Interstellar Industrial Age

v4 Chapter 35: , Private Planet Services

Jiang Yi thought about it, connected to the virtual world, and appeared in a virtual chat world.

This is a chat world with Lushan on the earth as the background, a mountain pavilion, a pot of tea, so simple.

Jiang Yi's figure flashed into this virtual world. Look carefully at the man waiting, and keep recollecting in his mind that he doesn't know him.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang ~"

"I am Ren Fei, co-founder of Private Planet Services, and I am very happy to meet you."

Ren Fei, who was dressed in formal clothes, saw Jiang Yi arriving, and he quickly smiled and introduced himself.

"Hello, Mr. Ren ~"

Jiang Yi shook hands, sat down, thought for a while and said, "Private Planet Service Company, it seems that your company hasn't registered for long."

Jiang Yi has just searched for the private new ball service company Ren Fei said, a company that has only registered for less than a year, and the registration place is also in the Andromeda Galaxy.

"Yes, our company is newly registered."

Ren Fei nodded happily, then smiled and said: "Do not hide Mr. Jiang, several of my partners and I feel that the permanent private planet has great potential. We are very optimistic about this market, so it is also established. Such a service company, dedicated to permanent private planet owners like Mr. Jiang, will take care of these life planets for you and make life planets produce the value he deserves. "

"Specially take care of life planet?"

As soon as Jiang Yi heard it, he immediately became interested. At the same time, he had to admire these people. His mind was really easy to use. How long did it take for everyone to immigrate?

"Yes, we can see the name of our company, private planet service company."

Ren Fei said with a smile.

"I don't know if it's not convenient for me to introduce our company's services and projects?"

"Of course ~"

Jiang Yi smiled and nodded. He is now worrying about how to take care of the five life planets from his home. The other party came over, and it is just for reference and reference. When the time comes, they can hand over a few life planets to them. Take care of yourself, just pay attention to the income.

"Because our company is a start-up company, we have only two cooperation models for the time being. The first is the simplest rental model. We rent your life planet at a certain price. During the lease, we develop and Management, income also belongs to our company, you can get rent. "

"The second mode of cooperation is the mode of entrusted management. You entrust us to take care of your life planet, and our company charges 30% of the revenue generated."

Ren Fei introduced the two cooperation models of their company very simply and quickly.

"Two kinds ~"

Jiang Yi nodded, then thought about it and said, "If this life planet is rented to you, how much rent can you give?"

"In the first cooperation model, we require that the lease time is not less than 10,000 years. Of course, the longer the time, the better, we will be willing to invest in the life planet. The development of life planet is definitely wanting to invest. Jiang Mr. should know. "

"There are also two modes of rent, one is a fixed mode, which is to pay according to the annual rent, and the other is a floating mode, which can be renegotiated every 100 years or so according to the market conditions at that time. rent."

"On the fixed model, the current price we have given here is 1 million star coins per year. The rent of the floating model is also around this price. Of course, I am very honest. Mr. Jiang, you said that our star Han is developing rapidly. The longer the time, the more valuable the planet of life is, so in another thousand years, 10,000 years or something, the population of the Andromeda Galaxy has skyrocketed. This planet of life will definitely become more valuable, and the rent will naturally rise. "

It can be seen that Ren Fei is still very sincere in doing business. Of course, within Xinghan Civilization, everyone pays more attention to credibility, because many times they are linked to their own family. Have to be affected.

Therefore, those who start a company to do business are most concerned about credibility and integrity.

"One million star coins a year?"

After listening to Jiang Yi, it was also a little deep pondering. One million star coins leased a world of life planet for one year. This rent can be said to be quite cheap. Of course, this is also related to the current situation of the Andromeda Galaxy. Billions of life planets, immigrants, and households each have several life planets.

Everyone is worried about how to develop and use their own life planet. This rent is naturally not too high, because some people are willing to simply rent out this life planet, without worrying about how to develop it, and take it easy. At home, you can have benefits.

One million star coins is also a considerable income for individuals. You should know that the purchasing power of star coins is very strong. Numerous civilizations in the galaxy want star coins, which leads to the great purchasing power of star coins. .

