Interstellar Industrial Age

v2 Chapter 340: , The real swallowing beast

Anti-gravity Technology Research Center of Galaxy Technology Research Institute.

Qin Yi came in with a smile, smiling and greeting everyone along the way.

"Yang, how's the computer simulation going?"

Soon, Qin Yi went to a laboratory in the research center and found Yang Hongyan, the person in charge of the current anti-gravity technology research center.

Yang Hongyan and Liu Peiqiang, Lu Qingwei, Zhang Jian, and Wang Songling were all dug out of Qin Yi from the national laboratory.

Yang Hongyan has a more introverted personality, is not good at words, does not like communication, and prefers to be quietly immersed in the world of knowledge and exploration.

This is also why when several other people have been sent by Qin Yi to take charge of a large industry, Yang Hongyan still stays in the laboratory to concentrate on research.

He originally had the same qualifications as Liu Peiqiang and Lu Qingwei to take charge of a subsidiary. There was no problem, but Yang Hongyan and Zhang Jian were not suitable for management positions. Personality determined this and there was no way to change things.

So Yang Hongyan and Zhang Jian have always been studying antigravity technology. Of course, in terms of treatment, Qin Yi certainly did not treat them badly, and their treatment will not be worse than Lu Qingwei and Liu Peiqiang.

洪 Yang Hongyan, with a thick pair of glasses, looks honest and friendly, and has been immersed in the research of anti-gravity technology for several years.

When I heard Qin Yi's words, he smiled **** his face, he was not very good at words, he would not camouflage and hide, and he didn't even laugh.

Yun Ke is such a person. In the field of anti-gravity, he said nothing in the third words, but he dared not say the second. As for the first, it definitely belongs to Qin Yi.

"In theory, there are no problems. We have gone through in-depth experiments and research on all the theories, but when we use quantum computers for simulation tests, it still does n’t work, but we ca n’t find any problems. "

Yang Hongyan straightened his eyes. When it came to anti-gravity technology, he immediately changed into a normal person. He became radiant and began to talk loudly.

Qin Yi listened carefully, and at the same time compared Yang Hongyan's research with the knowledge and theories learned from the science and technology tower in his head.

"Theoretical research is indeed no problem at all. The gravity of stars and planets are essentially the same. It is just because of the mass that the gravitational pull is far apart."

"The first-generation anti-gravity technology has been developed for the second-generation anti-gravity technology. It is only a theoretical study, and there are not many problems, let alone some research materials and inspirations from the science and technology tower that I took from here."

"Theoretically, Yang Hongyan has completed the construction."

While listening carefully, Qin Yi was also a careful comparison in his heart.

Qin Yi soon knew that Yang Hongyan had completed the theoretical research here, and the rest was to move the theory into practice and study the second-generation engine.

"But why is it impossible for the second-generation anti-gravity engine simulated by computer?"

Qin Yi frowned and analyzed carefully.

Because of the powerful computing capabilities of quantum computers, this is of great help to scientists in conducting scientific research. Many things can use powerful quantum computers for simulation experiments and calculations, which greatly saves the time and energy of scientists and researchers. Can greatly improve efficiency.

Of course, the premise of computer simulation is that there is a huge amount of data to support it. Without enough data to support it, no matter how powerful a computer is, it will have no effect and nothing can be calculated.

Xinghe Technology Group started with anti-gravity technology. In the field of anti-gravity technology, Qin Yi and Yang Hongyan are ancestors, and they already have a huge amount of data in their hands.

In theory, computer simulation should be completely okay, but it is still not working now, and there must be something wrong or not taken into account.

"Can it be a matter of energy?"

Qin Yi carefully compared each item and analyzed it carefully. Naturally, there is data of the second-generation engine in the science and technology tower. You only need to make a comparison. Soon, Qin Yi discovered the problem.

"No, in the simulation calculations, I set the input power to be dozens of times the power of the current anti-gravity spacecraft. Isn't such a huge capacity enough to support it?"

I was awoken by Qin Yi, Yang Hongyan shook his head again and again, and soon his eyes began to shine.

