Interstellar Debt Zerg

Chapter 32: Task-1

"Hey, I really don't know where the Insect Emperor and the Insect Emperor are." They didn't believe that the two majesty died easily. Back then, the Insect Emperor and the Insect Emperor only ordered them to rush to Stuart to rescue the two. Suddenly disappeared, for twenty years in a flash.

If the two majesty are fine, how can they not show up?

"When I was young, I even hugged His Royal Highness Yalan."

"Yes, His Royal Highness Yalan looks a lot like His Majesty Chongdi, well, his eyes are like, very smart."

"Very cute, often squinting, eyebrows crooked."

In that year, His Royal Highness Yalan was born and celebrated the whole country. In fact, all the insects knew about this. Everyone was excited about the prosperity of the royal family, and the little things sent to the palace continued every day. At that time, all the insects were waiting, waiting for His Highness Yalan to grow up to be as powerful as His Majesty Insect Emperor and His Highness Lan Yun.

The world is hard to wish. In only two years, the entire empire’s borders were rushed by the war. The alien beasts suddenly mutated and invaded the empire. Half of the empire’s line of defense was surrounded by alien beasts. The safe planet Stuart in the rear, heavily protected.

It was also at that time that traitors had appeared in the Imperial Capital, and the palace was not safe. But even with layers of protection, the planet Stuart still couldn't escape destruction, the king of alien beasts appeared everywhere, and the planet Stuart was captured in groups.

When I think about it, I feel shocked, that kind of king-level strange beast, there will be no one in a thousand years, and it will swallow countless Zergs. Every time such a war goes through, the empire's strength will be reduced by more than half, and there will be a group at that time. The appearance of the king of alien beasts is extremely unusual in itself.

What happened back then was so coincidental that after the alien beast appeared, the royal family immediately came to chase and kill the two Highnesses. He said that he did not believe it without him. I don’t know what deal the royal family made with the alien beast, and how could the alien beast suddenly change. It has to be so powerful.

The three generals repelled the tide of alien beasts on various lines of defense, and were unable to return help. When they arrived, Siyat became a waste star, and His Royal Highness Lan Yun was seriously injured on the Jupiter planet.

"What are the three generals going to do?" Asius asked.

"Naturally follow His Royal Highness's orders and clean up the group of traitors!" General Stewart's eyes were cold.

"Asius, the empire and your highness, you have bothered a lot."

"Speaking of the family's kid who has been teaching for so long, is he really reluctant to come back? Now that the empire is short of people, he won't hurry up?" Bright is impatient, and he speaks mercilessly.

"An Huiqing, that kid I used to take him so much in vain, and I took him around for so long, just for a male, is it worth it..." At the end he stopped, and the male suddenly infected and died. Empire is a common thing, but it really happens by your side, and no one can bear it.

When Anhui asked how much love was with the male of Yuli's family, the subsequent blow was so heavy. Moreover, the Uli family also took refuge in the traitors. Fortunately, An Huiqing didn't do anything foolish.

The starry sky at night is quiet, and the rays of light reflect each other, reflecting the light of stars billions of light years ago.

"Asius, you are finally back. I've waited for you for a long time." Qi Xia immediately stood up and cast a wink at Asius. She wore only a simple house coat at home with a white collar and a half. Open it, revealing a white chest without any traces.

Asius squinted slightly, his faintly blue eyes stared at Qi Xia for a while, and his slender figure was unobstructed. He squinted slightly as if thinking about what Qi Xia was thinking about again.

Qi Xia did have a plan, and the mission was determined to be tomorrow night, but he had to get Asius to go out tomorrow night. Want to come to Asius must disagree, he thought of countless ways, really only left the last one: seduction.

Stun Asius?

Impossible, Asius has a very fast recovery ability, not to mention that his nuclear energy itself has the ability to heal, and the recovery speed is faster than that of ordinary bugs.

Lie to Asius?

He can't do it, and what if Asius desperately finds him?

Break out?

It is even more impossible. He has already seen the power of robots in the academy. He doesn't think the defenses of the military family members are weak.

"Asius, we haven't been in bed for a long time~"

The blatant words were frank and sincere, a pair of peach eyes, dark as the sky, the vast universe locked inside, and the stars fell.

"Master, what did you eat wrong today?" Asius skipped him, returned to the room, and took off his heavy military uniform.

The attractive figure is looming under the white shirt. If you untie the first button, you can still see the faint blue insect pattern, which is mysterious and noble.

Asius returned late tonight. After separating from the three generals, he returned to the military headquarters and began to arrange some things. In the middle of the journey, I was worried, and communicated with Qi Xia and Carter separately, telling Qi Xia that he must take good care of Carter, and told the two insects to go to bed on time. When he came back, Qi Xia hadn't slept yet, opened Carter's door, and the bug fell asleep, with the quilt tightly covered.

So what is this male wagging tail now?

