Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 944: Ready to attack

<> Although the mission ship set off after the transport fleet set sail, Qin Hao first returned to Mengsk because of the speed. Yes, the transport fleet may have to wait a few days to arrive.

After returning to Mengsk Star, Qin Hao first found Ji Delov and General Cohen, and gave them new scientific and technological materials and finished products. After all, Ji De Love is now the education master of the Kazakhstan, Cohen The general controls all the laboratories. After giving these things to them, they will naturally be well distributed to various universities and laboratories, so that those professionals can conduct research in the most efficient way.

After the transfer of things, Qin Hao didn't worry about it. He was very relieved about the abilities of General Cohen and Ji Mofu, and Qin Hao was not the kind of person who would love to do things. He felt that he would give professional matters to Specialized people can do it.

Although he has the ability to never forget, Qin Hao is not a **** after all. He doesn't understand everything and is proficient in everything, so leaving some things to others can not only save his time, but also do better.

After coming out of General Cohen's office, Qin Hao first went to see Ni, and then accompanied the girl for a meal.

"You won't leave this time, right?" Nicole watched Qin Hao almost with affection throughout the whole meal.

"I have to go to the earth tomorrow" Qin Hao is afraid to look up to see Nicole. He is afraid that the eyes of the girl are opposite. Although the two are considered as a couple, they can really say that they are less together and more often. Meals are rare.

"Then accompany me after dinner." Nicole didn't complain that Qin Hao spent too little time with her. As the general's daughter, she was already familiar with this life. When she was very young, her mother was sick. Cohen failed to return from the army.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, and he couldn't refuse this request.

After dinner, Qin Hao and Nicole walked hand in hand on the streets of Monsque Star, but because Monsque Star is a semi-military fortress planet, there is nothing beautiful here, but even so, Nicole ’s The face is also slightly sweet, because it is really too rare to press the road side by side with the boyfriend's wrist.

"I'm sorry" Qin Hao was interrupted by Nicole before he finished speaking.

"I know you're busy with important things, and I also know that I can't help you with you, only chaos, so I won't ask you to take me with me, I will wait for you quietly at home, although I can't It will help you, but it will definitely not hinder your hind legs. "Nicole turned to Qin Hao and said, looking directly into his eyes.

"Thank you" Qin Hao doesn't know what to say at this time. He knows that the girl is aggrieved, but he can't help it. He also wants to spend the day and day like an ordinary couple, but unfortunately, his position Keep him busy.

Moreover, the environment of the earth also determines that ordinary people like Nicole ca n’t take it with them. Nicole is different from Qin Xue. Qin Xue is a messenger of holy presence and she has also received training from Batulu. My sister is also Qin Hao ’s bodyguard. Although there are many dangers on earth, Qin Xue has the power to protect herself.

But Nicole is not the same. She can kill her with a cold gun, so Qin Hao dare not take her to earth.

"Needless to say thank you." Nicole smiled at Qin Hao, then she tipped her toes slightly, sending her small face to Qin Hao's face, her eyes closed slightly.

Even if Qin Hao had no experience, he knew that the girl was offering kisses. If he didn't respond anymore, it would be that IQ had a problem.

So Qin Hao bowed her head slightly, and kissed the girl's red lips.

Under the streetlight, a pair of young men and women embraced and kissed each other. Because they knew they were going to leave, Qin Hao and Nicole were very engaged. Until Nicole was about to suffocate, she pushed Qin Hao gently.

"So sweet!" Qin Hao laughed.

"Hate it! You've learned to smooth your tongue anytime." Nicole gave Qin Hao a shameless look.

"I'll take you home." Qin Hao said to Nicole.

"Hmm!" Nicole nodded, then the two of them didn't call for a car, but went back to the hotel on foot.

Qin Hao and Nicole walked very slowly. It could have been completed in fifteen minutes. The two of them smashed for an hour, but even at a long distance, they may reach the end. Still standing outside the door of Nicole's room.

"Go in," Qin Hao said to Nicole.


"Hmm!" Nicole hesitated for a long time, and didn't say what Qin Hao would stay, because it was a tutoring reason, and also because General Cohen lived next door.

"I'll see you when I come back!" Qin Hao said to Nicole.

"I'm waiting for you!" Nicole nodded.

Seeing Nicole return to the room and closing the door, Qin Hao turned and left, and he had to go to Hu Ke.

After returning to the room, Nicole sat down slowly against the door, and she was already in tears.

"Qin Hao, you must come back within six months," Nicole muttered to himself.

Qin Hao, who had left the hotel, called for a driverless taxi and headed for the naval base.

After arriving at the naval base, Qin Hao went straight to the meeting room and asked Hu Ke to come over.

"Master, are you looking for me?" Hu Ke quickly appeared in front of Qin Hao.

"How did I tell you before?" Qin Hao asked ~ ~ A part of the drawings have been sent to Qian's house, which was received by Qian's young master Qian Feng himself. Hu Ke answered.

"I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about preparing for the war." Qin Hao waved his hands. It took him several months to go to his hometown this time. Presumably, Hu Ke's preparations for the war were almost the same.

"The fleet can go at any time, but our logistics supply capacity" Hu Ke answered with a frown. There was actually nothing wrong with the fleet. The original Bloodhawk fleet was battle-hardened. The frontline main fleet, so you can enter the battle at any time.

But in the entire Kazakh galaxy, there is only a small frigate factory and a warship repair shop in the gravity well of Mengsk. In addition, the Kazakh galaxy has no fleet maintenance and supply capabilities. It can be repaired in the field, but it can only repair minor injuries or emergency treatment. The real overhaul has to be returned to the factory.

So once there is a large-scale war, the logistics capabilities of the Keha system are not enough.

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