Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1343: Who said I used my hand?

Seeing that Yang Zhen grabbed the origin of the magic pattern, and ran like this, everyone's face showed a forceful expression.

Let’s not talk about Yang Zhen’s running so fast, the smoke-smelling kung fu has disappeared. Yang Zhen grabbed the origin of the moire alone, and even got into his arms, it made everyone react. .

A group of Dao Xiu had a blank look on their faces and looked at each other as if there had never been a person named Yang Zhen here.

Those magic repairs are even more unbearable, as if they have forgotten Chen Xiaotian’s words, like petrification, staring at the disappearing direction of Yang Zhen and cheap cats, etc. until Quanyang Modi roared, all the talents reacted, but also for It's too late.

Yang Zhen has disappeared. What's the point of going back and chasing at this time?

Besides, there are so many directions in the world, and the ghost knows which direction Yang Zhen will chase?

Not to mention that Quanyang Devil Emperor will not let Yang Zhen, even Chen Xiaotian and a kind of magic cultivation will not let Yang Zhen, there are many Dao Xiu with ulterior motives, once Yang Zhen is found, he is not alone Divided?

It's impossible not to run, it's impossible to run slowly. Yang Zhen's smoky run away is reasonable.

Quanyang Devil Emperor roared again and again, it seemed that he was looking for the origin of the surrounding moire patterns, and he could not believe that he was robbed under his eyelids.

When everyone thought of Chen Xiaotian's coming, Qi Qi looked towards Chen Xiaotian. The poor old man hadn't closed his mouth until now. He looked dumbfounded at the direction of Yang Zhen's disappearance. Shuya shouted beside him. No sound was heard.


Chen Xiaotian suddenly took a deep breath and shouted angrily: "Fuck, kid, give me the origin of the magic pattern!"

With a roar, Chen Xiaotian didn't even need the magic repairs in the mountains and the wild, and he chased toward Yang Zhen with a terrifying speed between the flicks.

A ridiculous look appeared on Shuya's face, and he shouted to a group of demons: "What are you still doing, hurry up, and you have to find Yang Zhen anyway."


Countless qi waves erupted and rushed in the direction of Yang Zhen's disappearance.

Su Di Gong and other people looked at each other, especially the mother-in-law, and at this time Yang Zhenzhen was already a little suspicious of life.

Before coming here, Su Di Gong and others vowed that even if they couldn't get the origin of the magic pattern, they must print a copy back, because the origin of the magic pattern has a vital role for the palace, and it is also very anxious.

Originally supposed to be the home stadium, the splendid Su Di Palace turned out to be a passerby. No one even mentioned a name even with exclamation and sigh. This huge drop was a bit unacceptable.

Especially when I look at Yang Zhen’s disliked mother-in-law, her face is full of unbelievable expressions, and she has a ridiculous feeling.

Yang Zhen's bastard, even upset the whole slug bank mountain, and said that he still robbed the source of the moire in the hands of Quanyang Modi?

Thinking of the origin of the magic pattern, a look of anxiety flashed on her mother-in-law's face, and she said to the Emperor Su Di Gong: "Emperor, what shall we do?"

The emperor's eyes flashed with surprise, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Let's chase!"

When the people in Su Di Palace moved, the other Dao Xiu suddenly exploded at the fastest speed in history, chasing in the direction of Yang Zhen's disappearance.


A roar of earth-shattering roar came, and between the snarling beasts of the Emperor Sudi Palace and the roar of the sky, an unparalleled speed suddenly broke out, leaving everyone behind.

When Chen Xiaotian and Shuya both saw it, they hurriedly roared, and an extremely incomparable scorpion condensed in mid-air.

It was already a bit uncomfortable to see the Celestial Crest in the Su Di Palace, but I don't know why, when I saw the Scorpio condensed in the air, Chen Xiaotian only felt that he was about to explode.

