Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 632: Shu Linfeng beautiful young man, taking

This kind of realm is actually a feeling of emptiness.

It's like a person's temperament. High temperament means high temperament. If you really want to tell where it's coming, then it's not called high temperament.

Yang Zhen's realm of improvement suddenly came to the mind of the mystery that had always been lingering in his mind, and put down the obsession in his heart. In this way, Yang Zhen did indeed have an open and cheerful feeling.

Hearing the death shadow, Gong Sanhe looked at Yang Zhen with a look of uncertainty, and said in surprise: "Yang Decao's understanding is the only life of the old man. I really don't know which lineage inheritance can be cultivated so high. Talented disciples come."

Dead Shadow nodded in a hurry, his eyes bright, obviously he wanted to talk about his eyes.

Yang Zhen didn't care to smile, he was humble like a modest gentleman, and said, "Let's just look at what is in front of us and talk about it. Now the breath is getting darker and thicker, and I'm afraid to change!"

Dead Shadow and Gong Sanhe looked at each other, as if they were not comfortable with Yang Zhen's modesty. This is not Yang Zhen's character, but he nodded and said in unison: "Alright!"

"Alas, a beautiful young man by the wind, staying in the mirror and staying awake at night!" Yang Zhen walked in front and suddenly murmured to himself.

Gong Sanhe and Shiying Ying were staggering together.

Ding Chun turned around in a daze and asked Wen Yuning: "What is he talking about?"

Wen Yuning said with a smile, explaining: "He is saying that every night he looks in the mirror and cannot sleep because he is handsome!"

Ding Chun: "???

Sure enough... it's cheap!

Going further, there is a huge space, a ruin surrounded by countless doors, Yang Zhen and others walked in from one of the doors.

Until this time, all the people suddenly realized that it was not Yang Zhen's **** head and hen head that worked, but every door seemed to be able to lead here.

Gong Sanhe and others looked at each other and began to look at the surrounding environment.

Eerie, like a grim space under endless time, there is a musty smell everywhere, but it is empty and contains nothing.

Death Shadow was about to move forward, and Yang Zhen and Gong Sanhe suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

The two people spoke in unison, frightened the death shadow, and turned to ask in surprise: "What's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

Yang Zhen took a deep breath and said, "It's wrong, it's a big deal!"

Gong Sanhe also nodded and said, "I'm afraid it's not inside the Tianji Lock!"

"What?" Death Shadow looked surprised and looked at the surrounding environment. "It's not inside the Tianji Lock, so what is here?"

I don’t know, the ghost knows where it is, it looks empty, and there are only countless doorways around it, like a place for hide and seek for a group of children.

It's just that although Yang Zhen can't see any weirdness here, he also knows what changes will be caused once the death shadow takes this step.

"Don't go in first, let me see what weirdness is in this ghost place."

Yang Zhen took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Now that there is no pink poisonous miasma of Sansheng flowers, the power of consciousness can already be released.

Yang Zhen’s power of consciousness turned around for several times, and he found no abnormalities. It was a little strange, and he looked at Death Shadow and said, "Or... Would you like to try it in?"

Death Shadow grinned and nodded, "Okay!"

Saying that, Death Shadow stepped forward, and had not landed on the ground. Suddenly it reacted, staring at Yang Zhen and said, "Boy, why does the old man think it is not that simple?"

Yang Zhen blinked and said innocently, "What's not so simple?"

Death Shadow laughed and stared at Yang Zhen with a lip. "The eyes of the old man are not ordinary eyes. If you pretend like nothing happened, the more problem you have, and the bigger the problem, you yourself. Why not try it in?"

Gong Sanhe stopped talking and looked at Yang Zhen in amazement. Obviously, he didn't see anything strange in Yang Zhen's face.

Ding Chun and Wen Yuning glanced at each other. Although they were all weird in their eyes, they also knew what Yang Zhen must be thinking about.

The atmosphere is dignified.

With a sigh, Yang Zhen shook his head and said, "It's called not knowing good people's heart. What kind of clear breath Benshen Sheng wants is useless. Even if there is no clear breath, Ben Sao Sheng's entry into the Tao is not a matter of minutes. , It’s different for you, old iron!"

