Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 135: I'm not born to fight

   When Yang Zhen fell down, he was surprised to see what was inside. Not only there were many people, but also a secret place, especially a stone slab in the center, there was a natural track mark!

   Around the natural track marks, there are dozens of red flowers, and when Yang Zhen fell down, a few people were collecting these flowers.

The safflower looks very beautiful, and it will be damaged when touched. Among the individuals who are careful, one person accidentally touched a petal. The whole plant suddenly languished and the time in the blink of an eye turned into a pile of like Air dried the same thing.

   Everyone was startled, staring at Yang Zhen with bad eyesight, as if the flower had been damaged by Yang Zhen, and he looked like a bitter enemy.

Yang Zhen looked at everyone in a dazed face. Looking like this, they didn't even notice that the trace on the stone was the most precious thing here. Natural Dao marks, how many people dream of it, but they can't meet it. Beg for existence.

   Such a small trace, if you get it out, it can definitely cause the shock of the entire Donglin Island. These guys don’t take the natural road marks, but take those flowers?

   Yang Zhen looked blankly. How should he explain to these guys that he didn't want those little red flowers, as long as that stone?

  Make sure that it will not work. Now these people have not noticed the track marks. Once they have noticed them, they are even more desperate to **** them. But if they don’t say, these people stare at him intently, for fear that he will grab those little red flowers.

   What is so embarrassing!

   Yang Zhen glanced at the traces on the stone, and indeed could feel the trace of natural trace marks, confirming that he was not mistaken, do these people not feel the breath on the stone?

   A group of people stalemate for a moment, Yang Zhen thought that his head hurts, and it is not a way to continue in such a stalemate. Just to take action, a low voice came from behind!

   "Yang Zhen, we can stop those spars. If you dare to destroy these blood crowns, I and you will never die!"

   Long sword monk stared coldly at Yang Zhen. Rao was a bit nervous in his early infancy, and he was a little nervous, showing his importance to these blood crowns.

   Everyone around didn't think that the long sword monk just went out and beheaded a golden monk monk. Instead of killing, he was brought in, and there was a little vulture in the look for a while.

   "Brother Lu Heng, what's the use of saying so much nonsense with people like Yang Zhen, he is just a Jindan monk. With so many of us, can he still encounter the blood crown?"

   "No, the blood crown flower is related to the rise and fall of our sect, and it must not be destroyed by Yang Zhen."

   "He will be able to solve it by himself when he is a Jindan graduate!"

   "Don't, don't act rashly!"


  A group of people talked about each other and threw Yang Zhen on the spot. Damn, this group of mentally handicapped people, Yang Zhen wanted to quit first, and then they came in after they had finished gathering the flowers.

   But this is not very safe. In case they noticed the natural road marks on the stone while collecting the little red flowers and moved away, where did Yang Zhen go to find them.

   Suddenly, Yang Zhen noticed that a young man in the crowd looked familiar. The happily smirking of the smile made Yang Zhen jump.

   is not good, this place should not stay for a long time!

Yang Zhen laughed, looked back at the long-sword monk Lu Heng, and said with disdain: "A group of idiots, but this is the realm of the realm, how can there be only the blood crown flower, this stone is the most here precious!"

A group of people looked at Yang Zhen pointing at the stone inside the safflower and sneered: "Yang Zhen, do you think we are a three-year-old kid? That's an ordinary stone, but it's contaminated near the blood crown. The breath of blood crown flowers is all right, don't play any tricks, otherwise we will fight with you to break the net."

  A strong man in Yuan infant period told the Jindan monks that the fish-death net broke such a thing. Not only did Lu Heng's colleagues froze, but even the monks on the ground who were leaning to the side of the pit to stretch their necks to look inward were stunned.

   Yang Zhen laughed and walked towards the blood crown flowers under the eyes of everyone.

  Lu Heng and others were nervous, but did not act rashly, but surrounded Lu Zhen under the hint of Lu Heng.

  In such a small environment, if Yang Zhen dares to destroy the blood crown, even if there are no more powerful means in his body, it is impossible to escape to life.

