Interstellar Industrial Age

v1 Chapter 12: Chinese characteristics of the dissertat

In the Huaxia University Library, Wen Xueying looked at Qin Yi, who was constantly reading books, with a very focused look, eyes full of energy, and a thick book, which was finished by Qin Yi in less than 10 minutes.

"Everything in one eye, never forgetting it. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that such a person would really exist."

After looking at it for a while, Wen Xueying couldn't help but feel a little jealous. With such a powerful ability, she can learn anything very quickly, and it will take a long time for others to finish it. Qin Yi has already finished it soon.

"The perverted book-turning monster ~ is it useful if you look at it quickly? Knowledge still needs to be integrated."

Wen Xueying grunted slightly, and envious and envious she could only use this reason to comfort herself. Although I ca n’t learn as fast as you, I know everything.

Qin Yi, who was next to him, didn't notice Wen Xueying's expression at this time. At this time, while reading a book, he was talking to the old man in his mind.

"Old man, do you say I should start in that area better?"

With the technology tower, Qin Yi has also clarified the way he will go next. The original start-up capital has an old man who is constantly plugging in to earn the original start-up capital for Qin Yi. He can also earn hundreds of thousands every day. With such a terrible earning speed, the original start-up funds naturally need not worry.

The thing that Qin Yi is more annoyed now is that he has no fame. He is an ordinary person who is not ordinary. In the field of science and technology, no one knows Qin Yi at all.

And fame is not like money. Even if you have the advanced technology in the technology tower in your hand, you must step by step to improve your fame.

"You are studying power engineering and engineering thermophysics. I suggest that you start in this field and first publish some papers in some internationally renowned scientific journals, brush your reputation, and it is best to get some influential science. Award, your fame naturally comes. "

The old man didn't want to reply directly.

"Publish a research paper?"

Qin Yi nodded slightly.

各 The major universities in China require the teachers and professors in the university to publish a certain number of academic papers. The more papers are published, the greater the impact, and naturally, the fame is gradually greater.

Of course, publishing such a thing to China is also very characteristic of China, because whether it is a domestic university, or a national research institution, etc., there is a corresponding number of academic papers published, so researchers in China like it very much. To publish academic papers.

In terms of the number of papers published, Huaxia has ranked among the best in the world in the past few years, and has become the country with the most published papers in the world in recent years.

2018 In 2018, according to the National Science Foundation (NSF) statistics, the total number of papers published by Chinese researchers in internationally renowned scientific journals and journals has surpassed that of the United States, ranking first in the world.

However, measuring the strength of a country's scientific research strength can not only be based on quantity. Nature Index, an international authoritative organization, said, "Although Huaxia produces the most scientific and technical papers, its quality is really not complimentable."

The quality of Hua Xia's dissertation can hardly be covered, and the citation of literature is an index to measure the importance and influence of the literature, which can reflect the academic quality of a country to a certain extent.

If it ’s just counting the numbers, the development of science and technology on China ’s side seems pretty good, but if you use its quotation to eliminate the insignificant and influential papers, the real situation of China ’s world is that it ca n’t even enter the top ten internationally.

The domestic Pheasant University has many experts, scholars, and professors who can publish hundreds of academic papers in various journals in one year.

I said that going out would make people laugh. I do n’t know what the situation is, and I think it is the same as UU reading network authors writing novels. With a flash of light, the brain can be written as soon as the brain is opened.

It takes a long time to publish an academic research paper that is truly summarized in your own serious research. Generally speaking, it is normal for a scientist or scholar to publish two or three academic papers a year. Five articles are highly productive.

发表 Hundreds of academic research papers were published this year, and those who talked out really laughed at them!

Of course, the journals in which these people publish their academic research papers are generally domestic journals, or some internationally unknown journals.

The really high-quality and influential ones are American Science and British Nature, but even the most authoritative scientific journals like these two, in recent years, papers from Huaxia It also appears frequently.

On the one hand, naturally, China ’s domestic science and technology development is indeed booming. The domestic scientific research environment is getting better and better. The country attaches great importance to science and technology and supports the development of science and technology. Naturally, China ’s science and technology are also constantly improving.

