Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 902: Torn face

"No! Here!" Qin Hao suddenly felt the scalp exploding while talking to Qian Feng. He instinctively rushed out of the window, but this time Qin Hao bit his teeth and resisted, he asked Qian Feng asked, "Are you sure your defense is effective?"

"Well then, sit over a bit!" Qin Hao took a deep breath, and then said to Ye Liyong, "Two brothers, you are also ready, the plane may be attacked!"

"Yeah!" Ye Liyong and Lu Haokun nodded. As warriors, they also felt a dangerous atmosphere, but it was not as obvious as Qin Hao.

When Qin Hao bit his teeth and endured the torture of danger, Qian Feng's plane left two light spots. These two spots were very fast. They locked Qian Feng's plane. Come straight at five times the speed of sound.

"Alert! Alert! Missile is coming!"

At this time, the red warning lights in the cockpit of the aircraft continued to flash, and the siren was flooded in the cockpit.

Although Qin Hao's special aircraft is modified by a passenger aircraft, does not have the fighter's maneuverability, and is not equipped with weapons, its airborne defense radar is on the same level as the fighter, and the aircraft is also equipped with various jamming bombs, which is sufficient to deal with thermal energy Tracking, radar guidance, video guidance and other guided missiles are coming.

"Release the jamming bomb!" The captain and co-pilot of this aircraft are also battle-fighter pilots. When faced with incoming missiles, they are also not afraid of danger and are skilled in operating the aircraft to deal with it.

"Hmm ..." The tail of the aircraft began to release a set of jamming bombs. When the third group of jamming bombs was released, a missile was attracted to it, and then it exploded away from the plane.

The strong airflow caused by the explosion caused the plane to jolt a few times, and the tension in Qin Hao and others was more intense.

"One more!" The co-pilot said loudly.

"No! This missile is the latest version, our jamming bomb is useless ..." The captain was sweating his forehead at this time too. If he is now driving a fighter, then he can also take some maneuvering measures to avoid it. But the problem is that he is now driving a passenger aircraft. Although the aircraft has a higher-efficiency radar, this thing can't resist missiles, and the passenger aircraft can't move as flexibly as a fighter ...

Seeing that the missile was getting closer and closer to Qian Feng's special plane, and when it was less than two kilometers away to hit the aircraft, a light spot appeared from the left front of the missile, and the speed of this light spot was even more Fast, it even reached a rapid speed of ten times the speed of sound, which is already very difficult in the atmosphere.

"Boom!" After that moment, the incoming missile was hit by this interceptor. The missile exploded violently, and the airflow once again caused Qian Feng's special plane to shake violently.

"Hoo ..." Although the plane was shaking rapidly, everyone in the plane was relieved. It seemed that Qian's directional air defense system had begun.

"Ah? Brother Hao, why are you still so ugly?" Qian Feng, who was relieved, suddenly found that Qin Hao was still somber.

"Also!" Qin Hao squeezed two words out of his teeth.

At this time, the faces of the two pilots in the cockpit were also very ugly.

"Captain, four fighters appeared in the rear right of us. According to the radar signal, it was Thunderbolt 4!" The co-pilot said heavily.

Thunderbolt 4 is the latest type of roadbed fighter developed by the Commonwealth. They have not even had time to enter the service of the Federal Navy. Only the amount of sand is equipped for testing on the earth, and it is only equipped in the troops under the House of Speaker Barn because of this new fighter It was developed by the military industry under the Bath family.

Now Speaker Barn directly sends the Thunderbolt 4 fighter plane to intercept and attack Qian Feng's special plane. This clearly shows that he has to tear his face with the Qian family. If the previous missile attack, they can also evade to other scapegoats. From Thunderbolt 4 From the moment he was dispatched, Speaker Barn was ready to fully bear the anger of the Qian family!

"We're dead ..." The captain sighed. Although he has many years of fighter plane driving experience, he is now driving a passenger plane. No matter how fast or flexible this thing is, compared with fighter planes, let alone strike Here comes the latest Thunderbolt 4.

Once caught up by these fighters, then under the attack of four fighters, most of the jamming aircraft have been released, there is no hope of survival at all!

"Give me the phone!" Qian Feng directly asked the flight attendant to come to the satellite phone, and immediately dialed a number.

"Give me down the four fighters close to us!" Qian Feng said on the phone. Although the four fighters have not shown an attack posture and did not illuminate them with the fire control radar, Qian must now preempt the attack. When the four fighters showed hostility, it was all too late!

Although he may take a shot now, it may be bitten by Speaker Barn, saying that he sent four fighters to protect Qian Feng, but was shot down. But at this time, he ca n’t control so much. It ’s true to keep his own life. of.

"Yes! Master! Our **** fighter will be here soon!" The other end of the phone answered immediately.

Qian Feng had arranged a fighter **** before, but because the base where the fighter took off was farther than the base where the four Thunderbolts 4 took off, it was a little late ~ ~ it was too late to intercept the first two missiles.

Soon, eight small spots of light appeared in the front left of Qian Feng's special plane, which were Qian's **** fighters. They soon came near Qian Feng's special plane, and then the eight fighters were divided into two groups, four of which followed The special planes converged and protected on both wings, while the other four met the four Thunderbolts 4 that flew from behind.

"Hmm ..." Before the air-to-air missiles of Qianjia fighters entered the range, the four Thunderbolts 4 launched attacks. The main weapon of these four fighters was not missiles, but energy cannons!

"Om!" Qian's four fighters lit up energy shields, but these shields were not enough to resist the attack of energy cannons. They broke instantly, followed by the four fighters and turned into fireballs in midair. Then, Fall down!

"Damn! The opponent is actually equipped with energy weapons! Covering No. 1 machine!" The remaining four fighters of the Qian family immediately changed their formation. They were blocked behind Qian Feng's special plane, because the energy cannon attack was carried out at the speed of light and dodged. Almost impossible.

While covering the special plane, the four fighter planes also turned to approach the four Thunderbolts 4, because they could only fight back with air-to-air missiles when they entered the range.
