Hao ordered through psionic energy.

"Yes! King!" After Baturu took command, the three Hu Ke quickly restored their freedom.

"Welcome everyone to the home star!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Oh, I didn't expect it ... I didn't expect it ..." Hu Ke shook his head with a smile. He really didn't expect that he would be captured one day. How incredible he was once, even Hu Ke thought that the whole Within the Federation, there was no stronger fleet commander than him.

But now, the proud Hu Ke has become a prisoner of others, but even so, Hu Ke is not convinced, because he was not captured because of inferior skills. In terms of fleet command, the Bloodhawk Pirate Regiment is just a piece of sand. Coordination is hardly even an amateur.

But the bugs are too powerful. Not only are they not afraid of death, they also have strange abilities. Most importantly, Hu Ke can see that these bugs have a command, and the commander of the other party can be called. Perfect, he never made a mistake from start to finish ~ ~ and these bugs were almost perfect when they were executed.

If Hu Ke had to say a word of "service", the only thing he admired was the commander who directed the swarm battle.

"Three people, my name is Qin Hao. I guess you all know me, and I have a lot of bounties right now." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"The former heroes of the federation, the number one wanted man today, the legendary guy who trusted in aliens, your name is indeed known in the federation." Hu Ke said with a smile, neither of the captains behind him Speaking, it is clear that they trust Hu Ke very much and feel that Hu Ke can represent them.

"Three people, don't you introduce yourself?" Qin Hao didn't care about Hu Ke's sarcasm. Generally, those who have the ability will have a little temper. Qin Hao is understandable.

"My name is Hu Ke, just a nameless junior." Hu Ke said lightly.

"How can the United Fleet who can command the Blood Moon Night be an unknown junior? Right, Brother Hu Ke?" Qin Hao said with a smile. He also did his homework before coming. Ke's story is not that difficult. To read this site, please use the latest domain name