Interstellar Industrial Age

v2 Chapter 468: ,Built the city

After inspecting the ecological construction of Mars, Qin Yi has a bottom in his heart. It is much better and too much than he imagined. The Mars ocean has basically formed a complete ecological chain, and the rest is just to continue. Add more creatures that can adapt to Mars' freshwater.

The land of Mars has been completely covered by vegetation. The next step is to slowly put more animals on Mars, and slowly create tropical rain forests and temperate broad-leaved forests according to the latitude, longitude, humidity, and so on above the continental soil of Mars. , Taiga, and more.

This process may take a long time, especially for animals from Earth. After it is introduced to Mars, it needs a process of adaptation.

The first is that herbivores have to adapt to the environment of Mars, and can slowly thrive on Mars by themselves. This process alone, Qin Yi estimates that it will take at least a few years.

If the number of races needs to be expanded to a certain base, it will take longer, especially for advanced animals. Its breeding speed is very slow. Animals such as cattle, sheep, horses, etc. can only reproduce a single child almost a year. Generally, only one child is born. The breeding speed of dogs and pigs is relatively fast, but it is almost able to give birth once a year, and the number is relatively large. As for elephants, giraffes, etc., its reproduction cycle is even more After a long time, it takes many years to mature, and only a few years can give birth.

High-level animals have long breeding cycles and a small number of offspring. If the population wants to expand to a certain size, it needs more from the earth, but more importantly, it takes time.

When the herbivores have multiplied to a certain extent, the carnivores will multiply more slowly. Even the fastest wolves, hyenas, and African wild dogs will not multiply too quickly. As for tigers and lions, it is even slower.

The entire ecology needs to be constructed. Qin Yi's side is estimated to be at least several decades. As for the formation of a stable ecological chain on Mars, this process may take hundreds of years.

Animals are no more than plants. Although animals are more advanced than plants, their adaptability is weaker and their reproduction speed is slower. It takes a long process to slowly multiply and grow.

Back to the Martian spaceship ‘Hanwu Great’, this huge spaceship has now become the super base of the Galaxy Group on Mars.

On the Mars side, there are more than 200,000 scientists, engineers, astronauts, and ordinary employees of the Galaxy Technology Group. All of their lives and accommodations are on this huge spaceship, and their work is on Mars, or It's Mars' outer space.

Mars' outer space has built a huge space farm, which produces enough vegetables, fruits, and food to meet the needs of millions of people; there is also a space smelting factory, asteroids mined from the asteroid belt, are constantly growing. Smelted to build a space factory.

Even Qin Yi even asked Yang Hongyan to start building a new spaceship factory on Mars, and he was preparing for a full migration to Mars in the future.

The 'Hanwu Great Emperor' spaceship has many layers, and the functions of each layer are different. Some are research centers of various disciplines, some are living and entertainment areas, and others can be used for agricultural planting. The agricultural area above the spacecraft can produce a large amount of food, fruits, vegetables and so on.

This is a spaceship that can be used for interstellar colony, everything is fully equipped.

In one of the layers, high-level scientists from the Xinghe Science and Technology Group and the Academy of Sciences, such as Liu Peiqiang, Lu Qingwei, Wang Songling, Liu Daoming, and Li Jingxuan, gathered together and looked at each other as they faced each other on Mars.

"I think this first city should be placed here at the exit of the Xiao Yangtze River. This location is in the temperate zone of Mars, the climate is pleasant, and the terrain is very open. It also depends on the sea and the river. The water resources are very rich and it is very suitable for construction. A huge city, I even thought about the name. Would you like to listen? "

Lu Qingwei pointed at the estuary of a river above the map of the Middle-earth continent on Mars.

"Don't, don't, you don't say we all know what name you got."

As soon as the others heard it, they shook their heads one after another, and everyone was very clear about the level of Lu Qingwei's name. One thousand articles, no matter what they were, were all called Qingwei.

"This location is quite good, but in the future, we will not have to consider the problem of Mars transportation. Now that the Earth's private anti-gravity vehicles have become popular, so this transportation need not be considered."