"Why?" Death Shadow stared blankly, looking at Yang Zhen hesitantly.

Yang Zhen wondered, looking at the Death Shadow and said, "How many spells are in your body?"

Death Shadow's expression narrowed and grinned: "It has been forced out by one-tenth. At most ten days, the old man will be able to force all the spells out of the body."

Yang Zhen nodded and said, "If you get a breath, not only can you completely remove the marks left by your spells in your body, but you can also make your Dao evolve into a avenue. I said that, you get it. ?"

Death Shadow's eyes suddenly glared round, looking at Yang Zhen and said: "You deliberately let the old man go in, just to ask the old man to take a breath?"

Yang Zhen shook his head, glanced at Gong Sanhe, and said, "I didn't say that."

Death Shadow smiled and said, "You don't have to be afraid of this bad old man, just let him know what he can do. How dare he not be able to grab the old man?"

This is a fact. Although Miyasan River and Death Shadow are the strongest in the Mahayana period, but the means of Miyasan River can be compared with Death Shadow's overbearing domineering. Really fighting, Miyasan River is not necessarily the opponent of Death Shadow.

Gong Sanhe snorted coldly and turned his head to show that he didn't want to have the same general knowledge as the bad old man.

Death Shadow smiled, his face smug, and blinked at Yang Zhen, which meant to let Yang Zhen see for himself. Even if Gong Sanhe heard it, he could only pretend not to hear it.

Yang Zhen looked at the shadow of death with a shocked expression on his face, and the admiration in his eyes could not be turned away.

Death Shadow laughed and patted Yang Zhen's shoulder and said: "Boy, there are still many ways you have to go. You must know that not everyone in the secret world needs to fight for their lives. Fight for it."

With that said, Death Shadow strode meteor and stepped into the open space.

Yang Zhen's eyes suddenly turned round, and he began to pay attention to the changes around him.

Gong Sanhe was also nervous in his face, staring at the surrounding environment and taking a deep breath. The tactics in his hands changed from time to time, and apparently he also released the power of consciousness.

The reaction of the two looked back at the dead shadow, and snorted, "What are you two doing so nervously? Isn't it happening?"

Before the death shadow was finished, his face suddenly changed, and he scolded: "Bei Qi Niang Zhi!"


Suddenly, the whole hall burst out with endless light, and endless faint green light erupted from countless stone gates. The violent gesture, as if the ocean and the sea poured into it, scared the death shadow hurriedly screamed, they must go back Rush.

Yang Zhen and Gong Sanhe and four people watched the endless air waves overshadow the shadow of death. It was only a moment's time that they could no longer see the figure of death shadow.

"Not good!" Gong Sanhe's face changed, and he said, "There really is a ban on it!"

This is not nonsense. The reason why Yang Zhen didn’t rush in was because there must be a ban on it, and this prohibition is the only one in Yang Zhen’s life. Based on his understanding of the two Heavenly Books and the Heavenly Book Metaphysics , Did not find the anomalies in the first place.

The reason why Yang Zhen pits the shadow into him is not that there is a mind that hurts him. Of course, it is not for him to be able to refining what is clear in the first place. Under the existence of this prohibition, it is still clear. There is a ghost here.

Yang Zhen wanted to figure out what happened here at the moment when Death Shadow triggered the ban!

Seeing the endless faint light about to cover the whole Zhen's eyes burst into an endless real pattern, and the power of horror of the consciousness erupted suddenly, rushing towards the terror wave.

When Gong Sanhe's face changed, he wanted to pull Yang Zhen back.

Yang Zhen squatted down suddenly: "Don't move, I found it!"

With that, Yang Zhen's hands fell heavily on the ground, shouting to the hall where the waves were rolling: "Senior Shadow Master, be careful not to fall!"


The whole hall, with Yang Zhen's hands as the center, a wave of turbulent waves rushing in all directions, and a series of ups and downs came. The situation in the whole hall has completely changed!

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