Interstellar Industrial Age

v2 Chapter 210: The trouble caused by the second moon

In the blink of an eye, by the end of July, the first space solar power station in space had begun to take shape.

After a month-long construction, the ‘field’ in space has been several hundred meters long and wide, and some areas have begun to operate normally, and a continuous power generation has begun.

On this huge space 'field', astronauts take a taxi wheelchair. This wheelchair is also specially designed to move quickly on a huge cylindrical frame.

Inside the cylindrical frame, astronauts are manipulating robotic arms to continuously expand this space solar power station. At the same time, astronauts are busy in some of the built areas and areas where power generation has begun.

The entire power station is basically fully automated, but astronauts are still busy in it. In a cylindrical frame, the automated program brings together the atomic matrix batteries that have been fully charged. Install a new atomic matrix battery.

The atomic matrix battery codes, which are fully charged, are neat and neatly packed in standard boxes. The staff gathered these boxes together and transported them to the 'Heaven' through the spaceship. Then there were spaceships going to the moon. Carry these atomic matrix batteries to the moon.

Near the space solar power station, several spacecraft are parked in space, maintaining the same orbit and speed as the entire space solar power station, which is relatively static.

The hatches on the spaceships are wide open, robotic arms are constantly busy, and a large amount of cargo is constantly being carried out. The construction of the space solar development station has not yet been completed, and there is still very busy construction work.

Earth Huaxia, the Biology Research Institute of Xinghe Science and Technology Research Institute of Huangjing Town, at this time Qin Yi is busy, with his people studying biotechnology.

The idea machine is closely related to biotechnology, and further upgrading and development into a virtual machine is still related to biotechnology.

The idea machine can only read and understand the information contained in the brain waves in the brain, but there is no way for the brain to read the external information in the form of brain waves.

The way humans obtain outside information is to look with their eyes, touch with their hands, smell with their noses, feel with their skin, listen with their ears, etc., and feel everything in this world through these sensory organs.

These organs then convert this information into information that the brain can read. Finally, the brain processes this information.

When you encounter good-looking scenery, you will feel more happy; you will feel nauseous when you eat something unpleasant; you will add clothes when you feel cold.

If the external information can be read by the brain directly through the information of brain waves, then the method for humans to obtain external information is no longer limited to their various organs.

Apart from that, the speed of obtaining information alone is much faster and much faster. The time required to read a book is always long after all, and the eyes and body are also tired during the process of reading a book.

And if you can master this technology, you can directly transmit a large amount of information to the human brain through the form of brain waves.

It can be said that virtual technology is definitely a trend and trend in the future development of science and technology.

"Mr. Qin ~ I called from above and invited you to a conference on the imperial capital ~"

Qin Yi's secretary, Lin Fang, said to Qin Yi when Qin Yi was resting.

Wen Xueying had always been doing this job for the secretary, but after Qin Yi's hard work, Wen Xueying was also pregnant at home and went back to the imperial city to raise her baby.

Therefore, the job of the secretary was replaced by Lin Fang, who was one of Qin Yi's pursuers before. He was very enthusiastic. Even if Qin Yi got married, this Lin Fang still did not give up.

Qin Yi did not know how Wen Xueying arranged it. This made Lin Fang his secretary. Now Wen Xueying is back to the Emperor Capital to raise a baby. This is a clear idea that you want to commit crimes.

"What meeting?"

Qin Yi took over the documents handed over by Lin Fang and looked carefully.

Soon, Qin Yi figured out that the space solar power station was getting bigger and bigger. At night, the power station would emit part of the sunlight, so that two moons appeared.

Because there is one more moon in this night's sky, the world is now full of excitement.

Xinghe Technology Group can receive letters from various teams, institutions and individuals at home and abroad every day. I hope that Xinghe Technology Group can stop the solar power station project in space immediately, otherwise, how and how .

Even abroad, in front of Huaxia's embassies in various countries, a group of people full of unreasonable people went on demonstrations every day, urging the Huaxia Galaxy Group to stop this dangerous behavior in space immediately. .

Many foreign dignitaries and heads of state have also directly contacted Huaxia's head and expressed their concerns about the second moon appearing in the sky. I hope that Huaxia can come forward to solve this kind of thing.

So there was this invitation to the meeting.

