Interstellar Industrial Age

v2 Chapter 144: , College student worker plan (below)

"College student worker?"

After listening to a few people, Qin Yi thought carefully.

If we said that letting college students be workers, it would definitely make people laugh.

But with the popularization of university education, the country is able to train more than 7 million college students each year, and many college students do less work and earn less than ordinary workers.

In an age when graduation means unemployment, college students are facing extremely severe employment.

On the one hand, college students have low eyes and are unwilling to engage in some decent work. Everyone's dream is white-collar and gold-collar.

Another is that with the development of society and the improvement of the living standards of the people, college graduates do not have to rush to get employment. If they have good work, they can do it first. If not, many people would rather go to graduate school or simply stay at home. Not willing to go.

So the employment situation of college students is also getting more and more severe, especially for those graduates of ordinary colleges, getting an ideal job is not easy.

And this situation will only get worse, because the country continues to promote higher education every year, and it will become easier and easier to get a college entrance exam. In the future, more and more college students will become more and more ordinary.

Eventually, all the people in the country developed universal higher education, everyone was a college student and had a higher education.

In this regard, some developed countries in the West have basically achieved this step. Their compulsory education is a 12-year system and higher education is also very popular.

The popularization of education and the opening of people's wisdom are almost the inevitable of social development, and also an important indicator of the human development index of a country and region.

In western European and American countries, college students are very ordinary, and there is nothing special in everyone's ideology. Therefore, it is also a common phenomenon for college students to be workers.

The essence of college education is not to give you a good job, but to allow you to have a broader perspective and more options.

Qin Yi has also seen a lot of powerful civilizations in the science and technology tower. The more the civilization and science and technology develop upward, the higher the quality of the people as a whole.

Only with the popularization of education can enough scientists, engineers, thinkers, artists, etc. be born to promote the development of society and science and technology as a whole.

"Qingwei's suggestion is very good ~"

"The industries we are not involved in are all high-tech industries. We need more than just a large team of scientists, engineers, and researchers."

"We also need a strong and highly qualified workforce, and it is obviously unrealistic to expect a group of high school graduates to make spacecraft."

For a long time, Qin Yi nodded solemnly.

The upgrading of technology and industry is not only the upgrading of machines, but also the upgrading of people.

In the past, the country has just begun reform and opening up. It can only engage in cheap primary processing to earn hard money. It does not require any technology and skills, and anyone can do it.

However, with the development of the country's economy and the upgrading and transformation of the industry, the previous extensive development model has become increasingly derailed from the times and cannot meet future needs.

High-tech enterprises, high-tech equipment, and high-tech products require high-tech industrial workers. Otherwise, empty talk about transformation will ultimately be nothing more than paper talk.

"The matter is left to Qingwei and the company executive."

"I have several requirements here. The first one is what I said to Liu Peiqiang. We are engineers, not workers."

"Although this is a change of soup and no medicine, we still have to learn to adapt to this era. It is not easy to go to college and tell people to be workers when they go back. Although workers are not ashamed, they all rely on themselves It ’s glorious to eat with both hands. "

"Second, when we recruit people, we try to recruit all the graduates of science and engineering. After recruiting into the company, we can't really treat them as workers forever. We also need to conduct scientific research training to bring some outstanding The young seedlings are guided in the direction of researchers, engineers, and even scientists, giving them more room and direction for development. "

"Third, we take care of graduates with ordinary family conditions as much as possible when recruiting people. The family conditions are good. Even if they are recruited, they may not be able to do it for a long time."

"And these people with good conditions, they have more opportunities to choose, and there will be corresponding arrangements at home, so we will leave more opportunities for people with ordinary family conditions."

"Fourth, in terms of remuneration, the remuneration of university student workers is higher than that of ordinary clerks in the company."

"That's all for now."

After thinking about it, Qin Yi raised his request.

Lu Qingwei took a pen and a notebook to record the points raised by Qin Yi. The recruitment process was originally a company administration to do, and the formalized company had corresponding functional departments to deal with in all aspects.

Qin Yi should have asked Lu Qingwei to think of ways to train and train these recruited college student workers. This is the key and difficult problem.

After all, as long as the money is enough, it is not difficult to recruit people.

