Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 881: Fishing boat

After killing the killer whales for more than a day, they swam towards the o2 area, and Qin Hao finally saw a big ship in their vision.

"Finally saw the boat!" Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Although the killer whales swim very fast, after all, the whale's back is so big and small, it really ca n’t eat and sleep, although you do n’t have to rely on yourself for swimming But it's also tiring after a long time.

Looking from a distance, this boat is a large trawler with a displacement of several hundred tons.

"Brother, shall we take that ship?" Qin Xue asked.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, and then Qin Xue told the killer whales to move closer.

"Brother, they dare not go, these killer whale babies said that the fishing boats would attack them!" Qin Xue frowned.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed. Although whale hunting has been banned on the planet for a long time, there are always some people who secretly carry out whale hunting for the benefit. Once caught, they will say that they are whaling for scientific research. In the end, no one knows whether the poor whales were sent to the institute after they were killed, but stalls selling whale meat are often seen in the scum gathering areas.

"Okay, then you can make them lean towards the fishing boat slightly, without entering the other party's range." Qin Hao nodded, and he did not want to kill these killer whales who helped him along the way.

After Qin Xue's communication, these killer whales carried Qin Hao and Qin Xue in the direction of the fishing boat. When there were still more than ten kilometers, the killer whales would no longer approach.

"Well, let's swim over by ourselves!" Qin Hao jumped like water, and then Qin Xue also jumped down.

"Goodbye, baby killer whales!" Qin Xue shook his hands at the killer whales, and these killer whales nodded in a very humane way, and then swam away from the fishing boat.

Among those smaller killer whales, while they were swimming, they turned back to greet Qin Xue with some reluctance.

"I don't know if I have the chance to see them again ..." Qin Xue was also a little lost.

"Maybe ..." Qin Hao couldn't bear to hit the girls, although the chance of encountering them again in the vast sea was actually negligible.

"Huh!" Qin Xue nodded.

"Let's go, we have to hurry up. If the fishing boat turns, we can't catch up!" Qin Hao said to Qin Xue.

"Okay!" Qin Xue agreed, and then the two swam in the direction of the fishing boat.

For a killer whale, a distance of more than ten kilometers may be achieved in ten minutes, but for Qin Hao and Qin Xue, they only swim one-fifth after half an hour, which is still different from Qin Hao and Qin Xue. Results for ordinary people.

Because the fishing boats are basically ordinary people, Qin Hao did not dare to transform into a vampire prince, otherwise the sailors would have to jump off the boat to escape as soon as he got on the boat. In that case, he would not be able to open the boat alone!

After choosing swimming, Qin Hao found that people are really incomparable with killer whales. Without professional equipment, swimming by hands and feet is slow. If you are an ordinary person, it ’s just These dozens of kilometers can exhaust people.

"Xiaoxue, pull me!" Seeing that if he was exhausted from swimming, Qin Hao could only cheat quietly.

"Good!" Qin Xue's trust in Qin Hao was unconditional. She took Qin Hao's arm, and then Qin Hao delivered psionic energy to her feet, and then sprayed from the soles of her feet.

"Well!" Driven by psionic energy, Qin Hao and Qin Xue flew out of the sea like motorboats, let alone the fast ones, and two people are like two flying fishes.

After just ten minutes, Qin Hao and Qin Xue approached the fishing trawler, and then Qin Hao quietly withdrew the psionic energy. Two people approached the fishing boat and called out for help.

Soon, the sailors on the fishing boat found Qin Hao and Qin Xue. They dropped the rope and dragged Qin Hao to the boat.

"Huh ... huh ..." Qin Hao was breathing heavily on the deck. He didn't pretend. He had just swam for an hour, but was tired of him.

Qin Xue, on the other hand, is also about the same. Her physique is not as good as Qin Hao. If she was not dragged by Qin Hao later, she would hardly have any effort, and she would have been unable to hold on.

"Who are the two of you, why are you here?" A middle-aged man who seemed to be the boss of the ship came over. This guy was white, with a strong body like a bear, a beard on his face, and looked a bit vicious.

"Our plane crashed and landed on a nearby desert island. After waiting for a few days without encountering passing ships, we decided to make a raft to escape, but we did not expect the raft to sink nearby. Thanks to meeting you ... "Qin Hao said the reason already compiled.

"This way, then you are really lucky. This is not a busy route. If you haven't met us, you will be suffocated," said the boss.

"Yeah! Yeah! Thank you very much!" Qin Hao stood up for a while, then stood up, and at the same time he also took Qin Xue up.

"Although in accordance with the usual practice, we have an obligation to rescue those of you who are in trouble, but ..." The boss of the ship looked up and down Qin Hao and Qin Xue. Although the words were not explained, the meaning of extortion was already very obvious.

"We won't let you help in vain. After we arrive, we will pay you a sum of money, which is our shipping and food expenses." Qin Hao said voluntarily.

"Oh? How much would you be willing to pay?" The boss asked with interest.

"Both of us are just ordinary employees ~ ~ The savings are not many. In order to show our sincerity, we are willing to take out all the savings, a total of 100,000 federal currency!" The price code given by Qin Hao is absolutely not Low, because under normal circumstances, this kind of assistance is voluntary help. Even if you give a thank you, it means that 100,000 is not a small number.

"It's a lot of 100,000, but don't forget, there is a woman around you. We are people who make a living out of the sea. It is very unlucky to bring a woman on the boat ..." The boss of the boat said greedily, since these two people can speak Just pay 100,000 federal currency, then continue extortion, maybe you can get more!

Fishing boats ca n’t bring women to the sea, and women going on the boat can cause bad things. This is indeed a tradition in many coastal places, but when talking about the sea, it does not include helping the victims at sea, so the boss of the boat used this as an excuse. , That is to make it clear that you want to continue extortion!

"We really don't have any more money. When I get to the shore, I'll contact a friend and see if I can make some more?" Qin Hao conceded again.

"No money?" The boss of the ship frowned, and then he suddenly glanced at Qin Xue next to him. The girl was originally white and beautiful, but now she just came out of the sea and was wet with an indescribable expression. within Temptation.