   Everyone stared nervously at Yang Zhen, seeing that Yang Zhen really crossed the blood crown flowers, gathered up in front of the big stone, put the big stone up and walked away, all were at a loss.

   "Is that stone really the most precious thing in this world?"

   "Be careful, Yang Zhen, the **** is the most tricky, maybe just to confuse us, this stone brother Lu Heng has checked, there is no strangeness, what can Yang Zhen find during a golden age?"

   "Huh, this person Yang Zhen is really insidious and cunning, but it is too small to see me waiting, is it a natural treasure, how can I not see it when I wait?"

   "You pay careful attention to the blood crown flower, once Yang Zhen shows signs of robbing, there is no amnesty to kill!"


  Yang Zhen just carried a huge stone, and walked slowly from the crowd. Not only Lu Heng and others were forced, but Yang Zhen himself was also a little dumbfounded.

It's that simple?

   got the marks from the hands of a group of people without any blood?

Yang Zhen laughed and looked at Landing Heng and others with a look of contempt. He said aloud: "You dross, you don't recognize good things with your eyes, I took this stone away, then you will pick your flowers, there will be a period in the future !"

Lu Heng looked at Yang Zhen in consternation, and Shen Sheng said: "Yang Zhen, do you think this method is useful for us, let alone we need blood crown flowers more, this stone is really a treasure, you will be like this Tell us grandly?"

   Around the same door came a sneer, Yang Zhen stayed blank, even speechless.

   "Well, since that is the case, then you have a good time, I'm gone!"

  Yang Zhen put the stone in the storage ring, and secretly thanked him for having a lot of storage rings, otherwise it would be troublesome today.

   Just out of the realm of the realm, Yang Zhen hadn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief, and a screaming roar came: "Yang Zhen, put down that stone!"


   A terrifying figure came from the horizon, carrying a violent air wave, covering the sky and covering the sun, and the powerful momentum made all the people present changed their faces in shock.

   Yang Zhen looked up, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

   This old man is actually a strong presence of the nineth layer of Yuan infants. I am afraid that it is not far from the breakthrough.


   The old man was halfway in the air, and he waved violently towards Yang Zhen. The roar of the fire wave exuded a powerful force that made people feel palpitations.

Yang Zhen's face changed, and the nine-year-old strongman of the Yuan infant period was terrified, and he could make such a big battle by throwing his And after hearing the old man's words, Lu Heng and others His face also finally changed, surrounded by Yang Zhen in anxiety, Shen Sheng said: "Yang Zhen, put down that stone!"

   "Put down that stone!" More than a dozen Jindan monks around him also shouted in silence.

   "Put down that stone!"

   The voice was endless, and the lively monks around watched their hearts together, looking at Yang Zhen in the crowd.

  Yuan infantile ninth veteran's breath is like a stormy wave, even if it is outside the crowd, everyone feels a wave of palpitations, just like in a violent storm, the stormy waves, endless coercion, showing how dangerous Yang Zhen's situation is at this time.

   A turbulent weather wave rushed out, making Yang Zhen's body unconsciously make a crunching sound, but Jindan in the body suddenly burst into a tremendous light.

Yang Zhen raised his head, his expression suddenly calmed down, a strong man with a ninefold weight in the Yuan infant stage, a strong man with a triple weight in the Yuan infant stage, a dozen or so monks with six or more weights in the Jindan period, and those with six or less weights in the Jindan period Several monks.

   Such a battle, really worthy of him!

  Yang Zhen took a deep breath and looked around for a week. The vultures, greed, hate, teasing, playfulness, and all kinds of ugly expressions were all in sight.

   All sentient beings, the strong are the most respected, no matter what expression, when watching Yang Zhen is so ruthless!

Yang Zhen slowly raised his hand and thundered his sword, muttered to himself: "I didn't come for a fight, Dumen lazy sat on the golden platform, asked Jun what he wanted, smiled at autumn leaves and winter snow buried, at this time, I felt more and less around A follower who can call 666."

   "I am not indisputable, but disdain to compete with you."


  Yang Zhen's momentum exploded violently, soaring into the sky, the sky and earth changed color in an instant, and the waves were violent.