Interstellar Industrial Age

v2 Chapter 470: , Mars is all human

The transformation of Mars is being carried out vigorously. At the same time, the construction of Mars's first city, Yanhuang City, has also been put into the daily routine. The Galaxy Technology Group has recruited more than 100,000 construction workers and transported a large amount of construction materials from the earth. To Mars, a large-scale city-building campaign began.

The big movements on Mars naturally cannot hide the eyes of the Earth.

The outer space of the earth is very busy now, and there are countless huge space buildings, among which there are many, many laboratories for scientific research, astronomical research centers and the like.

There are many, many space telescopes in space, and they are constantly aligned with each other in space. The Martian side is naturally already eye-catching because of the big action of the Galaxy Technology Group.

The Alfalia Astronomical Research Center is also a cosmic astronomical research center located in space. In the research center, Professor Smith is using the cosmic astronomical telescope to observe the situation on Mars.

"Inconceivable, in a short period of time, Mars has become a bustling life planet, and the former barren land has become dense forests and grasslands."

"Did the Galaxy Technology Group have completed the transformation of Mars?"

An important task of Professor Smith is to track Mars. Everyone knows that Xinghe Technology Group has made a big move on Mars, but at the beginning everyone thought that Qin Yi's idea of ​​transforming Mars was really ridiculous, not to mention that At the time of planning, this budget was an astronomical figure of more than 100 billion Chinese yuan.

Everyone feels that Qin Yi is dreaming. A scientist's paranoid and fanatical dream is just like Tesla was determined to develop a time machine. Everyone thinks Qin Yi is the same.

But Qin Yi is rich. He likes to toss as much as he likes. Even a few years ago, Qin Yi owed a lot of debt because of transforming Mars. It also made countless people ready to read Qin Yi's joke.

Seeing that Qin Yi smashed all his worth into the transformation of Mars, and finally came to the end of bankruptcy, it is naturally the best, and it can also be a joke after people's rest.

However, year after year, there is still no sign of bankruptcy on the side of Galaxy Technology Group, and the debt of Galaxy Technology Group is quickly paid off.

On the Mars side, with the transformation of Xinghe Technology Group, huge changes have begun to take place. The original red planet has now become the same blue planet as the earth.

In the eyes of countless people, Qin Yi is a lunatic. In order to transform Mars, he built the largest spaceship, the Hanwu Great Emperor, now.

It also plowed Ceres to hit Mars, bringing a lot of water to Mars, and later it spent huge trillion yuan of Chinese yuan to purchase more than 100,000 asteroids to hit Mars.

After investing in Mars, Xinghe Technology Group almost went bankrupt.

When everyone was waiting to see Qin Yi's joke, a huge change took place quietly on Mars' side. The once dead planet was full of life, and the barren earth was replaced with green new clothes. It was vibrant and beautiful. Heaven of life.

"No, I have to tell the news above. If this Mars can really deal with human survival, it will be the second earth!"

Professor Smith continuously analyzes Mars data. Mars has a magnetic field, the density of the atmosphere is very close to Earth, the temperature is very suitable, there is water, and there is a huge life, all of which indicate that Mars is already a life The planet, most likely, is now suitable for human survival and habitation.

This matter is too important. How much more important is it to have a life planet suitable for human habitation? What a huge fortune. Before everyone just wanted to read a joke, but now their eyes are red.

Professor Smith's report was soon published, and the entire earth suddenly knew what Mars is like today.

In a virtual chat world abroad, people from all over the world often come together to discuss each other's major events on the planet.

Because virtual technology can ignore the obstruction of language, realize brainwave communication, and clearly convey their meaning to others, so the communication between the world is closer than ever.

Almost everyone will come from friends from all over the world. In the past, language was a hindrance to communication. Now there is no suffering in language communication, and communication and connections between different parts of the world are extremely close.

"The African people sent a congratulatory message, and we humans have another life planet, and since then we have really bought into the era of interstellar colony."

In the virtual world, a black uncle from Africa, a black uncle from Africa, expressed his congratulations.

