Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 874: Spike

"Yes! Great priest!" Bedville nodded at Hailey, then turned to look at the guest table aside.

"All the guests are top masters. I am ugly and ugly!" Bedville bowed to the guest and then said to the young knights: "Since it is to let you know that there is sky outside, you must convince you Oral only, if I try to find a master-level master like Lord Gamemonnon, even if Master Gamemonnon shows amazing skills, you will think that it is the power accumulated over time, so I pick one that is similar to your age Master, he is Mr. Qin Hao from the Tianshan School, let you see the gap between you and the top genius! "

Although Bedville's words are all compliments to Qin Hao, it is actually equivalent to sending a war book to Qin Hao.

"It was waiting for me!" Qin Hao smiled slightly.

"Don't end easily. This Bedville is not an ordinary person. He is one of the thirteen Paladins of the Saint Malo Knights!" Gamenon said in Qin Hao's ear.

"Paladin?" Qin Hao froze for a moment.

"Yes, there are thirteen Paladins in total. They are the top first-class knights. Their members change slightly every year, but this Bedville has been re-elected as a Paladin seat for almost ten years. He is black. Li's confidant, "Gamnonon said.

"That's it!" Qin Hao nodded, he could feel the power of the powerful light from Bedwell's body, but this was not enough to make Qin Hao afraid.

"Mr. Qin, how about it, would you give me a face or two?" Bedville shouted to Qin Hao in the venue below.

"I think it's all right, after all, the sword and gun have no eyes, in case of injury, it is not good." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Mr. Qin, please rest assured. I will pay attention to our values. We are discussing. Until the point is reached, in case I am not good at studying and I am hurt by you, that is also my deserve." Bedville said half of the words, implicitly The other half of the writing is: if you are injured or what happened, it is also not good at learning, it should be the same!

"That's good! Let's stop till then!" Qin Hao smiled slightly, then jumped into the venue.

"Huh ..." The young knights flashed to the side, giving up the battlefield to Qin Hao and Bedville.

"Great priest, aren't you right?" Grimnon frowned as he watched Haley come to her side.

"It's just a performance study. What's inappropriate?" Heli laughed.

"Hmm!" Gmenon snorted coldly. He knew Heli so well. The woman still had no worries. She talked so hard. However, because of the wickedness of Heili's heart, Gamenon did not dare to point it out. After all, today the Knights of Saint-Malo are powerful, and the Wizarding Association has indeed gone downhill.


At the same time, Qin Hao and Bedville stood opposite each other in the venue. Both men smiled and nodded to each other.

"Mr. Qin Hao, please!" Bedville said with a smile on his face, as if the two were really talking.

"Please!" Qin Hao nodded, he stood casually, as if his whole body was flawed, but if a master in martial arts stood opposite Qin Hao, he would find that the boy's position was too delicate It may seem all flaws, but it is all traps.

"Then I'm welcome!" Bedville nodded, and then pulled out the sword behind him.

"Use weapons?" The guests in the distance and other people who watched the ceremony were dumbfounded. Didn't they just say that they should learn from each other? Why did you come up with a weapon?

"Show your weapon!" Bedwell urged Qin Hao to show his weapon slowly.

"My fist is my weapon." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"That being the case, then I'm welcome!" Bedville saw Qin Hao not using weapons, but he didn't put away his two-handed sword, instead he put the sword in front of his chest!

"Boom!" A holy light fell, and Bedville and the sword in his hands were all bathed in the light. Following him, Bedville seemed to be wearing a golden battle armor, and the sword in his hands was wrapped. In the light.

"Look at the sword!" With the roar of Bedville, he slashed with a sword, and a sword made of holy light stabbed Qin Hao's face!

"This is too much!" Gmenonnon watching from a distance couldn't help saying.

"Hey! Master, how can this be overkill? Although it is a matter of discussion, you have to be a little more capable, or else you should not fool those young people?" Heli said indifferently.

"Aren't you afraid of the revenge of the Tianshan School?" Gamenon said with a frown.

"Tianshan faction, I'm afraid they're all too busy taking care of themselves now." Heili sneered.

"Huh ?!" Gamnonong froze for a while, and it seemed that Haili had some information about the martial arts inside, otherwise she would not dare to be so presumptuous.


In the face of Jian Guang coming straight to the face of the door, Qin Hao was also somewhat enraged, because from the energy intensity of Jian Guang, this is definitely beyond the scope of consultation. Although this sword is not a killing move, it is also Go in the hurt.

"Boy, if you're not kind, don't blame me for being unjust!" Qin Hao sneered, and then he evaded the sword of Bedwell slightly on one side of his body, followed Qin Hao's step forward, his body He came to Bedville.

"Well!" When Bedwell saw Qin Hao trying to get close, he swept across the sword and tried to push Qin Hao back, but when it comes to martial arts and footwork, no one in the Storm Team can follow Wu Lin. Chinese people are on a par!

"Hey!" Qin Hao's work on a King Kong Iron Plate Bridge, leaning backwards, dodging the Bedville sword, followed him up, and then stood up again. Will didn't have time to accept the move, he could only retreat, but Qin Hao could let him run away?

Immediately after, I saw Qin Hao's body like a gyro ~ ~ After a slight rotation, he came to Bedville, and then Qin Hao explored his right palm, his palm was slightly sunken, with Tianshan sent the dragon palm to pour the psionic energy, and then directly patted on Bedville's right shoulder!

"Pop!" With a crisp sound, Bedville was rushed forward five or six steps by the palm of Qin Hao, then planted two plants, shook two more, followed by a blood spurt !!

"Hmm ..." After a bite of blood, Bedville felt dark before his eyes and couldn't stand anymore.

"Stop!" Bedville, who fell forward, hurried to the ground with his long sword, but still couldn't stand, and finally fell to the ground on one knee.

"This ..." The nine young knights who had just been promoted were stupid. They did not expect that the Grand Knight of Bedville, one of the 13 most powerful paladins in their knights, was defeated by just one face-to-face, and Defeated so badly.

"Hmm!" Heli's face also stunned, on the one hand because Bedville's defeat embarrassed her, on the other hand, she was also worried about Bedville's injury. To know that Bedville is her core confidant, if He was seriously injured and had a huge impact on Hailey.
