Interstellar Industrial Age

v2 Chapter 185: University life here is a bit different

At 6 o'clock in the morning, a loud wake-up bell started to ring here in the dormitory area of ​​Xinghe University of Science and Technology, so that many students who were sleeping could not help covering their ears, and then reluctantly got up from the bed. .

The same is true of Liu Daoming. I thought that after going to college, I would be free and relaxed. I would have a lot of time to do what I want, and a lot of energy to spend extravagantly.

However, he thought wrong ~

From the first day he stepped into this school, he knew he was wrong.

Xinghe University of Science and Technology is not ready to let everyone have a good life in the next few years. Not only is the study very heavy, there are a lot of courses and content to learn, but even physical exercise, art appreciation, and There are extremely high requirements in terms of hands-on ability, and any failure to meet the standards will not complete the job.

The wake-up bell in the morning is just the beginning. The school does not force you to get up now, it just reminds the chicken to dance and the young people should not snooze.

On the side of Xinghe University of Science and Technology, after discussing with Qin Yi and many teachers in the school, it is necessary to take some auxiliary measures before everyone has developed a good habit. This wake-up ringtone is just a lot of auxiliary One of the measures.

Today's young people, especially college students, basically sleep later than cats. At night they are all night owls, and they all sleep during the day. They sleep in bed and waste time and youth.

So the first thing to get rid of is this bad habit. Cultivate everyone's good habit of going to bed early and getting up early. Good morning and good morning are good for learning.

And relying on the consciousness of students alone, this is very unreliable. At first, some people were very conscious, but after some people slept, they also followed them.

So you have to come out with a collective activity, that is, a morning run ~

The four people in Liu Daoming's bedroom got up very quickly, organized everything, and soon came to the playground. Li Yang, the monitor, was already waiting for everyone.

Liu Daoming only has 10 people in a class, 8 boys and 2 girls, the class is very small, and everyone knew each other on the first day. Compared with the big class, the benefit of the small class is that everyone is more united and more close.

The entire huge playground is the same as Liu Daoming's class. One small class of people gathered together and started a morning run. Ten people stood in a row and began to run around the playground.

In one or two laps, Liu Daoming soon felt that his legs were extremely heavy and it was difficult to run again, but seeing that the girls in front were still insisting, Liu Daoming also persisted with his teeth.

Like Liu Daoming, everyone else in the class felt tired, and some could not run, but at the first sight everyone was running, they didn't agree with each other, and they kept running.

"Principal ~ Principal ~"

At this time, Qin Yi in a sportswear also appeared on the playground, and greeted everyone with a smile, while running very easily.

"The body is the capital of the revolution ~ everyone cheers ~"

Qin Yi also encourages while running. Like this morning run, Qin Yi has persisted for a long time, so there is no pressure at all.

In order to be able to catch up with everyone in the morning run, Qin Yi got up earlier. He ran all the way from the side of Xinghe Science and Technology Community and just started to give everyone a good start.

Some people who couldn't move at first saw Qin Yi's healthy flight, and they continued to run.

"Hoo ~ hoo ~"

Qin Yi watched while running.

"Still lack of exercise. Long people are tall and big, but they can't breathe after a few laps. It won't work like this."

After a careful look, Qin Yi couldn't help shaking his head, and the Chinese still lacked awareness of physical exercise.

Adults will tell children to study hard, but few adults will tell them that they are still going to exercise well.

With the improvement of living standards, obesity is also increasing among adolescents. In the case of lack of exercise, the physical fitness of these students is generally worrying.

"This physical exercise is very necessary. Without a good body and energy, nothing can be done."

Qin Yi himself can deeply feel the benefits of physical exercise. Qin Yi has not paid much attention to this aspect before, but since he got the technology tower and injected the gene optimization solution, Qin Yi has paid great attention to exercising his body. Slowly realize the benefits of exercising.

The running is easier and easier, the better the energy of the whole person, the better, running every morning, the whole person is very relaxed, comfortable and full of energy.

The half-hour morning run was soon over. Some people couldn't stop talking halfway. Some people took a rest for a while and insisted on running. Few people were able to persist from beginning to end.

