Interstellar Industrial Age

v2 Chapter 231: "Datang" anti-gravity spaceship

"Haha ~ This is famous, but it's different. There are more than 1,200 people who are above 360 ​​points, all are good seedlings."

Qin Yi, the president of Xinghe University of Science and Technology, took the freshly released data and smiled happily.

"Qin Yi, do you want to recruit more students? Our school now has enough teaching resources, but in fact we can recruit more students appropriately."

Chen He is also smiling.

Recalling the miserable scene of enrollment last year, there were really three cats or two cats, more than 700 talents with a score of 300 or more, and only just over 500 students finally came.

This time it is completely different. 30,000 candidates, more than 1,200 people with a score of 360 or more, have undergone tremendous changes.

"Yes, the quality of the candidates this time is very good. We can expand it appropriately. Our teacher team has also been expanding and is fully capable of training more students."

Ye Lan also nodded in support.

"Well, what you are saying is not unreasonable."

"Let ’s do so. We will send out admission notices to candidates with a score of 360 or above. We will increase the enrollment by about 20%. We will have to eat one bite and one bite at a time. Too much enrollment at one time will cause great pressure on us."

"The soldiers are not expensive, and we train the same students. There are too many students, and the quality of our teaching will definitely decline."

Qin Yi pondered for a while, and finally nodded slowly and agreed with Chen He and Ye Lan's proposal to expand the enrollment appropriately. After all, the number of first students was too small, only more than 500, and the enrollment could be appropriately expanded later. some.

Qin Yi made a decision here. Soon after, Xinghe University of Science and Technology announced the results of this independent admissions test, and issued an admission notice to students with a score of 360 or higher.

Lin Senior High School, senior (23) class, this class is a repeat class, all of them are repeat students.

Xinghe University of Science and Technology released a formal public, the teacher in charge of the class teacher Wang came in with the transcript from the class.

"Xinghe University of Science and Technology announced the admission score line. Congratulations to our classmates Kerry and Fang Zhiping, both of whom were accepted by Xinghe University of Science and Technology."

There was a hint of joy and excitement in Mr. Wang's voice. I thought that only Currie could be accepted by Xinghe University of Science and Technology this time. I did not expect that Xinghe University of Science and Technology would expand its enrollment. Admission.

After Teacher Wang finished speaking, he also took the lead in applauding, Kerui smiled, all this was expected, since he knew his score, he was completely relaxed.

As for another classmate named Fang Zhiping, the whole person almost jumped out of surprise. I originally thought that I had no chance. I did not expect that Xinghe University of Science and Technology expanded its enrollment and was admitted on the score line.

Fang Zhiping was very excited. In fact, he took the admission exam of Xinghe University of Science and Technology last year and was accepted, but he did not go.

As a result, he did not perform well in the college entrance examination this year, and his grades were not good. In addition, the reputation of Xinghe University of Science and Technology gradually grew, and he also regretted it.

This time it was already very desperate. I did not expect that Xinghe University of Technology expanded its enrollment and stepped on the score line.

"Haha ~ That's great!"

Fang Zhiping couldn't help but clenched his fists in excitement.

Teacher Wang Yingying looked at the scene with a smile, and Yu Guang in the corner of his eye saw the lonely Lin Feng. It was a pity that only 5 points were left.

But the reality is so cruel, just like the college entrance examination every year. Every year, some people lose because of a difference of two points. He has seen too many, too many things like this.

It was just that when he saw this Lin Feng, he still felt sorry for him. He had a great opportunity. He missed it in vain. When he regretted it, he couldn't repent.


Some happy, some sad!

On the other side, Qin Yi was busy with the matter of Xinghe University of Science and Technology and came to the side of Xinghe Aerospace Industry Base again.

As one of the only two companies in the world that can produce anti-gravity spacecraft, Xinghe Aerospace Industry Group also received the invitation letter from Zhuhai Air Show.

The China International Aviation and Aerospace Expo is abbreviated to the China (Zhuhai) Air Show or Zhuhai Air Show. It is an international professional aviation and aerospace exhibition with the top approval. It is an international specialty featuring physical displays, trade negotiations, academic exchanges and flight performances. Aerospace exhibition.

The Zhuhai Air Show is held every two years. The first time was held in 1996. The 20th Zhuhai Air Show this year is the 14th.

With the continuous rise of China's national strength, especially the rapid development of China's aviation and aerospace fields, the influence of Zhuhai's air show has also become greater and greater, each time attracting much attention.

