Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1248: The awe-inspiring Demon Lord Shuya!

The blackened Demon King and Shadow Shadow Cliff also ran away?

Yang Zhen stared blankly at the strange scene in front of him, and his heart shook immediately.

Damn, no good!

Suddenly Yang Zhen's face changed, and the destruction of the Five Territories was not a punch from Moying Shuya.

There must have been some change in the Five Territories, which led to the destruction of the whole world.

From the beginning of the sky, the sky and the earth broke apart, and a breath of destruction broke out from above the sky.

This is the will of the world and the outbreak of the law!

No wonder Shuya was in a hurry, he must know what happened.

Don't let the kid run away.

"Quick, keep up with Shuya, he knows what happened!"

Yang Zhen followed behind Mozun Shuya and groaned. Everyone around listened in amazement, and all turned around and rushed towards Mozun Shuya.

There were no fools on the scene, the world exploded, the terrible air waves overturned the river and the sea, and under the cracks of the world, once the power of the void exploded, no one could run.

Mozun Shuya knew what was happening and only ran at this time. He must know the method of avoidance.

The expression of hope on everyone's face showed that Mozun Shuya was the last life-saving straw, and he desperately rushed towards Mozun Shuya.

"Mozun Shuya, you stop for the old man, you old man, have the ability to stop and fight the old man for 300 rounds!"

An old man scolded the street with his feet jumping behind him.

But the old man in front of him was not the realm of the great holy man, not even the holy sage, let alone the door.

Mozun Shuya's face showed a look of anger, and his scarlet eyes turned back to stare at the old man and roared. Instead of stopping to fight him for 300 rounds, he ran faster!


Everyone almost used the fastest speed of their lives. On the one hand, they ran slowly, and they couldn’t run faster than the speed of the world. On the other hand, if they were slow, let alone catch up with Mozun. It's hard to follow closely without chasing.

Jiulong Shengzun and Sword Devil Dao Demon took the lead and were adorned behind Mozun Shuya.

Yang Zhen disappeared.

There was a dignified look on Mozun Shuya's face. He felt more and more wrong as he ran away. Suddenly his face changed, and he suddenly looked up into the air.

A lot of whispering lotus flowers appeared on the top of the head, and the horror energy contained in it made the Demon King Shuya face change directly.

"Brother, don't leave, let's talk!"


The terrifying air burst, and the Buddha's anger Tanglian formed by three accompanying sky fires suddenly burst out a force that destroys the earth and the earth. On the ground.

Next, there was nothing more about Yang Zhen. The overwhelming martial arts slammed toward Mozun Shuya. The violent air wave scared Yang Zhen to hurry up in the air and silenced for Mozun Shuya for several seconds.

"Asshole, you assholes!"

Mozun Shuya's face flashed with a furious look, and the chaos of countless monks' heads covered his face. There was no room for resistance.

Even if it is a strong man who is close to the goal, so many monks can't stand the shot together, especially the three people of Jiulong Saint and Sword Demon Dao. I am afraid that Mozun Sparse Cliff has no other tricks to use, and it directly broke out the most powerful. Trick.

The rumbling sound continued for nearly a quarter of an hour before it stopped. At this time, the destruction of the sky and the sky in the air was almost tyrannical, and a creepy void power surged out, and everyone looked up in horror. Looking at midair.

"Stop, stop, don't kill the big brother!"

Yang Zhen rushed down from the air, with an expression of righteous indignation on his face, staring at the crowd and saying, "How can you do this, so many people, what if you are killed?"

I also hope that Brother Mozun Shuya will talk about what is going on here. Who is the reason to be killed?

Yang Zhen stretched out his hand and pulled up Mozun Shuya, and wrapped it around Mozun Shuya's shoulder, saying, "Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, oh, I don't know if you know this creature, but if you change it to something else, Yes, everyone is a dragon on a rope, no one wants to run out alone, you don’t want to talk about what is going on, just want to leave here by yourself, it seems a little too unreasonable, you see, it is there Many seniors disagree."

"Yes, Mozun Shuya, let's talk about what is going on here, what is it that you leave alone?"

"Mozun Shuya, do you know what happened here?"

Mozun Shuya's face showed a dull look, staring blankly at Yang Zhen, and wished to rush to bite.

Seeing countless entourages, the runner could not run away, Mozun Shuya roared and said, "What do you do around the old man, the five territories will be destroyed, they will be completely destroyed, you have not left quickly, Stay and die, don't hold the deity."

"It's going to be destroyed?"

Yang Zhen slapped it on the head of Mozun Shuya and said, "Damn, we certainly know that the Five Wonders are going to be destroyed. Isn't this being destroyed in the sky, but why?"

A good world, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. If there is no reason, Yang Zhen does not believe it.

The cheap cat didn't know where to go. At this time, it was clear that even the cheap cat couldn't care about what Yang Zhen hadn't seen.

Mozun Shuya glared at Yang Zhen, looked at the power of the sky that landed slowly in the air, sighed, and said, "This matter must be said about 30,000 years ago."

Yang Zhen was startled and said hurriedly: "Don't start from 30,000 years ago. When you are finished, the people here have enough stubble to pick up the important things. What is going on, What is the reason and what should we do."

Obviously, Mozun Shuya didn’t want to talk about it from 30,000 years ago. He looked up dignifiedly and said: "There is a tear of the emperor here. The Five Wonders have been cursed for tens of thousands of years. The law has been trying to find a way. Break this curse..."

"Emperor Tears?" Jiulong Jiuzong shook his body, pulled Mozun Shuya up and stared at Mozun Shuya. "You said Emperor Tears?"

A strange smile appeared on the face of Mozun Shuya, and said, "I really thought that heaven and earth would wipe out everything that the emperor realm might not do, and heaven and earth are not benevolent, but never rushed to kill, Feng Yu... she still has a chance to live!"

Hearing this, Jiulong Shengzun was excited and speechless. He turned to stare blankly at Yang Zhen. After a long time, he shivered and said, "Yang... Yang Xiaoyou, help me!"

As soon as this remark came everyone was stunned.

The strange smile on Mozun Shuya's face froze fiercely, and he looked at Jiulong Shengzun with a forceful expression.

Yang Xiaoyou?

At this time, shouldn't you just ask for your own help?

Why is it Yang Xiaoyou?

"Kowloon, are you excited and dizzy?" Mozun Shuya snorted coldly, apparently a little arrogant, turning her head to wait for Jiulong Jiulong.

Obviously, even if Jiulong Shengzun turned to him for help at this time, he would definitely have to take a look at it.

Not only did Jiulong not find him, he even took Yang Zhen's hand and said seriously: "If Yang Xiaoyou can resurrect Feng Yu, Jiulong's life is yours."

Everyone: "..."

Mozun Shuya: "???