Asus frowned, pulled Qi Xia away, with his forehead pressed against Qi Xia's forehead, and asked in a low voice, "What happened to you today, or is it something you have recently fancyed?"

Recently, Qi Xia likes to buy things on He buys all kinds of things, and he never looks at the price. He just orders the purchase and waits for the things to be delivered to the door. Often the things he buys in an hour fills the lobby of the house.

Fortunately, Qi Xia would pack them up in boxes, otherwise he would clear out a lot of metal.

Qi Xia often tricked things in her guest room in recent days, and Asius didn't care about him. He didn't want the male to lose his freedom.

Qi Xia looked at Asius with an unbelievable and unbearable look, and swallowed, "You, why do you think of me that way." Qi Xia couldn't be more wronged. He didn't do anything this time, and he listened to A peacefully. As for Hughes, staying at home, he didn't even go to the academy (just to come out with a few cold weapons), Asius didn't even believe it.

Feeling wronged, that hand began to slide restlessly down Asius' waist. He knew very well where Asius' soft flesh was and how it could more arouse the female's desire for qing.

Asius looked at that hand, glanced at it and didn't stop it.

"Master, how many times have you been injured in a while?"

"From Little Worm Domain to Imperial Capital, you were injured once on the way, and you were in a coma for a few days."

"You want to be free. You set off the robot's alarm and almost got hurt."

"You were at school, and you were hit by the battle again, and you were injured and unconscious."

"You were caught and injured by a female worm at the College of Arts, and you almost died and you were infected!"

"In the end, fortunately, Dr. Sturt and Dr. Camry worked together to rescue you."

"Master, you count them carefully. In just two and a half months, how many troubles are you doing?"

"But those things are not what I thought." Qi Xia was a little aggrieved, and the peach eyes almost filled with water.

The expression and words were very aggrieved, and the right hand that had been sliding downward was caught by Asius.

"Master, the fire you lighted was too much." Asius admitted that since knowing that the Qi Xia in front of him was not the previous Qi Xia, and even when he was only occupied by this Qi Xia, there was a strange feeling in his heart, as if He belonged to Qi Xia alone. He acquiesced to Qi Xia's actions and tasted love several times, but he couldn't endure this kind of desire/burning body feeling very much. The body reacted under Qi Xia's touch/touch.

Qi Xia leaned at him, "Beauty, you just leave me." She rushed forward and hugged Asius. Only at this time, Qi Xia felt that she was truly occupying the top, his Asius. It's so sweet and beautiful, and the appearance of abstinence is so beautiful. He couldn't bear to treat him lightly.

The two turned into the room, Asus cooperated with Qi Xia's movements, and even more reluctant to accidentally hurt Qi Xia with a little strength.

It was already late at night, and after that, both insects were a little satisfied, "Qi Xia, what do you want?"

"I will never agree to hurt myself." The hoarse voice sounded dangerous, and his brows were raised. At this time, Asius was completely different from his usual calmness, like a peach blossom stained with dew. , The timbre is also dyed with desire.

"I'm going out tomorrow night, Asius you know, I'm a human, I'm not a Zerg, I have something I want to do." Forgive me for not being able to tell you what I'm going to do. It's not a coincidence, Ashiu Si is a soldier and a lieutenant general in the empire. He is responsible for protecting the empire and the royal family.

And what I did happened to hurt the interests of the royal family.

Qi Xia thinks that she is self-willed, but sometimes he does something when he knows it is wrong. Besides, he doesn't have much sense of belonging to the Zerg. He is like a traveler, watching all the disputes in the world coldly. All he cares about is this. Two families. As long as they are well, as long as they don't hurt Ashius and Carter, other things are nothing in his eyes.

Qi Xia was a little tired, he was bored with this life that must be protected.

He enjoys the protection of Asius, and the sincere distress makes him happy.

Being protected by Asius is different from blindly protecting by the Empire.

Females can go out at night, but why can't males go out.

Females are free to do what they want to do anywhere during the day, but the males must be followed by a large number of females to protect them, otherwise it is prone to danger.

He understands these.

Understanding is the same thing as being able to do it.

"Asius, I was a KB molecule in my previous life. I like to go to lively places at night, listen to strong songs and watch hot dances. I will explore everywhere and meet all kinds of people, so I will feel very comfortable."

"I also like to travel around the world, and I like to go to Africa for a few days to see the life of the indigenous people there. It is simple and happy."

Qi Xia originally only wanted Asius to agree to let him go out tomorrow night, but she said a lot unknowingly, maybe it was too stressful to come here, and he always wanted to find someone to talk to.

"Asius, you know, I like freedom, but there is nothing here."

Asius was silent for a while. He didn't know how to comfort Qi Xia. Indeed, this situation was not uncommon in the Empire.

"I know, I know it will be very hard." The host of Asius talked to Qi Xia, and the whispers and hugs between lovers can bring courage to each other.