On the other hand, because of the popularity of academic research papers published in China, the promotion of scientific researchers, the evaluation of professional titles, performance are linked to the volume of papers issued, and even become rigid indicators; at the same time, applications for disciplines, college master's degree programs, and scientific research Institutional rankings also include them in the assessment, and even medical staff are no exception.

In such a strong atmosphere, many people actually have no research at all, but the skills of plagiarism and patchwork are very strong, and they can even be published in international authoritative journals.

To the extent that Huaxia is the country with the most published papers and the country with the highest number of retracted papers, some important international journals must carefully and carefully review the papers every time they receive papers from Huaxia for their authority. Some even refuse to review academic research papers from Huaxia.

"The requirements for international authoritative journals are very high. I don't want to publish my papers in these domestic journals."

There is really no way. In this issue of publishing the paper, Qin Yi also cherishes his feathers very much, because he is in a top academic institution like Huaxia University.

Among the students in the school, there are some special people who emerge every year. These people can still publish their papers in important international journals as a student. Therefore, the teachers of Huaxia University often warn their students to publish papers. To be on par with the international community, do not submit these papers and periodicals in China, because not only will you not be able to gain any fame, you will even get your own feathers dirty.

"What is high to be afraid of is to be high, so that you can greatly increase your reputation."

The old man didn't care, there was technology in the technology tower that surpassed the earth. Taking out a little bit was enough to brush up Qin Yi's fame.

也是 "Yes, otherwise the teachers and professors of the school would not be thinking about publishing their papers in scientific and natural journals every day."

Qin Yi nodded, then thought and asked, "If I started with my profession, what technology should I come up with?"

"Anti-gravity technology!"

In the technology tower, the old man made a big move, and a book on the vast bookshelf flew to Qin Yi's hands.

"Anti-gravity technology?"

As soon as Qin Yi heard this, he immediately became interested. As a student of power engineering and engineering thermophysics, he is naturally no stranger to this kind of technology that is still in theory and science fiction.

基本 The basic principle of anti-gravity technology is to rely on the reverse gravitational field formed by the machine itself to offset or block the gravitational field of the external environment to obtain thrust.

The earliest scientist to propose anti-gravity was Einstein, a well-known in the last century. He predicted in the general theory of relativity that there might be gravitational waves in the accelerated mass, and then inferred the possibility of anti-gravity.

Of course, the anti-gravity technology really makes everyone familiar is the alien flying saucer space in science fiction and science fiction movies. This type of flying saucer spaceship can often ignore the existence of gravitation. The speed suddenly broke through the planet's atmosphere and quickly entered space.

But in reality, although the anti-gravity technology has been proposed by scientists very early, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com and many research institutions or companies around the world are studying this landmark technology.

For example, the Boeing Company in the United States has set up a project called "Advanced Space Propulsion Technology Gravity Research". Every year, a huge amount of money is invested in it.

其它 Other countries and companies around the world also attach great importance to the research of anti-gravity technology, and have established related laboratories or research institutions.

If anti-gravity technology can be researched, it can really change the entire human world. The transportation systems you can imagine, such as cars, trains, ships, airplanes, etc., will undergo drastic changes.

However, at present, anti-gravity technology is only in theory, and even the experimental stage has not been reached. Although many people claim that they have made a major breakthrough in the field of anti-gravity technology every year, this technology is still only Exist in science fiction and science fiction movies.

Now holding in his hand a detailed explanation of anti-gravity technology, Qin Yi was very excited. He looked at this book with his eyes on it, and anxious to eat it all at once, and immediately learned the knowledge inside. , Master this technology that can change human history.

瞧 "Look at your success, isn't it anti-gravity technology, what's so great."

The old man looked at Qin Yi and Tu Baozi with contempt. He has never seen the world. If he learns controllable fusion technology, speed engine technology, and space wormhole technology in the future, will his eyes fall to the ground?

"Calm, Calm ~"

"Isn't that just anti-gravity technology."

Qin Yi smiled, took a deep breath, and gently opened the book.

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