The fame of Galaxy Technology Group has spread throughout Huaxia, and countless graduates have sharpened their heads to enter Galaxy Technology.

This is a high-tech company, and it is very competitive in terms of salary. It is not difficult to recruit people.

The really difficult thing is to train the recruited people and build them into a high-quality high-tech industrial worker. This is the hardest thing.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingwei couldn't recognize some headaches. How should this high-tech industrial worker be trained? He is also black, but the task entrusted by the boss is naturally to be completed.

This is the word of the boss, that is what employees say when they run a broken leg.

"Our Qingyun sky fighter still needs to achieve mass production as soon as possible ~"

"In addition, we need to hurry up to study large anti-gravity vehicles, this is our top priority in the future."

"Only the orders of the hundreds of Qingyun sky-to-air fighter planes above us cannot meet our needs at all. We need a lot of orders."

After discussing the matter of the workers, Qin Yi also returned his attention to the next development of Xinghe Aerospace.

"Boss, this large anti-gravity aircraft is a huge market. It is said that the" Houyi "and" Chang'e "anti-gravity spacecraft manufactured by the country cost 500 Chinese yuan."

"This is just the manufacturing cost, and there is no calculation of research and development costs. There are many other expenses in it. The spacecraft of the" Houyi "level, if it is to be sold, its price is at least hundreds of billions. . "

"This makes a large anti-gravity spacecraft, which means hundreds of billions of dollars in business."

Hearing Qin Yi's words that he would build a large anti-gravity spacecraft, money was shining in Liu Peiqiang's eyes.

"The large anti-gravity spacecraft built by the country uses a large amount of rare metals. Can this cost be not high? It is almost the same as gold of equal quality."

Lu Qingwei thought for a while and said.

"So, as long as we can build a large anti-gravity spacecraft, we will definitely not worry about the lack of a market, national orders, and orders from companies that want to go to the moon for mining, which is enough for us to eat."

"Besides that, we will build 10 large anti-gravity spacecrafts a year."

At this time, Liu Peiqiang was so cheated, that Qin Yi seriously doubted whether he had chosen the wrong profession.

"How many people can buy the expensive price of hundreds of billions of ships?"

"Even if it's the country, buying the Qingyun Sky and Space Fighter is all going on, and I can still expect you to digest 10 a year?"

Lu Qingwei smiled and shook his head.

"You do n’t understand. This Qingyun sky fighter just adds military strength, it ca n’t bring much economic benefits, so as long as there is a certain amount, it is enough to maintain sufficient deterrence, and it ’s not War times."

"But this large anti-gravity spacecraft is completely different. Using it, you can go to the moon mining, you can also go to space to build a space factory, develop the space industry, and so on."

"It can drive economic development and bring a steady stream of revenue, so even if this ship costs tens of billions, the country will continue to build it, and the more it is built, the more revenue it can bring, more."

"Thousands of billions of dollars are expensive, but if you can see high returns, believe it or not. At that time, we will only worry about our insufficient production capacity, and we don't have to worry about sales."

"Moreover, even if it is sold, we can use it by ourselves, let alone say that just by transporting between the earth and the moon, we can also make a lot of money. Since ancient times, gold mining has not necessarily made money. This is The people the Nuggets serve will definitely make money. "

The head of Liu Peiqiang's analysis was Tao, and he seemed so confident that Lu Qingwei, Qin Yi, and others opened their mouths and looked at him.

"Liu Peiqiang, I think you are really in the wrong line ~ ~ You are a waste of talent if you are not a businessman, so fine."

Qin Yi looked at Liu Peiqiang and could not help but sigh.

"I think so too ~"

Lu Qingwei agreed.

"Haha ~ I just talked casually, I just thought that building a large anti-gravity spacecraft would definitely make money."

"This global civilian market and the coming interstellar space age are absolutely inseparable from this anti-gravity spacecraft."

"Not only a large anti-gravity aircraft, but this private anti-gravity aircraft will definitely be more prosperous in the future, and the market will be even larger. I see the future of Galaxy Aerospace very well.

When Liu Peiqiang heard it, he immediately laughed happily, and began to talk about his prospects and applications of anti-gravity aircraft in the future.

PS: Would you like to be a worker?