Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1538: Hope you don't go too far

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That's right, it's poof!

The punishment, which made everyone unable to look up, was caught by Yang Zhen and slammed.

The old man showed a horrified look on his face and said respectfully: "Yang Shengzhu Hongfu Qitian."

Yang Zhen waved his hand and said, "You can't afford this punishment. After a good life, you will come to Sanhua Holy Land and come to see me. This is not the first time that the World Tribulation has happened. You and I will deal with it together. , There is always a way."

"People will win the sky!"

The old man said with respect, Lao tears, and with a group of envious people said to Yang Zhen: "Give Yang Shengzhu."

"Congratulations to Lord Yang!"

A group of people shouted, their faces full of excitement.

Yang Zhen laughed and left Han Yaner and others.

Today, Yang Zhen has no idea what his realm really is. It seems to be between the emperor and the emperor's realm. In the face of the emperor, he is not without the power of World War I. In short, the power he has now is a bit complicated.

Along the way, Yang Zhen and others have experienced many cities and towns. Most of the large and small cities have statues of Yang Zhen, and Yang Zhen is not stingy in preaching. The more he preaches, the more Yang Zhen understands Tiandi Avenue. .

"The breath on you seems to have changed."

Han Yaner saw the change in the breath of Yang Zhen and said.

The scale girl and the sky girl did not leave, but planned to go to Sanhua Holy Land with Yang Zhen. What happened recently was too bizarre, which made them curious about what happened in Sanhua Holy Land.

After hearing Han Yaner's words, the two women looked at Yang Zhen with a complicated look.

Han Yaner could feel that as the two emperors, how could they not feel it?

It was only along the way. It took only a few days. Yang Zhen’s breath improved too strangely. The two could not believe that an emperor Jingqiang was so fast.

It seems that what the two people knew about Yang Zhen's talents was only a fraction of the total.

After thinking about this section, the two were even more shocked.

Only the first person in the past, only this title can summarize Yang Zhen's talents.

Yang Zhen nodded, looked at the sky and said, "Tiandi Avenue, we all made mistakes."

"Fixed wrong?"

Han Yan'er and the two women asked in unison, especially the two women, their faces full of consternation.

Han Yan'er, who has always been with Yang Zhen, is better. After all, he can often hear Yang Zhen's words not surprisingly endless. These words have too much impact on the scale girl and the sky girl.

After speaking, the two replied almost unanimously: "Three Thousand Avenues, don't know how many predecessors sensed the truth, how could it be wrong?"

Yang Zhen laughed and said, "Three thousand avenues are all avenues. Why should we distinguish them?"


The two women still have to refute, but they can't find anything to say.

Yang Zhen wondered, saying, "Heaven is the heaven, how come the avenue is said to be 3,000?"

Speaking of which, Yang Zhen took a deep breath and said: "The world distinguishes it because the human ability to perceive is limited, and only one or several of them can be felt, and it cannot be fully understood."

As soon as this remark came out, the scale girl and the sky girl were suddenly struck by lightning and stopped on the spot.

Han Yan'er was also in shock, and looked at Yang Zhen in disbelief. He asked, "Why do you say that?"

Being able to say such things does not prove that Yang Zhen has realized the Three Thousand Avenues?

Even if it is not three thousand, then it is definitely not one, or several so simple, otherwise, how dare Yang Zhen say such a violation of Tiangang?

Sure enough, Yang Zhen hesitated for a moment and said, "I can feel that there is only one kind of avenue, but it is impossible to combine these so-called three thousand avenues, that is to say... I am actually talking about what I said. "

The scale girl and the sky girl stared at Yang Zhen for a moment.

This **** really scared the dead.

If Yang Zhen really realized the Three Thousand Avenues, what other people are doing?

However, at this moment, Han Yaner suddenly asked a question that hit the soul directly: "Daozu he...has he also realized that he can break through the shackles of the world and achieve the status of Taozu?"

What is the devil, is the avatar of Daozu.

A mere avatar is not something that the Great Emperor can contend with. How terrible is Dao Zu?

Only the world knows the horror of the ancestor, but it has no chance to see it, let alone how the ancestor became a ancestor.

Now Han Yan'er's words, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, shocked both the scale girl and the sky girl.

Yang Zhen was also stunned. He suddenly laughed and said, "Interesting, a little interesting. It turns out that Daozu might have mastered the Three Thousand Avenues before he gained such power."

The scale girl and the day girl stared at Yang Zhen blankly. After a while, the scale girl shook her head and said, "I feel a kind of heavenly path, and I have exhausted my waiting life. How can I understand the Three Thousand Avenues?"

Yang Zhen smiled and said, "Why do you do so much? When you see Daozu, ask him if you know."

The ghost knows how lonely Daozu is?

Throughout the ages, just such a Taoist ancestor, tossing the Great Desolation World all day long, is it not to enter the Great Desolation World?

However, there is another worry in Yang Zhen's heart. There is a wider world besides the Great Desolation World. Dao Zu only knew the Great Desolation World inadvertently, and it took so many years.

If this is the case, the wild world will be a bit dangerous.

Now only Daozu alone knows the Great Desolation World, and the Great Desolation World will be tossed for tens of thousands of years. If more people like Daozu know the existence of the Great Desolation World, wouldn’t it be a mess?

It has been possible to enter the world of the Great Desolation for tens of thousands of years, and there is definitely something worthy of the arrival of Taoism.

What this thing is, it is not something that Yang Zhen can know now.

Let this matter be put aside first. Under the great changes in the world, the devil will soon be ushered in. It will definitely be a mess.

The catastrophe of heaven and earth is the most important thing Yang Zhen should deal with at present.

After returning to Sanhua Holy Land, Yang Zhen was taken aback.

The original Sanhua Holy Land is already big Now it has doubled, and the strong people are refining the world everywhere. The entire Sanhua Holy Land seems to be shrouded in an imperial art under.

Upon hearing the news of Yang Zhen’s return, everyone in Sanhua Holy Land was boiling. Those monks who had never seen Yang Zhen stopped all their work and looked up at Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen stood quietly in the air, watching several emperors refining the world, frowning.

The Golden Eagle Emperor and others laughed and greeted them. After seeing the expression on Yang Zhen's face, he smiled bitterly and said, "See?"

Yang Zhen nodded and asked, "What's going on, this world seems to be repelling these forces?"

A bitter expression appeared on the Golden Eagle Emperor's face, and said: "This situation only appeared yesterday, and there seems to be a force in the midst that is blocking us from refining the world."

"Can't erase?" Yang Zhen asked curiously.


The golden eagle emperor gave Yang Zhen a glance and said, "If it can be erased, I will not be distressed because of this, we can't understand this force, it seems that it is from outside."

Hearing the words from Tianwai, Yang Zhen moved and said, "I'll take a look!"

Saying that, Yang Zhen jumped into the air and came into the air, the power of consciousness exploded, and he covered the entire Sanhua Holy Land in the blink of an eye.

Everyone in Sanhua Shengdi saw this scene, and all looked up at Yang Zhen excitedly.

There was no progress in refining the heavens and the earth, and everyone was helpless. When Yang Zhen arrived, they all looked forward.

Yang Zhen was able to feel the expectations of everyone, grinned, and muttered: "Let Bensao Shengliwei be here today, I hope you don't go too far."

He already felt the source of this power.

"Daozu, I didn't expect that we would meet again."

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