Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 348: Luck is coming!

"Yang Zhen, he is actually Yang Zhen!"

At the birthday conference, everyone who knew or heard of Yang Zhen's name exclaimed, and those who hadn't heard of Yang Zhen were dumbfounded.

"Who is Yang Zhen, why do so many people react so much to this name?"

"No wonder, no wonder both Hua Ling Nu and Mo Ling Nu are very familiar with him, no wonder his accomplishments in the way of talent are so deep, it turns out that he is Yang Zhen."

Someone mumbled around, heard the inquiry from the monks around, and answered without thinking, "Yang Zhen... is a bitch!"

"It's not just a bitch, it's a cheap flower, if all the rumors about him are true, then..."

"Where is it used? Since he appeared, which thing is not cheap, he is Yang Zhen!"

While everyone was discussing, they looked at the violent sky-tribulation thundercloud at the same time.

No one thought that Yang Zhen really ran into it with such a head, and even the three lotus was startled and roared: "Yang Zhen child, are you a fool?"

Are you a dummy!

Even the traditionally elegant and immortal three rosettes uttered these words angrily and depravedly, and they could see what kind of lying trough in their hearts, and there was another roar under their face, and the violent waves of the body were like rainbows, and the inscriptions were overwhelming. Wrap him up.

At this time, it was no longer a question of whether to kill Yang or not, but a question of saving lives under the double sky-tribulation.

Yang Zhen also stopped in a hurry. After learning that just breaking into the Sky Tribulation Center would induce a new Sky Tribulation, Yang Zhen also rushed past 10,000 alpaca in his heart. Thunder thundered loudly, and it seemed that the whole world had become boiling.

Everyone's face changed greatly, and they hurried backwards. Even the old palace owner showed a speed that did not match her age. An old lady who walked tremblingly walked to the edge of the birthday conference. .

Everyone stared at the three rosettes and Yang Zhen standing dumbfounded. Faced with such an explosion of thunder and thunderclouds, the strength of the three rosettes almost completely exploded, wrapping themselves tightly and solidly, and they looked like a golden soup. Shrinking on the ground like an old turtle, staring violently at the thunder dragon in the air.

Yang Zhen is even more exaggerated, almost covering all the things that can be taken out of his body, a terror of life bursts out of his body, and the dark golden stars are violent and transpiring, condensed with a terrifying golden lotus skyfire It became a huge Tai Chi figure, shining across the sky.

Everyone looked at the scene in horror, and the violent sound in the air was blasted again with a violent explosion, and the whole world was trembling.


A terrifying thunder that runs through the heavens and the earth across the sky, across the void, split in two, rushing toward Yang Zhen and the three rosettes.

San Zhen's face changed greatly, but Yang Zhen was surprised.

The rest of the crowd looked at the scene in front of them, and they looked at each other with a dumb face.

Above the sky, the terrifying roaring thunder dragon is divided into two, one runs through the heavens and the earth, and there are two people hugging each other, exuding the terrifying atmosphere of the heaven and earth that changes the color of the world, and the other is as small and delicate as a long worm, exuding the most Pure Heavenly Tribulation Energy.

Comparing the two, one ruined the world, the can it look like a snack of heavenly disaster.


The terrifying Thunder Dragon fell through the sky and fell directly on the ground. He didn't get up after climbing for a long time. He could only barely raise his head and stared at Yang Zhen angrily.

The little thunder snake slowly fell down from the air, slammed on Yang Zhen's heavenly spirit, was absorbed into Yang Zhen by a stunned face, and also sulked comfortably.

"No... why?" The three rosettes stared blankly at Yang Zhen's thunder and thunder, his breath suddenly climbed up, and his face was stunned and roared: "No, it's not fair, it's not fair!"

Seeing the sad and angry expression on Sanlian's face, everyone on the scene was unbelievable, and even felt a little ridiculous.

This is really... Luck can't stop it.

Come on, come on, let go... just go!

Yang Zhen broke into the Heaven Tribulation Center, and should have been able to induce a new Heaven Tribulation, forming a double Heaven Tribulation. In that case, the two of them might be seriously injured even if they were not dead. Especially Yang Zhen faced such days with Shenyou Robbery, even if there is only a trace of vitality left, it is good.

But Yang Zhen’s luck was really good. Just before entering the Tribulation Center, the Tribulation of the Three Lotus was completed, and it was slowly dissipating. Only the last Sky Thunder had not fallen.

As a result, due to Yang Zhen's sudden intrusion, the situation of Tiankai should have been re-induced, but there was not enough Tianwei to reunite, but he had to separate a thunder to blast Yang Zhen.

The origin of the thunder, which should have belonged to the three rosettes, was so accidentally separated from the terrifying giant thunder dragon and fell on Yang Zhen's head.

Everyone on the scene was stunned, raising his head and blankly opening his mouth, his eyes flashing a weird look.

This kind of situation is unheard of, and it is rare in the world.

No one had expected such a change, and no one had even thought of such a situation.

What is Sky Tribulation?

That is a kind of restriction that heaven and earth have on the power that the souls hold, and it is a kind of natural choice that covers the powerful souls.

No matter what kind of apocalypse, after the first few thunder thunders fall on the body, it is all pain and suffering, and even the accident will die.

Only when they survived the baptism of those thunders and persisted, can the monks during the tragedy be able to rebirth in the thunder, especially the last one of the origin of the thunder, is the most important step in the entire process of the tragedy.

With the origin of the sky and thunder, it is possible to completely repair the body just damaged by the robbery under the power of the origin, and also use this power to temper the body and the soul of the soul. It is a heaven and earth treasure that all human monks and even all creatures dream of.

It can be said that the trip without the origin of the thunder is simply alive.

The three rosettes are suffering alive!

Everyone looked at the three rosettes lying on the ground three rosettes that should have absorbed Tianlei’s original source and gradually recovered from the injury, were still lying on the ground at this time. Not only did the wounds not recover, but instead It's getting worse and worse, I can't even lift my head.

In contrast, Yang Zhen's goods not only absorbed the origin of the three thunders without any damage, but also lifted the breath of his body, and even hiccupped, even making people want to rush up and pinch his neck and press him. What rubbed on the ground was that he also flicked his arm, extended his little finger, and picked his teeth!

Damn, will absorbing the thunder origin cause teeth?

This **** must be intentional, must be intentional!

Sure enough, the three lotus trembled with anger, and suddenly raised his head to growl and scream: "Yang Zhen child, you are still in the thunder!"

Hearing this hysterical roar, everyone looked at the three rosettes with a compassionate look. The disciples of Beiguyuan hurried forward and helped the three rosettes together, glaring at Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen froze and pointed to his nose: "Damn it, he ran over by himself, blame me?"