"The model of entrusted management. If you entrust Life Planet to you, how would you manage it? I will bear the input of the premises, or will you bear it?"

Jiang Yi nodded, and it was understood that the several life planets under his family could at least bring some income to his family. Five life planets were rented out, and at least 5 million star income a year. , Food and clothing are absolutely worry-free, of course, they are already worry-free.

"Under the entrusted management model, at present, we mainly focus on two aspects: one mining, one agriculture and animal husbandry. Mining is to first explore the minerals on the life planet, and then mine the higher value minerals."

"Agriculture and animal husbandry is to develop agriculture and animal husbandry on the planet of life, mainly to grow food, cash crops, and raise a variety of livestock."

"In terms of pre-investment, because it is a model of entrusted management, so the pre-investment needs Mr. Jiang yourself. We are only responsible for management, which is regarded as a housekeeper."

Ren Fei thought back.

"I came out on my own, and the life planet is mine. Why should you let you manage it and divide your income by 30%?"

After listening, Jiang Yi laughed and said with a smile.

"That's because we can bring you more benefits."

Ren Fei said confidently.

"Although our company has just been established, our co-founders all have very rich experience in asset management. As far as I am concerned, I graduated from Xinghai University of Commerce and Economics and graduated from Shuangji University of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. I used to work in the Xinghe Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Group under Xinghe Technology Group for hundreds of years. I have some understanding of the agriculture and animal husbandry industry. "

"So we are confident that if your life planet is handed over to us to take care of it, the income from the output should still be okay."

Although Ren Fei said a little more euphemistically, the meaning is very clear. We are professional. Life Planet can generate more revenue under our management. It is definitely more profitable than taking care of yourself.

"Xinghai University of Commerce and Technology, Double Doctor ~"

Jiang Yixin nodded slightly.

With the continuous expansion of the territory and territory of Xinghan, and the continuous expansion of the population, Xinghan's universities are also increasing. When Yan and Huang descendants go to places, various schools will also be established.

Andromeda galaxy, although everyone has just emigrated here, but Andromeda galaxy has also established many universities here, in order not to delay education.

Now I do n’t know how many universities there are in Xinghan. However, Xinghan has always been a famous top university, but it is always very famous and enduring. Like Xinghan University of Technology, Xinghe University of Science and Technology, Xinghan University, etc. Well-known colleges have always dominated the fierce competition and led the way. It is a holy place without mathematics.

Although Xinghai University of Commerce and Business cannot be compared with these top universities, it is also a well-known presence among the universities of commerce and business. Many and many business giants were born. The students of Xinghai University of Commerce and Business do business in almost every corner of Xinghan.

If Xinghan University of Technology, Xinghe University of Science and Technology, etc. are famous for the birth of top scientists, then Xinghai University of Commerce and Industry is famous for the birth of business giants.

Of course, in Xinghan, we admire scientists more than businessmen. One of the most important reasons is the welfare system given by Xinghan officials. Every Xinghan citizen has no worries about food and clothing since birth.

For a long time, naturally, Xinghan people are relatively indifferent to money. Anyway, everyone with money and money is almost the same, they don't have to worry about life, and they are able to pursue their dreams.

Naturally, everyone is neither envious, nor jealous of the rich.

Scientists are different. Scientists have always been Xinghan ’s most valuable asset. Since Xinghan ’s establishment, its status has been very high, and it is also the strongest thrust that Xinghan can continue to grow and develop. UU reading books With lofty status and treatment.

"Mr. Ren, I need to think about it and discuss it with my family. So, I will contact you later."

Jiang Yi thought about it and did not rush to agree. Anyway, Life Planet is in his own hands. Anytime he wants to agree, he is not in a hurry to use money, and naturally he is not in a hurry to cooperate with the other party.

"Of course it works ~"

Ren Fei nodded with a smile.

"Private Planet Service Company ~"

After quitting the virtual world, Jiang Yi couldn't help laughing, but he began to think about whether he should leave his life planet under his care.

Now the Andromeda Galaxy has many private life planets and a small population. It is also a good choice to take care of them. You can worry a lot, but if the Andromeda Galaxy develops in the future ...

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