Interstellar Industrial Age

v3 Chapter 27: Carlo Star

"What a beautiful planet!"

The high-definition image of 很快 C1 was quickly transmitted back to the solar system Mars.

Everyone who sees this photo and video can't help but sigh, C1 star, its beauty is not worse than the earth.

Qin Yi is connected to a virtual world to watch the images sent back. The C1 star is like a sapphire, like a sapphire. It is blue and blue, standing quietly in the void, and can clearly see the ocean above this planet. , Land, forest, lake, river, grassland, etc.

"The surface area is 2.2 billion square kilometers, and the land area accounts for about 45% of the total area. There are about 1 billion square meters of land area ~ forest coverage is very high, and the entire planet has more than 70% forest coverage."

"The gravity of the planet is about 1.5 times the gravity of the earth ~"

"The main components of the atmosphere are 70% nitrogen, 28% oxygen, and 2% of other gases. The oxygen content is relatively high, the thickness of the atmosphere is thicker than that of the earth, and the density is 1.3 times that of the earth's atmosphere ~~"

"C1 has 3 satellites, all of which are less massive than the moon, but they are not too small. Each satellite has about two thirds of the mass of the moon."

之中 In the virtual world, various data about C1 star are constantly being improved. More and more data is input into the computer, so that scientists have a very intuitive understanding of the entire C1 star.

On the other hand, as the detector sends a lot of information back, linguists are deciphering faster and faster. On the basis of grasping a lot of information, the language here is also quickly deciphered.

原来 "It turned out that the name of this C1 star is the Carlo Star, which means the forest."

Xu Yifei is here with the latest deciphered information. Decoding of the language has just started to be difficult. Once there is a breakthrough, a language can be deciphered soon.

原来 "It turns out that this Carocci star is similar to the side of the earth, and it is also divided into many countries. The people of this Carocci star are also called Carocci, which means the forest people."

The decipherment of the language also allows everyone to fully understand this Carogie star and the Carogie people at once.

The Carochi look a bit like the Earth, with both hands and feet, a head on his shoulders, eyes, and a nose.

But the color of the Caloches is green and black, and the Calochs are very tall, with an average height of two meters and five, and some are even taller than three meters.

Except for the tall and strong muscles, the eyes of the Caroch stars are the same as those of cats on the earth, with yellow eyes and black pupils.

In addition, the Carochi ears are a bit like the elves in Western mythology. The ears are long and pointed, and they have very good hearing.

The Carochi people have a very long history, with a detailed history of more than 100,000 years. Due to the different skin colors, the Carochi people are also mainly divided into two races. One is mainly green skin, which integrates a few The red and blue-skinned Carocchis, who call themselves Cascas, mean Carocchis living in the sun.

The other is the Carochi people who mainly have black skin color and blend brown, gray, and brown skin. These people call themselves Kalui, meaning the people of the moon.

The Kaskas and Karuis believe in the 'sun' in the sky that appears during the day. Of course, the sun here does not refer to the stellar sun in the solar system, but to the star C in the Centaurus galaxy. .

The Kaska people claim to be the sons of the sun, and believe that the sun gives light and warmth, so they should worship the sun and believe in the sun.

The Karui people believe in the 'moon'. Since the moon's people, of course, the moon here does not refer to the moon of the earth, but to the three moons of the carocci star.

The Takarui people thought they were the children of the moon, and they fought tens of thousands of years with Kaska people who considered themselves the people of the sun.

The Carogie star is very different from the earth. The continents on the earth are divided into many blocks and separated from each other by the ocean. Therefore, it was not until the era of great navigation that all parts of the globe were connected to each other.

However, it is not the same in the Carogie Star, because the area of ​​the land and the area of ​​the ocean are not very different, so most of the land are connected, and after a long period of war, conquest, etc. The formation of a large number of countries and forces.

But the most important thing is the wars and battles between the Kaskas and the Karuis. Two people who believe in different gods have their own religions and beliefs, and they have been continually conquered since ancient times.

This kind of expedition has lasted for hundreds of years. With the advent and development of technology, the war between the Carocci people has become more brutal and the casualties have become even more severe.

For hundreds of years, the two camps killed each other and wanted to conquer each other. The casualties were extremely severe, and then they began to realize the value of peace slowly.

Long-term wars and confrontations also make the Carochi people generally very warlike and fierce, and they have also greatly promoted the rapid development of the technological level of the Carochi people.

By now, the level of science and technology of the Carochi people is quite high, which is almost the same as that of the early 21st century on the earth side. It is not too far away from the real era of interstellar space. Just like the original Earth, the difference is a cheap Space shuttle tool.

"The population is too huge. The entire Carogie star, the number of Caroche people actually exceeds 50 billion, which is several times our entire human population."

的 The information about the Carocci stars and the Carocchis soon came to Qin Yi and others. Each item of information was continuously looked at. When he saw the number of Carocci, Lu Qingwei couldn't help but feel the pressure.

"It's not surprising that the land area of ​​this Carocci star is more than six times the land area of ​​our planet, and more importantly, the forest coverage of this Carocci star is very high and the ecological environment is very good."

再 "In addition, they have also entered a civilized society, the level of science and technology is already quite high, and the situation of a large population is also normal under the condition of mature medical conditions."

"And their history is really very long. The recorded history is more than 100,000 years. On the civilized earth side, the recorded history is the civilization ancestors, but it is only over 5,000 years."

Qin Yi carefully analyzed that the population of this Caroge star is more than 50 billion. If it is absolutely terrifying on the earth, it is a very normal number if it is placed on the Caroge star.

"50 billion people, it is not easy for us to conquer this place."

Although Qin Yi's analysis is very reasonable, but when thinking of the figure of 50 billion, Lu Qingwei couldn't help but be large for a while, this number is really too large. You must know that the current population of Xinghan is only a little over 200 million. The population here has already exceeded the 10 billion mark.

Africans, Middle Easterners, Indians, and Southeast Asians are really born. The population growth rate in these areas is too fast. For decades, the population on the earth has also exceeded the 10 billion mark ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ We don't compare with them, we rely on technology, but their technology is not bad, and they have entered a civilized society, which is really a problem. "

Qin Yi also nodded and frowned, and began to meditate.

"You say if we occupy here, how will we manage and rule here in the future?"

"The number of Carochi people is more than 50 billion. For us invaders, they must swear to the end. They will be a scourge sooner or later, but if they are not, it will be 50 billion ..."

Liu Peiqiang knows what Qin Yi is thinking. Although he has n’t occupied it yet, this Centaurus galaxy is the first stop of Xinghan colony and the first place where Yan and Huang descendants expanded.

If you don't think hard about what policies and strategies to take in the future, you will surely bury endless troubles for your children and grandchildren in the future.

This is also a question that Qin Yi has been thinking about, and it is also a question that Xinghan executives have been thinking about. Qin Yi did not even want to perform interstellar expansion until he thought about it.

"How to manage and rule?"

"It's very simple. Since ancient times, external expansion has not been bloodless. It always requires someone to carry something."

Lu Qingwei has no worries in this respect. He is very decisive.

PS: ask for tickets, various requests ~~