Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 917: Bullying

Seeing that the two leaders, Grand Priest Heli and Mother-in-law Liu, rushed out of the church, and others followed suit.

When Qin Hao came outside the church, Mother Liu had already fought with Grand Priest Haili. As a traditional caster, Grand Priest Haili was very deficient in confronting Mother Liu.

As a great priest, Hailey's normal combat mode is to let her knight rush forward, she blesses the knights in the rear, and casts harassment and attacks on opponents. This is the most comfortable way of fighting for Hailey.

But now, Haili is head-to-head with Mother-in-law Liu, who is also a martial art master who is proficient in melee and claims to be invincible, so the battle was extremely detrimental to her from the beginning.

Fortunately, the place where the two men fought was not far outside the Cathedral of Notre Dame, which meant that Hailey was fighting locally and could continuously get the support of the Holy Light from the church, but even so, she only managed to Just support.

"Bedville! Come and help me!" Hale called immediately after seeing the big knights rushing out of the church.

"Yes! Great priest!" Bedwell promised, then drew out the epee and rushed into the circle.

"Do more with less? We don't lack people in Tianshan Pie!" This time, mother-in-law Liu was not alone. She also brought two masters from Tianshan Pie. These two masters were twins called Pang Hongbo. And Pang Hongtao, both of them are about fifty years old, and both have the strength of swordsmen.

"Boom! Boom!" With two melodious swords, the brothers Pang Hongbo and Pang Hongtao drew out long swords and then joined the battle group.

Originally, the great priest Hailey wanted to reasonably fight against Mother-in-law with Bedville, but it was not expected that someone else would be there, and the two men showed more than one level of power when they started!

This time can scare the great priest Haili. You must know that the people in the martial arts have an advantage when facing practitioners from other forces. Now they are still superior in terms of numbers. They can't hold on to Bedville for long.

"Let's go together!" Helplessly, Haili can only greet the other six knights to go together. If they do not have a superior number, they will not be able to beat these martial arts.

"Isn't there a lot of people who bully us?" Mu Qin sneered, and then went into the stadium. Although he didn't wait to see Qin Hao, he couldn't see his mother-in-law lost. Qin is also infatuated with Mother-in-law Liu.

"You ..." When Muqin shot, the grand priest Heili's face turned white! Because she found that this young man who looked like thirty was actually a master-level master!

"How is it possible ... how could there be two masters of the Tianshan faction ..." Heili's head was blank, and the form in front of her was completely different from what she expected.

At the beginning, Heili believed that Mother-in-law Liu brought in all the masters of the Tianshan School, and in addition to Mother-in-law Master-Master, among others, there were at most three to four levels. On Qin Hao.

But now the situation is obviously beyond Heli's prediction. The strength of the other martial arts players who have not shot is not important anymore. Just the mother-in-law and the generation of masters in front of her, she and her knights are completely lost. Coping!

"Hurry up! Go and notify the other priests!" At this time, Hali couldn't help shame, she shouted to the church immediately.

"Yes! Great clergyman!" The clergyman promised, and immediately began to contact masters in other factions of the Saint Malo Knights.

"Yan'er, did you kill them all?" Mu Qin asked mother-in-law Liu expressionlessly.

"..." Before the mother-in-law Liu said, the two masters of the Qingcheng faction in the crowd were so white!

Of course, these two masters of Qingcheng faction know that their heads have a deep affection for Liu Yan, but the problem is that if you love again, you cannot drag the entire Qingcheng faction together!

If the High Priest Haley and those big knights are really slaughtered, then they will have a **** feud with the Knights of Saint Malo. This is a senseless disaster for the Qingcheng faction, after all They didn't provoke them either. For the sake of a lightsaber, they put their hatred on themselves.

The two masters of the Qingcheng School were anxious, but they did not dare to persuade the head of their family, and they only looked at Mother Liu anxiously.

"Wait a minute! Don't worry!" Although Grandma Liu was anxious to stab Heili in her heart, after all, she was 70 or 80 years old, not as impulsive as young people.

Mother-in-law Liu knew that they could not kill Heli and those big knights, otherwise the **** feud between the Tianshan faction and the Qingcheng faction and the Saint Malo knighthood would not be resolved, and the martial arts were not united, and it was difficult to guarantee other factions She will give her full assistance, and if something goes wrong, neither she nor Mu Qin can afford this responsibility.

"Okay!" Mu Qin nodded expressionlessly, but his breath was so cold that the big knights were sweating, and he didn't dare to act lightly.

This stalemate lasted about half an hour or so, Qin Hao noticed a humming noise from the northwest, followed by a helicopter flying over, hovering in the mid-air helicopter, several masters jumped out, and With several flashes of light, these people landed on the ground smoothly.

"Heli ~ ~ What's the matter?" The head of the man, wearing a red robe, looked like a great priest.

"Harris, it's great that you are here. People from these qigong associations have been bullied by the door!" Heli would really sue the villain first, and the priest Harris is now the second-highest master in the Knights of Saint-Malo. With him, Hailey's confidence was also a little more full, because Harris also brought his nine knights, and two of them were Paladins.

Harris glanced back at Mother-in-law Liu and others, and then didn't speak, so he stood next to Heli, with a very clear attitude. He was supporting Heli, but he didn't want to take the lead because of these qigongs. The people in the association are really not easy to mess with.

"Buzz ..." It didn't take long before two more helicopters arrived and then jumped down from the two priests and their knights.

After seeing that the masters on her side reached four people, Haili's waist was straight and she was full of energy. She walked to the front and sneered at her mother-in-law, sneer: "Liu Yan! Face is shameless, as I said before, it has nothing to do with us, but in order to show our sincerity, we are willing to give 20 million federal currency as compensation, you don't have to go in!