At the fourteenth Zhuhai Air Show, Huaxia has made great achievements in the field of anti-power, aerospace and aviation in the past two years. In addition to the tremendous changes that have taken place in China in the past two years, this time the Zhuhai Air Show has not yet It has attracted worldwide attention since the beginning.

Above a wide parking lot at the Xinghe Aerospace Industrial Base, a huge and incomparable spacecraft is parked above the huge parking lot.

Above the huge hull of the spaceship, the two Chinese characters 'Dangtang' are very eye-catching. These two characters are magnified and imprinted according to the ink treasures left by the book's prince Wang Xi. They are very magnificent and handsome, just two words It makes people feel the prosperity of Tang Dynasty.

Although the 'Dangtang' spacecraft is also a spaceship, it is not the same as an anti-gravity spacecraft. Although it is also an anti-gravity spacecraft, it is not a spaceship. Fly around the Earth's atmosphere.

In addition to being unable to fly into space, its size is also very different from the anti-gravity spacecraft produced by the Xinghe Aerospace Industry Group, such as the Lushan and Huashan.

The 'Dangtang' spaceship is even more slender, with a length of hundreds of meters, a width of only 30 meters, and a height of 50 meters. Although the overall shape is still a long oval, it has grown a lot.

The reason why Xinghe Aerospace Industry Group has designed such a spacecraft naturally has its own plans.

This spacecraft is a weapon used by Qin Yi to **** the market of civil aviation.

For a long time, the production capacity of Xinghe Aerospace Industry Group has been limited, so they are all producing more important anti-gravity spacecraft, and have no energy to care about civil aviation.

So although the spaceships on the Chinese side can go to the moon to mine, the domestic civil aviation industry still uses Boeing and Airbus aircraft.

Now, the production capacity of Xinghe Aerospace Industry Group has begun to explode. Not only can it begin mass production of anti-gravity spacecraft, but it is also now involved in private anti-gravity vehicles and such large anti-gravity spacecraft used for famous aviation.

The civil aviation field is also a huge market!

Every year, Boeing can receive orders for more than 1,000 passenger planes. Airbus can also receive orders for about 500 passenger planes a year. The global civil aviation market adds up to almost 2,000 passenger plane orders each year.

The prices of different models of these airliners are also different. For example, the most expensive Boeing 747 costs more than 300 million US dollars, and the cheapest one costs about 80 million US dollars. The price of Airbus is similar to that of Boeing. The price of different models varies. Generally speaking, the bigger the more expensive.

Counting this annual order of more than 1,000 passenger planes can bring Boeing more than $ 100 billion in revenue, and Airbus also bring in billions of dollars in revenue.

If you take into account the annual sales of private jets worldwide, this is a huge cake of more than $ 200 billion. At present, only Boeing and Airbus are sharing this cake.

For this huge cake, Qin Yi has naturally coveted.

In the past, the export of anti-gravity-related things was not allowed here. Now it has been opened and its own production capacity is allowed. Naturally, there is no reason to continue to be cheap.

The huge cake of US $ 200 billion a year, if you can eat it all in your stomach, let alone how much money you make, it is difficult to count the employment and related companies that can be driven alone.

Aircraft manufacturing is an industry, and it is also a high-tech industry. An aircraft needs too many parts, too many parts. Similarly, to make a 'Datang' anti-gravity spacecraft, it also needs thousands of parts.

Xinghe Aerospace Industry Group only does the core things, and the rest is outsourced, which can drive the development of thousands of enterprises, and it is also a high-tech industry.

The development of these enterprises can further promote the development of related enterprises, and gradually form a huge industrial chain. Everyone can divide from this huge cake to the one that belongs to them.

This is of extraordinary significance to the entire country ~ ~ Why emphasize the industrial rejuvenation of the country? This is the reason. The industry does not need finance or real estate. There are too many industries and enterprises that the industry can drive. There are too many, too many jobs that can be promoted.

For Americans, Boeing is not less important than any other company. It not only creates wealth, but also creates too many, too many jobs. More importantly, it also promotes American Airlines. Development of the industry.

The aviation technology that is built every day is definitely not bad. It will only become more and more powerful. The technology is getting better and better. It can also cultivate the aviation industry. At the critical moment, those who build civil aircraft can also become fighters and bombers.

Just like the enterprises that built tractors in the past, they could be changed into tanks during the Second World War, and in the peaceful era of building tanks, they could also be turned into cars and ships.

For Qin Yi, who was determined to demolish the cornerstone of Uncle Sam, this pillar was set.

PS: Why do we need to build a big plane?