Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 877: Assault

Therefore, unlike other families and forces on Earth, the Brian family, who has a stronghold in the remote Keha system, knows more about Qin Hao, so they know more about Qin Hao's power, and they also understand the ultimate unification of the human world. It must be Qin Hao.

So the Brian family actually had the idea of ​​relying on Qin Hao in advance, but they had no way. They had originally planned to send a core person to the Kazakh galaxy to go to Qin Hao. However, because the situation on the earth side is complicated and high-level The werewolf's departure will certainly attract the attention of other forces, so he has not been able to make a trip.

This time I met Gamenon and learned that Qin Hao was also here, so Hector immediately ran after him with his own men.

"Trust me?" Qin Hao laughed. Although he had been drawn to the Mark Twain family and the family of Gmenon, these people generally used the word cooperation to be straightforward to Hector, and he was still First encounter.

"Yes, Mr. Qin Hao, if you can agree, we can sit down and talk," Hector said.

"Okay! Then let's talk about it!" Qin Hao smiled slightly. Of course, he was not willing to miss such a good thing.

"Mr. Qin Hao, the wilderness here is not suitable. Let's change places." Hector said.

"Where?" Qin Hao asked.

"Wait a minute!" Hector pressed a few times on the watch, and a small airship flew into the distance soon.

"Mr. Qin Hao, our family is in zone o2. Would it be convenient for you to move around?" Hector asked when the airship landed.

"Of course!" Qin Hao smiled slightly. He got a hint from Qin Xue, knowing that Hector was not cheating, so he agreed happily.

Qin Xue has a very strong mental power, so she can easily monitor the mental power fluctuations of others. If it is an ordinary person, Qin Xue can even read the other party ’s thoughts in a face-to-face, hands-free situation. For practitioners, Although Qin Xue can't do this, at least she can monitor the other party ’s mental strength for abnormal fluctuations. You must know that when a person is lying, even if he is professionally trained, there are no abnormalities on the surface, but he There will definitely be flaws in the mental power fluctuations.

Therefore, after Qin Xue's monitoring, Hector's mental strength did not fluctuate abnormally when he spoke. This shows that what he said is true. He truly represents that the Brian family wants to rely on Qin Hao instead of using fraud. Deceive Qin Hao on board.

Then Qin Hao and Qin Xue boarded the small airship. Hector and most werewolves also boarded the airship, leaving only two second-level werewolves. They should be handling some follow-up things.

Then the airship took off and went straight to area o2. It needed to cross the entire Atlantic Ocean from area m to area o, but it could n’t jump in space or fly at sub-light speed in the atmosphere, so it took a long time.

"Mr. Qin Hao, and this lady, do you two want something to drink? Our flight time is a bit long, maybe about five hours." Hector asked with a smile.

"No need." Qin Hao waved.

"Give me a glass of juice." Qin Xue said.

"Okay!" Hector waved a hand and a flight attendant brought a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

"Two people, you can take a break first. After we arrive, the chief of our Brian family will discuss the relevant matters with you personally." Hector said to Qin Hao.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded. He knew from the beginning that Hector had no right to negotiate, so he didn't rush to speak.

Then Qin Hao leaned on the seat and began to close his eyes, the airship was flying very smoothly. If you don't realize it carefully, you won't even feel it moving.

The minute passed by, the airship arrived at the center of the Atlantic Ocean, and in more than two hours, it could reach Zone O.

But at this moment, Qin Hao opened his eyes suddenly because he felt a palpitation.

"What's the matter?" Qin Hao's brows frowned, and he began to get restless in his heart, a feeling of extreme anxiety covering him.

"Brother! What's wrong with you?" Qin Xue discovered Qin Hao's anomaly.

"Not right!" Qin Hao frowned.

"Are they hurting us?" Qin Xue glanced at the others in the cabin, and everyone, including Hector, was closing his eyes.

"It's not them ... the crisis is coming from ..." Before Qin Hao's words were finished, he felt that the hairs on his back had exploded, and an extreme sense of fear came to his heart.

"Boom!" Qin Hao didn't even have time to think about it. He punched hard and smashed the reinforced glass of the porthole around him. Then he took Qin Xue's arm and jumped out of the porthole.

Jump out of the porthole of the airship without a parachute. This is suicide, even for practitioners. Unless a few races like the blood race can fly, even if they are masters, they fall from a few kilometers. , Will inevitably fall into the mud.

But at this time, Qin Hao couldn't care so much at all. He had an intuition that if he continued to stay in the cabin, it would be very dangerous!

Qin Hao broke the cabin and jumped out, immediately awakening Hector and others.

"What's going on?" Hector and others were bewildered, at this moment the cabin was damaged, the cabin pressure dropped sharply, and everyone was a little uncomfortable, and at this time, the alarm in the spacecraft was loud!

"Alarm! Alert! This ship is locked by a missile! Please parachute immediately!"

Skydiving is obviously too late. Before Hector and others have had time to carry a parachute, the airship has been hit by a hypersonic missile!


"Boom! Boom!"

A series of three missiles hit the airship ~ ~ Let it instantly turn into a big fireball!

At this moment, Qin Hao dragged Qin Xue down a few kilometers away, because the airship was flying fast, and at this time it was far away from Qin Hao several kilometers away, which is exactly this distance. To protect Qin Hao and Qin Xue from the explosion.

"What's the situation? It's certainly not an accident that three missiles hit the airship in succession. Is it the enemies of the Brian family, or came to me?" Qin Ha frowned.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Qin Xue shouted in Qin Hao's ears.

At this time, Qin Hao and Qin Xue were falling freely. Although they were under the water of the Atlantic Ocean, they fell from a height of a few kilometers, and it was no different from hitting the water and hitting the concrete floor.

"Don't panic!" Qin Hao closed his eyes slightly, and the blood gene in his body was activated!

"Oh!" A pair of bat wings opened behind Qin Hao, his eyes also turned blood red!