"It's funny ~ I invested hundreds of billions of assets, and a few words of protest will I give up?"

Qin Yi returned the document to Lin Fang and couldn't help crying and laughing.

Xinghe Technology Group is really on the cusp, not because of how much money Xinghe Technology Group makes, but just because the space solar power station project will emit sunlight and the second moon will appear.

Suddenly, many people around the world couldn't accept it. Some people even bluntly said that the second moon appeared to be a sign of the end of the world, and an unknown sign.

Yan Ran looks like the end of the world, which makes Qin Yi cry and laugh.

Some people even said frankly that since the second moon appeared, they did not dare to go out at night, because looking at the two moons in the sky always made him feel gloomy and very scared.

Everyone also directly sued the Galaxy Technology Group to the court and filed a huge claim for hundreds of millions of Chinese yuan. This also made Qin Yi stunned. There is such an operation, but fortunately abroad. Yes, if it is in China, it is estimated that the huge legal team of Xinghe Technology Group will be too busy.

"It doesn't seem to pay too much attention to this aspect, but pays more attention to economic aspects. This conference is an economic conference and an energy conference."

Soon after, Qin Yi calmed down, and after a careful study, he quickly relaxed.

This time, I asked myself to go to the Imperial City to attend the meeting. Obviously, I didn't ask for guilt, but paid more attention to the economic and energy functions in the field of space solar power generation.

You must know that the energy sector is a strategic sector related to national security. In the previous few months, Huaxia has just been gripped by the neck of the energy sector. It is very uncomfortable. The marks on the neck have not disappeared.

Therefore, the energy side also attaches great importance to this aspect. On the one hand, large-scale hoarding of oil is used as a strategic reserve.

The previous strategic reserves can only be sustained for a few months, and the current requirement is that they can be sustained for more than 3 years. It can be seen that China Huaxia is really rich.

The Chinese currency has appreciated significantly, and its purchasing power is very strong. Now it is also initially equipped with the ability of international currencies. Many countries use foreign currency in the reserve of Chinese currency.

Coupled with the strong economic growth in recent years, and sufficient power and capital to operate, it is also fierce for the tyrants.

Galaxy Technology Group has always been the trend and development direction of new technology. In the space, there is such a big movement. In fact, it has been known for a long time. This project has also been approved, and it has always been very concerned.

Now that the power station has begun to be put into power generation and use, it is also necessary to find Qin Yi's side to see the specific power generation situation and see how much development space there is.

As for the pressure of public opinion from abroad, Qin Yi doesn't care at all, and naturally he doesn't care at all. The current Huaxia is not the former Huaxia.

"Huh ~"

Qin Yi frowned and thought, and soon he ordered Lin Fang.

"Notify the research institute and think of a way to solve the problem of sunlight emitted by the space solar power station. No matter what, we can't give trouble to the top. Such a small matter is resolved as soon as possible, and naturally everything will be calm. "

After thinking about it, Qin Yi felt that although he could completely ignore the feelings of foreigners, the long-term pressure of public opinion coupled with his own protests also added trouble to the top side, and it was better to resolve it as soon as possible.

It is not difficult, and it is easy to solve. It is nothing more than investing some money into it, and the thing that can be solved with money is not a problem for Qin Yi now.

"Notify Wang Songling and bring the important person in charge of the Energy Group to the Emperor Capital to participate in the economic conference."

The conference is definitely going to be held. As a leader, I can't show you the considerable profits in the field of space solar power generation, and how to guide everyone to invest in this field.

Qin Yi estimates that the above side should actually mean it in this respect ~ ~ So this time the meeting also invited many domestic energy industry leaders to participate, the purpose is self-evident.

"Okay ~"

Lin Fang took the note with a pen, and after writing it, she looked at Qin Yi and asked, "Is there any other order from President Qin?"

Qin Yi looked at Lin Fang. This Lin Fang's figure was very hot. A tight-fitting business attire showed her perfect figure. The fullness of her chest was almost terrible. It was white and very dazzling.

At this time, he was very angry, thinking about Wen Xueying's intentional arrangement.

"Nothing ~ Nothing ~"

Qin Yi quickly waved her hands and motioned for her to work quickly. She needs to be quiet ~

ps For fresh things, everyone always showed fear and strong interest at the beginning. This appears 2 moons, and I think it should cause some trouble ~
