Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 75: hunting

"Have these fruits been checked?" Qin Hao asked the two girls looking.

"It's all checked with a food tester and it's edible," Leslie replied.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, then looked at the mouse and asked: "Have you checked this rabbit?"

"After checking, the internal organs are slightly toxic, and the meat can be eaten!" Said Zi.

"Eh! Good!" Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction, then said to Auguste: "You handle the rabbit, and then bake it."

"Huh!" Auguste nodded. Although he couldn't see these people who lowered his status too much, he wouldn't shirk responsibility in group operations. He would do whatever he deserved to do. Very well, but he doesn't help out of the ordinary.

Now Qin Hao is in a normal division of labor, so Auguste, who was assigned to roast rabbit meat, has not refused. He pulled out his delicate dagger and began to skin the rabbit skillfully.

"These wild fruits are not enough, you two will bring other girls to pick some." Qin Hao thought for a while and said to Leslie.

"Good!" Leslie nodded, she didn't want to hit Qin Hao's overbearing captain at this time.

"Kyle, you go with Han Dong to help get things, and watch around by the way." Just letting a group of girls act alone, Qin Hao was a little uneasy, so he asked Kyle to go with Han Dong.

"Mice, you leave to check the traps around, I will look around!" Qin Hao said to Mice.

"Okay!" Mouse nodded.

The reason why Qin Hao had to look around was that he was not assured of the rat and the two girls, and he had to get something to eat. These wild fruits and rabbit meat may be enough for other team members to eat, but Qin Hao's meal, this thing is not enough to jam his teeth.

After leaving the temporary camp, Qin Hao only shook for a few moments and disappeared from the vision of the mouse. In the dense forest, Qin Hao wanted to hide his tracks, which was simply too simple.

"It's awesome, let's not say we haven't learned covert march yet. Forget it, few people can reach his level ..." Mouse was startled by Qin Hao's skill.

The mouse stayed here to check the traps that were set up before, and Qin Hao quickly traversed through the jungle. I do n’t know why. After entering the jungle, Qin Hao had a kindness to go home and a sense of indifference Allows him to clearly observe every move in the vicinity, without having to be limited to sight and hearing to judge the surrounding situation.

"Is this also the power from the Zerg?" Qin Hao secretly said, because he could not find any other reason than this.

"Oh!" Suddenly, Qin Hao's heart moved. Although he didn't feel the danger, he instinctively noticed that an animal was moving at a position tens of meters to the left!

This is the hunting instinct from the Zerg. As Qin Hao fuses Zerg genes longer and longer, more bug abilities are revealed in his body.

Qin Hao lowered his speed, and then sneaked past. When he was ten meters away from the target, Qin Hao finally saw the other side—the strange deer with a bird's head.

Although Qin Hao's vision is very good, but the jungle vision is limited, so it was not until the target was so close that Qin Hao could see the other side clearly.

"What the **** is this?" Qin Hao had never been to Klein Star, so he didn't recognize this new species.

Although he didn't know what this strange deer was, Qin Hao saw that it was a herbivorous beast, and his heart had some spectrum-this guy could eat it!

According to Qin Hao's experience, herbivorous mammals are almost non-toxic, and only a few are toxic, so the strange deer in front of it is obviously a good source of food.

This guy looks at least two hundred pounds in size, and even if Qin Hao had a large meal, it would be enough for him to have a full meal!

After determining the hunting target, Qin Hao began to plan his hunting action. He adjusted the explosive power of his power exoskeleton to the maximum. After all, deer animals were extremely good at running. If Qin Hao could not chase each other in a short time, If you want to run long distances with strange deer in the jungle, it is definitely a dream.

Qin Hao moved forward little by little in the jungle. His speed was very slow and his movements were very slight. The purpose was not to alarm the strange deer in front. Soon, the distance between Qin Hao and the strange deer was only five or six meters. After passing the big tree in front of him, there is no longer any obstruction between Qin Hao and the strange deer, and the strange deer will certainly find Qin Hao.

"Look at this one!" Qin Hao was ready to go.

"Oh!" At the moment when the strange deer bowed his head to graze, Qin Hao rushed out from behind the invisible tree like an off-string arrow!

"Yo!" The strange deer tweeted and then ran away, but it was too late, only five meters away, and Qin Hao's feet broke out in full force. He instantly came to the strange deer's body. The deer looked up.

Before the strange deer stepped forward, Qin Hao's short knife in his right hand had crossed his throat!

Qin Hao's worm arm bone blade has been tied to his calf. At this time, it has become a hunting weapon for Qin Hao!

"Hisse ..." The weird deer with a severed throat can no longer make a sound, it fell to the ground and slammed the ground ~ ~ but with the loss of blood, its vitality is constantly increasing. Weaken.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao plunged into the heart of the strange deer and completely relieved the pain. Although Qin Hao must hunt this strange deer in order to survive, a single hit can reduce its pain, and Qin Hao can do That's the only thing.

After killing the strange deer, Qin Hao took out the food detector and started to detect the body of the strange deer.

"No harmful substances! High-quality protein sources!"

Then Qin Hao cut open the blood vessels of the strange deer, emptied the blood as much as possible, and then cleaned off the internal organs. He didn't want to leave a path of blood when he returned to the camp with the strange deer, which would surely attract the beast. The camp.

After everything was ready, Qin Hao readjusted the power exoskeleton, then carried the strange deer's body and walked towards the camp.

Ten minutes later, Qin Hao returned to the camp. At this time, the girls who collected wild fruits had returned, and they were allocating fruits to the boys.

"Captain, sorry, we've all eaten the rabbit meat, and forgot to leave it for you!" Claudia said to Qin Hao without returning her head. She had always been resentful to Qin Hao's overbearing captain, but not Dare to hit him openly, so just after the rabbit meat was grilled, everyone originally planned to leave Qin Hao a little bit, but she was divided by her.

Several girls and Claudia are dead parties. They would have supported her in this small movement, let alone eating more meat. When living in the wild, being able to eat more meat meant more energy. So no one will refuse.

Although the boys did not participate, they would not intervene in such matters, and Kyle, Qin Hao's loyalty, was also arrested, so in the end, the roast rabbit had no Qin Hao's share.