"What we need to consider is the environment, climate, water and topography. This equatorial area is too hot, and it will be built into a huge pristine tropical rain forest in the future, so we can exclude these areas."

"As for the cold zone, it is too cold and not good. It will cause a lot of inconvenience to our lives, so it is best to choose to build in the temperate zone."

"The terrain of this Middle-earth continent is actually relatively simple. The middle is high, the sides are low, and the plains are vast. What needs to be considered is the issue of water use. A large city uses relatively large amounts of water, so it is necessary to choose areas with water."

Liu Peiqiang looked at the map of the Middle-earth continent, pointing at the areas above to continuously exclude them, and slowly locked the areas within a few ranges.

"I think this first city was built in the middle reaches of the Xiao Yangtze River. It is near the river, rich in water resources, and the terrain is open. More importantly, this area is very stable according to our early geological exploration."

"In the southern region, there is also a relatively large mountain range that can block the cold current from the Antarctic region, which is very suitable for building a city."

"No, no, I still think the Xiao Yangtze River estuary is better here, you think, many of the big cities on the planet now rely on the sea, which has many benefits."

Upon hearing this, Lu Qingwei shook his head again and again, and opposed it.

"How are you discussing?"

At this time, Qin Yi came in and saw the crowds gathered together. The argument was fierce and he quickly came over.

"We are talking about building the first Mars city in Mars. Qingwei said that it should be built at the estuary of the Xiao Yangtze River. I think it should be built in the middle reaches of the Xiao Yangtze River. It ’s better. Liu Daoming also thinks that the Hanxi Plain is also good. "

"I see, it's better if you leave as the boss."

Liu Peiqiang smiled and pointed at each place above the Middle-earth continent.

"It can be built anywhere. After all, our population will increase and the number of cities to be built will definitely increase. I think what we should all discuss is how to plan this city."

Qin Yi looked at the map of China and Turkey, and then looked at the dots marked above and thought about it.

To be honest, for Qin Yi, it ’s the same where it is built. Now it ’s nothing but the trouble of happiness. It ’s like having money. Thinking about whether to buy a house or a car first. No matter what you buy, it must be happy.

The question that really makes Qin Yi think is how to plan the city above Mars. This is really worth thinking about.

The Martian middle-earth continent has nearly 80 million square kilometers and belongs exclusively to the Xinghe Technology Group. It is foreseeable that in the future a long time, the population of Mars will be very scarce. This is truly a vast and sparse population.

The earth is wide and the people are scarce. In addition, Mars is now like a blank piece of paper. If you want to draw a beautiful picture, you must plan well from the beginning, and you ca n’t start with it.

"With regard to urban planning, our opinions are relatively uniform."

Liu Peiqiang and the people around him looked at each other and said with a smile.


Qin Yi was a little surprised, and it was vying for where to build the first city. I did not expect that there was an agreement on the city planning, which made Qin Yi very curious and said, "Hurry up and listen."

"In the future of our urban planning and construction on Mars, we plan to refer to the urban planning of European and American countries."

Liu Peiqiang nodded, and then the idea moved, the virtual watch was connected to the computer control system in the lobby, the projector automatically turned on, and began to play out a city design drawing.

"In the future, our city on Mars ~ ~ We plan to keep only the functions of life, entertainment, and office. As for industrial production, all of it will be moved out of the urban area. Either build an industrial city or set it up in space. in."

"In terms of urban planning, in the middle area of ​​the city, we plan to set up government office areas, banks, corporate office areas, etc. This area is mainly high-rise buildings."

"There are huge residential areas around the city. We follow the North American method. All the residential areas are built as villas. The back is a lawn in front of the garden. The area is controlled to 1000 square meters."

"In a residential area, for every residential area with a certain number of households, we build a primary school, a certain number of primary schools build a secondary school, and a city builds a university."

"The size of the entire city is controlled within the range of one million people. Once it exceeds one million people, we will build a new city and move the surplus population to the new city."

With Liu Peiqiang's explanation, a city's planning map was slowly played out, and the areas were continuously divided into residential areas, living areas, entertainment areas, education, medical care, office and so on. The planning is very detailed. Millions of people's cities appeared before everyone.