Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 817: Vote

"Does Laxs go with her?" The ancestor asked with an eyebrow.

"Yes!" Azlan nodded.

"Hmm ..." The ancestor groaned for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "So, don't take the slightest move first, wait until Lax's girl comes back from Kerha."

"Yes! Old ancestors!" Azlan nodded.


After exchanging a few words with his old ancestors, Azlan retreated from the courtyard on the last floor, and then came to his residence.

"Father, what did the ancestors say?" Laks asked.

"The old ancestor's opinion is to stop at first, and wait until you come back from the Kazakh galaxy, but one thing, be careful when you go to Kazakhstan, try to have the same level of information as Wilson, do n’t be like now, the key information I don't know, "Azlan urged.

"Yes! Father!" Lax nodded.

"Besides that, if you can, you might as well contact Qin Hao alone. The relationship between us was OK before, at least we have dealt with it, and the cooperation has been more enjoyable. If Wilson planned to talk to Qin Hao, If we cooperate, we might as well get a piece of it! "Azlan said after thinking about it.

From Laxie's mouth, Azlan knew that Qin Hao came to the earth to seek cooperation, but his first priority was the top power, so the Klein family was excluded. For this, Azlan also had no choice. After all, the ancestor of their family was the 12th-level swordsman of the Masonry Society, and Wilson's grandfather was the 13th-level gangster.

But since Qin Hao's cooperation can move Wilson's family, it means that there are enough profits to be profitable, so Azlan is certainly not willing to let the Klein family miss this good opportunity!

Although Qin Hao is still the top federal wanted criminal, for these families, what laws, political stances, righteousness and evil are not important. The interests are the most important. As long as there are sufficient interests, these The family can definitely feel at ease with treason!

"Well, I get it!" Laks nodded, and the education she received from childhood made her take family interests seriously, so she didn't feel surprised or wrong about Azlan's orders. The place.


While Wilson and Laks discussed with their respective families, Qin Hao was hanging out on the streets of the earth, but at this time his identity was changed back to the navy academy freshman named Lin Hao.

At this time, Qin Hao had completed a pre-mission, and he took away the family of General Ji Mofu. Since these people were only brought to live on the earth, they were not closely guarded, relying on the ability of amoeba and parasites Qin Hao will take them away, just like searching for sacs.

So after finding these people's residences from Wilson's memory, Qin Hao basically took no effort and took them away.

After this task was completed, Qin Hao's shopping purpose was purely personal. He wanted to bring Nicole a gift to go back. After all, many things on the earth are not sold on other planets. The earth era passed down years ago. So far, there has been no change. People in power always like to enjoy things that others cannot enjoy, which gives them a superior sense of superiority.

What's more, these special offerings are not purely luxury goods, and they really have a lot more quality and quality than similar products.

Qin Hao is obviously not bad at this time, plus the storage of Lingjing space is also convenient, so naturally opened the buy and buy mode. In addition to gifts to Nicole, Qin Hao also gave General Cohen and even Hu Ke and others bought gifts.

Although Qin Hao hasn't been in the ranks for a long time, when he had dealt with Gangmen Pianzuo before, he also learned a lot of ways of encouraging him. Now he buys a few luxury goods and rewards those captains under his hands, giving some small favors Is also very skilled.

Qin Hao's buying and buying lasted for a day, and the next day, he received the news that the parasite came back.

"Master, Wilson is ready."

"Okay! Let them wait at Klein's house after meeting, I will pass." Qin Hao answered.

"Yes! King!" The parasite conveyed Qin Hao's meaning to Wilson.

After receiving a reply, Wilson took a private jet to the area where the Klein family was located.

In the mansion of the Klein family, Wilson met Lax.

"How's it? You didn't say anything?" Wilson asked.

"Just rest assured, I won't spoil your affairs. After all, we will be family soon." Laks said very smoothly. She did not lie to deny that she had told Qin Hao's affairs to her father. No direct acknowledgement.

"Huh!" Wilson nodded. He actually expected that Leaks had leaked things out. After all, they were all members of the family. Everyone must give priority to the interests of their families. This is normal. As long as it does not interfere with his affairs, he will not tangle.

"Are we leaving?" Laks asked.

"Yes, he said he would come to us." Wilson said.

"When?" Laks asked.

"I don't know ... wait and see." Wilson shrugged.

In the afternoon of that day, the parasite in Wilson's mind came the message: "Please go to the Luofa Cafe in the city, and my host is waiting for you there!"

"Go! He's here!" Wilson immediately greeted Lax, and the two men drove straight to the coordinates provided by Qin Hao.

In the cafe, Wilson and Lax met Qin Hao, who was incarcerated as Sherman.

"The speed of the two is quite fast!" Qin Hao laughed.

"Can we go now?" Wilson asked straightforwardly.

"Of course!" Qin Hao nodded, then continued: "But before that, I need you to provide a vote!"

"What fame?" Wilson frowned.

"I want to take some people off the earth ~ ~ Qin Hao laughed.

"Bring someone? Who?" Wilson's face looked a little unsightly.

"Just a few friends, you just need to provide us with a convenience." Qin Hao said with a smile, because at this time to leave Hong Kong from the earth to be inspected, but if Wilson opened the road, it will be much simpler.

"I need to know who you are taking away!" Wilson said solemnly.

"Some of my classmates at the Federal Naval Academy are civilians you won't know." Qin Hao lied, and he disguised General Ji Mo'lov's family through a parasite.

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