Only now he suddenly remembered that Scorpio, which spent a thousand years on refining, is still in the hands of Yang Zhen's little bastard.

Yang Zhen had to die. Even if he didn't die, he had to give him a lesson that he would never forget.

It's too annoying, it's too annoying.

The terrifying Scorpion roared at the Split-Crested Beef, and its speed surged, not even slower than the Split-Corned Beef.

A trace of disdain flashed on the face of Li Tianniu, with a moo, the speed increased again.

However, Chen Xiaotian now has no thoughts to compete with Gale Niu, letting Li Tianniu hurry in front, he is chasing behind.

Along the way, countless monks and Taoists were slowly left behind, and many of them lashed out because of quarrels, and they were all messed up for a while.

Sloth shore mountain, Quanyang Devil Emperor looked at the countless people disappeared in the blink of an eye, a little over-reacted feeling.

The Quanyang Devil Emperor has not been completely restored, but it is now just a puppet form. It is impossible for a period of time to completely restore the mind.

Now that everyone has robbed things and put the pigeons, they can only roar in the sky. Those puppet demons fly everywhere, and the entire slug shore mountain instantly becomes a human purgatory.

I don’t know how many people died here. I don’t know how many creatures were charcoaled. The slugs and shores roared again and again. The terrifying evil spirit covered the sky and the neighboring monks all left. Even some nearby monks began to discuss in vain. Relocation thing.

You can't move, this terrifying power is simply not something they can resist.

In the event that Quanyang Demon Emperor came out of the slug bank, they were the first to suffer.

In the air, Tun Tianzhi jumped and sang his feet. After seeing Yang Zhen and others coming back, they were obviously very excited.

Jiulong Jiun has not responded until now. He looked at Yang Zhen's hand with a dull look, then looked at Yang Zhen's heart, and even touched it up and asked, "Are you all right?"

Yang Zhen glared at Jiulong Shengzun, slapped his hand off, and landed on the back of Tun Tianzhi. He grinned and said, "Slow down, you can't slow down now. There is a large group of people chasing behind. It’s up to you if you can’t run away."

Tun Tianzhi heard a trace of consternation on Wen Yan's face and looked backwards. He suddenly grinned a sardonic smile, and came alive. The people watching were stunned.


With a low roar, Yang Zhen's face changed, and he immediately shouted, "Grab it!"


A horrifying phantom that obscured the sky and moved forward, such a huge body, even had a sonic boom in mid-air, it is conceivable how terrifying the speed of the explosion of Tun Tianzhi was.

Anyway, it was the first time Yang Zhen had seen such a terrifying speed when he swallowed Tian Tianzhi. He was shocked and muttered to himself: "Damn, it's a necessary weapon to run like a force."

The cheeky cat flashed with excitement on his face, rubbed his hands to come to Yang Zhen, and asked, "Boy, are you really in the hands of Quanyang Devil Emperor, who gave the source of the magic pattern to Zu?"

Yang Zhen glanced at the cheap cat and said, "Otherwise, why do you run away when you say this to Sao Sheng?"

"Can this be called running?" The cheap cat glared and said solemnly: "This is a strategic retreat, shit, so many people have to chase you, it's strange not to run, but then it comes back Is it possible to directly take things like Mageweave by hand?"

"Who said that Bensao Sheng took it by hand?" Yang Zhenbai gave a look at the cheap The longer the **** hair is, the longer his knowledge is, the more and more short-sighted.

As soon as this remark came out, all three Jiulong Sao Sao chicken cheap cats were stunned.

Isn't it held by hand?

Yang Zhenhe laughed, and flicked a slight void force flickering past, waving a terrible cat three feet high, and grabbed the hair of Jiulong Shengzun.

Poor Jiulong Jiulong, the head caught by the **** bastard was crooked, but his eyes were suddenly rounded, exclaimed, and he was like a ghost.

"Void Power?"

"Impossible, boy, how can you control the power of the void?"


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