At the end of the morning run, there was a half-hour break. This break was mainly for everyone to go back to take a shower and wash off their sweat. At 7 o'clock it was breakfast time.

Liu Daoming came to the school's cafeteria, where there was already a lot of enthusiasm. Every morning, everyone was in good health and this appetite was very good.

Of course, the more important thing is that the cafeteria of Xinghe University of Science and Technology is a cafeteria in the form of buffets. You can take whatever you want and eat it as long as it is not wasted. All are free.

The rich breakfast made everyone appetite, and Liu Daoming was full and walked towards the school building.

Xinghe University of Science and Technology is not divided according to majors, but according to the time of enrollment, because Xinghe University of Technology is not ready to divide majors in freshman and sophomore years.

Originally, the profession has a specialization, and the division of majors naturally has the advantages of dividing majors. You can focus on studying a major and further your studies in this field.

However, Qin Yi also borrowed a lot of excellent higher education from the science and technology tower. The more developed the technology, the finer it will be and the more divisions and disciplines it will have.

However, with the continuous development of science and technology, it is often difficult to make breakthroughs in a field that is boring and needs to be integrated with different disciplines, which means that a scientist needs to be proficient in multiple fields.

In addition, blindly choosing a major from the beginning is not conducive to teaching according to your aptitude. You must give students some time to fully understand what subject they like and what they are really interested in before choosing their favorite major.

Qin Yi believes that only when one is engaged in the things he likes can he explode to 100% of his potential. For example, some people like playing mahjong, whether it ’s windy or rainy, or sick, etc. As long as he shouted three missing one, no matter what the difficulties, he would find a way to overcome them.

The truth is the same. People can only do what they like, no matter how boring and boring, they can enjoy it.

Therefore, Xinghe University of Science and Technology's freshman and sophomore courses are very full. The mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy are all the same, and every student must take minors in music, art, dance, painting, etc Classes and studies are very heavy.

Liu Daoming holds his own textbook. He studied biology and physics in the morning. This is his favorite course, especially biology. He is very fascinated by biology.

When he was in high school, he didn't like biology very much. His favorite was physics, but after he came to Xinghe University of Science and Technology.

There are a lot of laboratories here at Xinghe University of Science and Technology. All kinds of laboratories are open to students. The key is that the equipment and so on are very advanced, which is comparable to the most advanced laboratories at home and abroad.

When Liu Daoming first saw the wonderful world below with a microscope, he became very fascinated with biology. Every time he looked at the microscopic world with a microscope, he felt like he was transcending the spirit outside this microworld. Watching everything in the micro world quietly.

He likes this feeling, he is full of curiosity about the micro world, and is also full of curiosity about the magic of life, and suddenly fell in love with biology.

With his textbook, he soon came to the place where he was teaching, a biological laboratory.

Like the small class, because Xinghe University of Technology has more than 100 teachers and only 505 students, it also adopts the small class system. Each teacher has its own curriculum. Students choose their own classes. On average, one The teacher had only 5 students in the class.

This is a bit similar to graduate students and doctoral students. UU reads A professor brings several graduate students and doctoral students. The number is not large and everyone is familiar with each other.

In fact, the teachers of Xinghe University of Science and Technology are not only teachers, but also researchers and scientists. They come to Xinghe University of Technology not only for high salaries and salaries, but also for many teachers who come here to fancy the experiments that Qin Yi of Xinghe University of Science and Technology has spent heavily on room.

There are many laboratories in Xinghe University of Science and Technology, and the equipment inside is very advanced, which is comparable to the top laboratories at home and abroad. This is where Xinghe University of Science and Technology spends the most money.

Many teachers are coming towards this. After all, certain conditions are required for scientific research. This laboratory is absolutely essential. With good conditions, it is naturally easier to produce results, not to mention here at Xinghe University of Science and Technology The laboratory funding is also very sufficient.

Naturally, Xinghe University of Science and Technology has attracted many well-known scientists, researchers, and teachers. After all, not every university in China can be as luxurious, well-paid, and strong in hardware as Xinghe University of Science and Technology.

PS: The results of the college entrance examination came out. How are you doing?