Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 833: tough

"Uh ..." Azlan was stunned by Qin Hao, but he soon recovered his mind and no longer entangled in his old feelings.

Just now Qin Hao has made it clear that his relationship with the Qian family has to be re-established. What does a Klein family count about? Therefore, after confirming Qin Hao's attitude, Azlan was very interested and did not continue to entangle.

"Mr. Azlan, if you want to see what my purpose is, please speak up." Qin Hao said lightly.

"Okay!" Azlan took a deep breath, and then said to Qin Hao, "You said before that the purpose of coming to Earth is to find our families for cooperation. I want to ask, how do you cooperate? . "

"The so-called cooperation is just a nice statement. If it is unpleasant, I am here to ask you to surrender." Qin Hao said unhurriedly.

"Presumptuous! Qin Hao, do you know what you're talking about? Surrender? It's up to you? It's up to you to break the worm?" Azlan didn't say anything, and Lax took the initiative to come out and scold, although she saw the worm swarm, However, Laks did not receive the information transmitted by the parasite at that time, so there was no substantial concept of the combat effectiveness of the swarm.

In Laxie's view, those insects with wingspans of less than ten meters are at best similar to land-based fighters, and it is even very likely that they are not as effective as land-based fighters. After all, these worms are all tires. How can they be compared to high-tech fighters with steel wings and the same wingspan?

As for the larger, more powerful air-based fighters, let alone!

However, Laks clearly didn't know much about the Swarm and Skywalker. This flying zerg family had absolute advantages in terms of speed except that they were inferior to human fighters.

In terms of flexibility, the fighter is completely incomparable to the Skywalker. For the Skywalker, hovering in the air, abruptly stopping for a short distance, and turning at 180 degrees are not a problem, but for human fighters that are extremely fast. This is difficult to accomplish.

In terms of attack power, although human fighter missiles and machine guns have a good lethality to ground forces, for a warship with very thick armor and a strong shield, this weapon on the fighter plane is simply not enough. Already.

The biological structure and low-speed flight of skywalkers can make them largely ignore the defense of the shield. After all, the main defense targets of energy shields are energy weapons and high-speed metal structures. This low-speed organism itself It is no longer within the main defense of the shield.

Therefore, Skywalker can easily break through the shield of the warship and directly attack the armor of the spacecraft. The high-strength biological acid used by them is also a super strong metal corrosive agent that cannot be mastered by humans. Its destructive power to metal structures , Even stronger than the strongest armor-piercing projectile of human beings.

As for the fatal weakness of Skywalker, it is of course the inevitable weakness brought about by the biological structure-fragile. The face of the near-defense gun must be a deadly ending, but the human fighter is not much better, even if it is air-based. The heavy bomber has a huge wingspan of more than 50 meters, but the damage rate is also very high when faced by the anti-aircraft artillery. Although it will not run to death, once it is shot, it will definitely be near-defense. With the gun stuck, the chance of being able to escape is not more than 10%.

Therefore, compared with Skywalker, human fighter planes are not very surviving when faced with near-aircraft guns.

But in terms of quantity, the human fighter can't be compared with the number of Skywalker, let alone some fighter, even the drone also needs the production and manufacturing process, and the swarm? As long as the organic materials are abundant, they can hatch millions of bugs in a day!

Lacking awareness of the swarm, Laks, though seeing the horror scale of the swarm, did not realize their true combat effectiveness.

"I'm just saying my purpose. If you can't accept it, then I can cooperate with other families, but I have to say in the front, after the results of the Third Fleet come back, then my price will be It ’s not the same now. ”Qin Hao was still the same salty tone. Although Laks was not good in tone, he was not affected at all.

"You ..." Laks wanted to say something more, but was stopped by her father.

"Xiao Qin, what price do you give now?" Azlan asked with a smile.

"Ensure the safety of the personal life and property of all members of the Klein family, and the family industry and its status will not be shaken. If the family members have committed illegal acts before then, as long as they do not commit again, they will never be blamed." Qin Hao said slowly.

"What about the report of the third fleet?" Azlan continued to ask.

"Guarantee the personal life and property safety of all members of the Klein family, and the family industry will not be confiscated." Qin Hao is still the same tone.

"It sounds a lot worse!" Azlan's expression didn't change at all. He came here to test this time. No matter what price Qin Hao offered, he had no right to promise, everything had to wait for his own. The old ancestors had to decide.

"Of course, the risks are different, and the benefits are naturally different. If you wait for our soldiers to come down, there is nothing to say." Qin Hao took the wine glass on the table and took a sip.

"Okay, I'll think about it," Azlan said with a smile.

"Slowly think about it. Don't worry, there should be a period of time before the Third Fleet's departure. It is estimated that it will take at least a week to return the battle report."

"Xiao Qin, it seems you are so confident!" Azlan laughed.

"Lakes went to see my swarm. If she and you still don't have a reasonable understanding, then there will be nothing to talk about between us." Qin Hao said with a glass of wine.

"Oh, we still know your swarm, but this decision is too big, I really think about it carefully ~ ~ Azran said with a smile.

"It's okay, you think about it slowly, and I won't give it away!" Qin Hao didn't give Azlan any other chance.

"This ..." Azlan didn't expect that Qin Hao would become so tough. This is just two people like Qin Hao he knew before.

"You ..." Laks glared at Qin Hao and wanted to say something for her father, but Qin Hao interrupted her at this time.

"If you talk to me again with this tone, then there is no need for me to cooperate with the Klein family!" Qin Hao's originally lowered head suddenly lifted up, and two cold lights stabbed in his eyes, scaring Drax stepped back involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)


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