"诶 ~"

"Maybe it is really a problem of energy. The first-generation anti-gravity engine used by the anti-gravity spacecraft itself has already consumed extremely much power. The second-generation anti-gravity engine consumes electricity."

"Oh my God, such a huge amount of energy, with our current technology, there is no way to satisfy its appetite."

Yang Hongyan took the virtual machine, and the thoughts in his mind immediately changed the data in the quantum computer. Soon, when he saw a series of numbers, the whole man couldn't help but take a breath.

"Its power consumption is at least hundreds of times that of current anti-gravity engines, which means that to drive the second-generation anti-gravity engines, its consumption in one minute must reach millions of kilowatts!"

I looked at this terrible figure, Yang Hongyan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"The real swallowing beast ~"

I could not help thinking of such a picture in my mind.

When a second-generation anti-gravity engine is started, a Three Gorges Hydropower Station is needed behind it to provide it with a steady stream of electricity.

It's like a super-swallowing beast. No amount of electricity can withstand such consumption, and it consumes millions of kilowatt-hours of electricity per minute.

And this is the minimum consumption calculated according to the theory. If you want to make a larger second-generation anti-gravity engine, its power consumption will be even more fearful.

"The second-generation anti-gravity engine uses the huge gravitational force of stars. Spacecraft and space warships using the second-generation anti-gravity engine will also be very fast. Naturally, it needs more huge energy."

Qin Yi smiled and nodded.

This is why Qin Yi encouraged the development of the space solar industry, because the global electric power is very tight now. As soon as these two generations of anti-gravity engines come out, their terrible power swallowing capacity. The energy of the earth is drained.

"However, such a huge energy consumption seems to be a bit difficult to meet with our atomic matrix batteries."

Yang Hongyan nodded, then thought about it.

This minute consumes at least one million kWh of electricity, and one hour is 60 million kWh, which is still at least, a little stronger may be over 100 million.

消耗 This hour consumes hundreds of millions of kilowatt-hours of electricity. This spaceship flies randomly in the cosmic void, at least according to how many days it is calculated.

Even if there is inertia, most of the time you can fly with inertia, but when it takes off and stops, it also takes several hours. So, if you count it, the future large spacecraft will be dispatched once, not hundreds of millions Electricity is untenable.

Now atomic matrix battery technology has also been updated for several generations. The latest atomic matrix battery, each atomic matrix battery can carry millions of watts of electricity.

Such a simple calculation, this needs to carry hundreds, even thousands of batteries to meet the needs of a large spaceship once dispatched.

也就是说 That is to say, this anti-gravity spacecraft can only walk in the range of the solar system at most, if it is used to walk among the stars of the universe, it is far from enough.

The power consumption is too great!

Now, it is only based on various aspects of data in the computer to perform simulation calculations. When manufacturing in real reality, the manufactured engine must not be as perfect as in computer simulation.

There must be some gaps in its power consumption, power, life, etc. This power consumption may be even greater.

"Don't rush ~ ~ step by step."

"We will make the second-generation anti-gravity engine first. The power consumption is a bit larger, but there is no problem walking around the solar system."

"As for what will be used for interstellar colonies in the future, we naturally have to use more powerful energy."

"The solution is always more difficult than it is. The boat to the bridge is naturally straight."

Qin Yi smiled, and did not take the issue of energy consumption too seriously.

Not to mention that there are now powerful atomic matrix batteries that can temporarily meet demand. Even if interstellar colonies are going to be made in the future, some of the technology towers will also have advanced energy technologies.

If tritium controlled fusion technology can be studied, the energy problem will be nothing.

What's more, Qin Yi did not intend to colonize the interstellar sea within a short period of time. Nowadays, no large spaceship has a shadow, let alone a spaceship, and the weapons used in the powerful space age have not been researched.

I have a long way to go, but there is still a long way to go.

What we need to do now is to research the second-generation anti-gravity engine first, build some spacecraft that can move in the range of the solar system, first explore the solar system in our base area, and make sure that we can look at the starry sky.

PS: Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Here I wish my friends in advance a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family!