Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 633: Really more dead than popular!

There was a sense of twirling, Yang Zhen pressed on the ground, and a whimper of blood spewed out, suddenly angry: "Damn it, give this saint broken!"


Yang Zhen put his palms away, his two fists slammed on the ground, and suddenly the mountain shook, a violent breath rose into the sky, and between the waves of the earth, the whole hall turned upside down and became another look.

Between the endless dust flying all over, everyone had a feeling of the violent wind and rain in the deep ocean, and the body rolled and fell, and it hurt all over.

Yang Zhen also choked enough, mainly because the center of gravity was unstable, and the body did not have any focus at all.

The rocks were flying, the waves were raging, and the heartache broke out. I didn't know how long it took before the whole hall gradually subsided.

Yang Zhen jumped up for the first time, suddenly stunned.

Gong Sanhe, Wu Dingchun and Wen Yuning were all lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, and the shadow of death was even more old-fashioned, like an octopus. Non-stop.

Seeing the earth-shaking changes finally stopped, Death Shadow spit out the dirt in his mouth, climbed up, patted the dirt on his body and said, "What happened?"

The three of Gong Sanhe also got up and looked at Death Shadow with a dumbfounded look. The Death Shadow looked dumbfounded. He looked at himself up and down and found he was relieved after seeing no lack of arms and legs. Opening angrily, his expression stunned and looked blankly at his feet.

"Beiqi Niang!"

At this glance, the dead shadow jumped three feet high and jumped to Yang Zhen's side, pointing to the huge coffin under his feet, and said horror: "What the **** is this?"

Yang Zhen hadn't spoken yet, and Death Shadow snorted again: "Boy, wait until you go out and settle the accounts for you, even pitting the old man, did you know that there was a ban there?"

Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Yeah, it has long been seen that this is not a normal place to come, but you are a senior like this, we have to be reasonable, do you talk about it, do I let you in?" ?"

"You let it go!" Death Shadow stared!

Yang Zhen smiled and looked at Death Shadow and said: "Being a man must speak with a conscience, I just give you a suggestion, or make an inappropriate idea, which you stepped on."

"You... shameless boy!" Dead Shadow was stunned, obviously there was no way to take Yang Zhen.

Looking back now, Yang Zhen did not let him in, but he had to go in. Before he entered, he said a lot of truth.

"Huh! What's the matter with this coffin, and where did it come from?" Dead Shadow looked at the huge coffin in the center of the hall blankly and asked with a look of consternation.

Thinking of holding such a large coffin just now, Death Shadow's face was a bit ugly.

After Gong Sanhe confirmed that Ding Chun and Wen Yuning were fine, they came to Yang Zhen and said, "This is the true face of Tianji Lock, right?"

"Who knows?" Yang Zhen shook his head and said, "Go and see!"

Another coffin!

This is the second time Yang Zhen has seen a coffin in such a place. The first coffin is in the Linglong Tower of Nine Realms. It is a transparent coffin, and the stunning female saint is lying inside.

Nowadays, there is such a huge coffin inside the machine lock, is it not a person lying inside?

This coffin is about three to five times the size of an ordinary coffin. There are mysterious lines everywhere on the coffin. It looks unusually complicated and mysterious. At first glance, there is a feeling of lethargy.

When Yang Zhen walked slowly to the coffin, Gong Sanhe suddenly sipped and said, "You two, don't look at the lines on the coffin!"

Ding Chun and Wen Yuning suddenly felt shocked when they heard the words, and nodded hurriedly to say yes, but their eyes fell on Yang Zhen curiously.

Yang Zhen... is widening his eyes to study the lines on the coffin.

Really more dead than popular!

The three were of similar ages, and the two of them could not directly look at the lines, but Yang Zhen could widen his eyes to study the above content. Is it so different?

Dead Shadow also looked over curiously, squatting on the ground and trying to touch the lines on the coffin, but suddenly he staggered, screaming and said: "Bee Qi Niang, what the **** is this, the old man felt A feeling of spinning around?"

Gong Sanhe chuckled and said, "Old guy, if you don't understand, just step aside, and saving time will become our burden!"

"What?" Death Shadow was furious, pointing at Gong Sanhe: "Dare you say that the old man is cumbersome? Old man... The old man went to guard the two little guys!"

Death Shadow scolded and walked aside, Gong Sanhe shook his head and smiled, looking at Yang Zhen and asked, "Did you see anything?"

Yang Zhen shook his head. These lines were not those that Yang Zhen had seen. They were neither like the inscriptions of talent, nor the inscriptions of the stars, nor even one of the true patterns of heaven and earth, but a completely different kind of, as if There has never been a pattern in this world.

No, it didn't happen, but Yang Zhen never discovered it.

Maybe if Dao Chi is here, she can see something.

Thinking of this, Yang Zhen became more interested. Although this pattern did not know what it was, Yang Zhen slowly saw through the effect of these patterns and turned out to be a means to hide from the sky!

Cross the sky!

What a big ambition!

The great sage who can lay down such a game in the middle of the game must be an amazing formation master. At least his attainments in the field of geozotics should be above him.

This is a bit interesting.

The ancient machine lock used to be able to avoid the will of heaven and earth. For example, inside the machine lock today, there appeared a coffin depicting the way of crossing the sea. The purpose of the person lying inside the coffin was at a glance.

This is a man who wants to change his life!

"I want to hide these lines from the sky, but I have never seen them before. Has Senior Palace ever seen such lines?"

Yang Zhen turned his head curiously and looked at Gong Sanhe.

Gong Sanhe's face changed abruptly after hearing the word of hiding the sky and crossing the sea, flashing a suspicious look, and said for a moment, "Old man think about it!"

With that said, Gong Sanhe closed his eyes, but between the movements of his hands, he played a small amount of tricks, obviously calculating.

No matter what kind of calculation, Yang Zhen had a headache when he saw it. In just a short time, he was about to fall asleep. Gong Sanhe suddenly exclaimed and scared Yang Zhen.

The shadow of death was even scarier than Yang Zhen, and he almost left a sequelae. He was trembling, staring at Gong Sanhe and said, "What is your old man calling?"

Gong Sanhe didn't take the death shadow, and looked at Yang Zhen with a scorching eye, Shen Sheng said: "If the old man is not wrong, this should be a kind of sacrifice!"

"Sacrifice?" Yang Zhen stunned asked surprisingly: "What kind of sacrifice on the tombstone?"

Gong Sanhe shook his head and said, "This is not an ordinary sacrifice, but a pattern of sacrifices to the soul of the gods after death, which should be passed from the mainland of southern Xinjiang."

"Southern Xinjiang mainland?" Suddenly screamed, came to Gongsanhe, looked at Gongsanhe strangely, and said, "Old guy, you read that right, you really came from Nanjiang ?"

Without waiting for Gong Sanhe to speak, Death Shadow's face murmured solemnly: "There are a group of evil and evil guys in southern Xinjiang, and most of them are experts who play with bugs. Are there any bugs here that don't work?"

Hearing the insects, Wen Yuning exclaimed, his face suddenly turned pale, and even Ding Chun swallowed with a difficult face, and looked at the surrounding environment with blinking eyes, apparently extremely afraid of the insects in the death shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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