Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 234: Fantastic art! Reincarnation! start!

Seeing that Elder Feng actually condensed a dragon, the whole monk of Baiyun Mountain was shocked.

It is known that the more powerful the monk is, the more powerful the monk can control the powerful images. It is well known that all the fierce beasts related to dragons are extremely powerful.

Now Elder Feng has not only penetrated into the realm of the gods, but also has the ability to consciously separate from the body, the power of the spirit of the soul has increased greatly, and it has also condensed into a ghost image of the dragon. Its strength is beyond the imagination of most people present.

With such a terrifying momentum, Yang Zhen actually wanted to completely crush Elder Feng in his momentum, which is simply impossible.

As soon as the two's momentum collided, an earth-shattering storm of spirits erupted. For a time, the waves covered the sky and the sky was overshadowed. All of them were horribly disappointed.

At the same time, some people are unavoidable in their hearts.

"Once the Divine Soul Power collides, it can only be stopped if it wins or loses, and this collision is the most dangerous contest between the monks in addition to the confrontation of the consciousness. It can be restored.

"Yang Zhen is really entrusted this time, no matter what his talents are, in terms of imposing strength, Yang Zhen cannot be an opponent who has already broken through the power of the Shenyou Realm."

"This kind of power collision will soon be a winner... what, Yang Zhen actually carried it, this is impossible!"


A group of people talked horrificly, and everyone looked nervously at the two in the air.

Everyone is right, this collision is now too late even if Yang Zhen wants to return, unless he can completely oppress Elder Feng, or be completely defeated by Elder Feng, whether it is actively withdrawn or completely defeated by Elder Feng, Yang This life is almost a waste.

Because there is no genius, he can waste more than ten years to repair the soul.


In midair, the violent forces are still fighting, and the terror that erupted in the two has been rising.

The spirit power of Yang Zhen is as good as the golden soup. Among the swells of air and waves, a huge dragon-like virtual image comes to life, appearing behind Yang Zhen and contending with the dragon dragon condensed by Elder Feng.

But anyone can tell that Yang Zhen has gradually fallen into a disadvantage at this time, and it is only a matter of time before he loses.

The cheap cat looked at Yang Zhen dumbfounded and yelled: "Damn, the kid is crazy, he doesn't have to take advantage of his own strength, and he wants to completely convince the old man by his momentum."

Elder Feng laughed aloud, standing in mid-air, with a high-spirited look, a look of disdain flashing on his face, and said aloud: "Yang Zhen, Yang Zhen, I didn't expect you to be clever for a lifetime, but you will eventually die on your cleverness!"

"not good!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed and looked at Elder Feng with horror: "Elder Feng actually has room!"

"What?" The rest of the people were startled and looked at Elder Feng one after another, exclaiming: "There is still room for this kind of situation. How strong is Elder Feng's momentum?"

"It is unclear how strong Feng's momentum is. It is just heard that even in the entire Huashan blessed land, Elder Feng's momentum is one of the best. Yang Zhen actually wants to compare with Elder Feng's momentum and simply finds his own way!"

"Unfortunately, Yang Zhen is a talented genius, so he fell!"


Among the various discussions, Elder Feng really screamed, and the body's momentum suddenly climbed again. In the dragon roaring and roaring, a violent soul shock rushed towards Yang Zhen.

"The outcome is divided!"

Many people shook their heads and sighed, unless there was a miracle, otherwise, under this impact, Yang Zhen will definitely die.

Yes, there is no doubt that there is no possibility of survival at all, because the difference in the power of the soul between the two is too great.

All the people of Shang Yuanzong were startled together, looking at Yang Zhen pale, and only Liu Ruoning thought about it, and murmured, "This is unreasonable, Brother Yang is not such a reckless person!"

Liu Ruoning's voice had just dropped, and everyone burst into a loud voice, looking at Yang Zhen in disbelief.

Yang Zhen suddenly raised his head under the pressure of the sky, and in a haha ​​laugh, a voice that seemed to come from the ancient barren came: "Huang Tianshu, reincarnation, Kai!"

As Yang Zhen's intermittent voice came, suddenly unexpected changes occurred between heaven and earth.


The whole place where Baiyun Mountain is located suddenly heard a buzzing sound of heaven and earth, and Yang Zhen's momentum suddenly climbed at a speed that shocked everyone inexplicably.

The power in Yang Zhen seemed to be supplemented by some kind of powerful energy, and the sound turned into a dazzling sun.


A dragon elephant roared and roared through the world. The shadow of the dragon elephant behind Yang Zhen suddenly appeared to be alive, and came alive, a pair of eyes exuded scarlet light, and suddenly opened his mouth and roared, a huge and let everyone The terrifying energy of fear, rushed towards Elder Feng.

"No, this is impossible!"

Elder Feng's face was pale, and his face was unbelievable. He looked at the violent air burst out of the dragon elephant in fright, and rushed towards the dragon that was roaring and roaring.


A devastating wave of turbulence raged up and down, and a terrifying energy erupted over Baiyun Mountain that was hard to see directly.

"no, do not want!"

Elder Feng exclaimed, the whole person's face suddenly turned pale, the Jiaolong condensed in the air, was actually torn apart by the Long Dragon's phantom burst, Elder Feng's mouth suddenly spurted blood When he came out, he looked at Yang Zhen in horror, and asked with a hoarse, "Impossible, impossible, this cannot be your own momentum, what the **** did you do?"

Unexpectedly, Yang Zhen walked towards Elder Feng step by step until he reached Elder Feng before beckoning the cheap cat.

The cheap cat came to Yang Zhen hesitantly and said with a weird face: "Boy, how did you do it? With your present soul power, it is impossible to be an opponent of this old man."

Yang Zhen flicked his lips, made a random shot on Elder Feng, and sealed Elder Feng’s true element with the method of the Heavenly Book Metaphysics, before saying to the cheap cat: "Whether it is a black cat, a white cat, or a cheap cat, it can catch mice. It’s a good cat. You can control how I do it, and quickly tie it up!"

After tying up Elder Feng, the cheap cat looked at the other four people and asked in surprise: "Boy, what do you do with so many people, just pick the storage ring, take off your clothes and throw them here, just fine, Why is it so troublesome?"

Yang Zhen glared and said, "What do you know, these are all hammer trades, how much money can you make?"

"Do you have another way?" The cheap cat looked at Yang Zhen suspiciously and asked no one beside.

A group of people around dumbfounded as they listened to one person and one cat discussing how to deal with the five powerful wanderers. Their face changes were all extremely exciting.

Until this time, all the talents suddenly realized that Yang Zhen captured all the five powerful players during the Shenyou period.


Yang Zhen's voice came and frightened everyone, and Qi Qi took two steps back and looked at Yang Zhen with a horrified expression.

For a time, almost everyone's eyes fell on Yang Zhen.

"Shit, won't he still want to catch people?"