"Forget it, all humans, this Mars is now a private property belonging to the Galaxy Technology Group, it does not belong to all humans at all, do you think that the Galaxy Technology Group will share Mars?"

A man named German Chariot replied coldly.

"Don't Mars belong to all humans?"

Someone followed.

"Mars must belong to all human beings, and we will never allow the Galaxy Group to monopolize Mars. We must know that this is the second earth."

"According to data released by scientists, 55% of Mars is now land, and the land area is almost 80 million square kilometers, which is even larger than Asia and Africa combined."

"Such a vast and fertile land can support a huge population of billions. The current population of our planet is too much, it is close to 9 billion. If we can migrate billions of people to Mars, the ecological environment of the planet will be It will improve a lot, a lot. "

"Thinking is beautiful, but this Mars was transformed by the Galaxy Technology Group at countless costs. Do you think it is possible?"

"North America has a large population and a sparse population. It can also feed many billions of people. Why not go to Africa and relocate one billion people in the past?"

"It's on the same earth, it's closer, and the migration is more convenient. Although Mars now looks good, but I dare not go to live on Mars, maybe a special virus on Mars will directly ask you. Sick, how did the former Indians become extinct? "

"This person must be a pandaren. He is defending the side of Xinghe Technology Group. According to data released by scientists, Mars is definitely suitable for human survival. Pandaren wants to monopolize Mars."

Someone seemed to find something all of a sudden, and immediately hesitated.

"We don't want to monopolize Mars, but this Mars belongs to us originally. When the Starry Sky Technology Group invited everyone to transform Mars together, why didn't anyone stand up and say that we should transform Mars together."

"Now Mars is almost transformed, one by one is jealous, want to pick fruits, dream, do you think I am a panda person?"

The speaker spoke rudely, and now knows that the pandaren are really strong and confident.

"We are not talking about picking fruit. Mars, like the moon, is the common property of all mankind. This Galaxy Technology Group really has the credit for transformation. No one will deny this."

"Xinghe Technology Group's transformation of Mars here can reap the benefits of Mars' late earnings, but this Mars belongs to all human beings, and this cannot be changed in any way."

"Yes, Mars belongs to all humans ~"

"Support ~"

"Good to say ~"

Someone immediately stood up and said righteously.

"Cut ~ The entire universe still belongs to the Earth people. I don't see you have the ability to occupy it. You have the ability to go to Mars. Isn't it that Mars belongs to all human beings? Now it is also a land of no one. Who owns it? "

The man who called me a pandaren said dismissively.

In the virtual world, countless people are discussing the problem of Mars. The most important core point is the question of the ownership of Mars. Pandaren naturally feel that this Mars is a privately owned property of the Galaxy Technology Group at a high cost. As for people all over the world, they feel that Mars is the common property of all mankind and should belong to all mankind.

In addition to the fierce discussions in the virtual world, news media around the world and others also started a series of detailed reports on Mars.

From the discovery history of Mars, to the resources contained on Mars, to the fact that Mars is the second earth now ~ ~ Many fruit-level treaties and the like before the extension, etc., the purpose is to promote to everyone The idea is that this Mars is the common property of all mankind, and its ownership rights belong to all mankind, and should not be owned by private companies.

As for some celebrities and others, they have begun to express their views in various ways, one by one, talking about human beings as one, the earth as one, and everything as one. Mars is naturally one It is also the common property of all mankind.

Big brothers from all over the world also began to frequently go to the country of pandas, one by one, they are constantly trying to pandas, to test the problem of Mars ownership.

Now, pandas are not as good as they used to be. If it was decades ago, where would you be so polite to test the attitude of pandas? Yes, just lift the table if it's hard.

But now it ’s different. Even if the eyes are red, it is very jealous of the huge land on Mars. Everyone has to honestly try to influence the panda through their own public opinion, and they can only look at the panda through tentative methods. Here's the attitude.

Ps: The river crab beast is too powerful, so you ca n’t write more or write it in detail. This content will be taken in one pass ~