Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 736: Because I have found the answer!

Curiosity killed the cat!

The curiosity about Yang Zhen has caused two people who are dependent on heaven to start to doubt life.

Mo Shisha has been mixing in the commercial street all day, almost all of them are familiar with the boss, and some people have even started to joke with her, although most people are respectful, but everyone is not afraid of Mo Shisha.

As for Wu Tao, she has not practiced for four days, and the whole person has become confused. Walking on the commercial street, if there is a small fat person around her, she can fall more than ten times a day and hit more than 20 people.

The fat man is relatively dull, but his talent is not bad at all. He has obviously felt the changes in Wu Tao and Mo Shisha, which is like a viper to Yang Zhen.

Obviously, the little fat man thinks that he is in a good state now, afraid of being distorted by Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen is too lazy to compete with this honest little fat man. In fact, even if he has more thoughts, even if he meets a fat man who is more stubborn than a donkey, Yang Zhen has no solution at all. People with strong principles are difficult to be thought by others. Shaken.

However, I still need to inquire about the news. Now that I have taken the ink smoke and Wu Tao, I am almost hooked by the small fat man.

There are still two days left before everyone will leave for the Western Regions.

During this time, Yang Zhen took care of things on the commercial street in an orderly manner, and even asked many ancient holy places with a good relationship with Yang Zhen to take care of them. Among them, the people of the Beiqi family have already been accepted by the people on the commercial street. There are also two major holy sites, Tianquan Holy Land and Tianxue Holy Land. Even Tianquan Shengzhu and Tianxue Shengzhu both often come to the shopping street. The snacks here are really delicious.

In the past few days, I knew enough about anyone, but Jin Heng found out that the three of them could not understand Yang Zhen more and more.

No, not the three of them, Mo Shisha and Wu Tao have become a bit abnormal. One day eating and drinking with those people, the other day is full of souls, and squatting on the ground can watch the ants move all day. The ant didn't move home, she didn't come back.

Few people know that the Golden Balance is not as wooden as it seems on the surface. In fact, if it is really a man of wood, how can he cultivate to the cultivation of the nineth heaven of the gods, let alone become a person of heaven.

Jin Heng is merely lazy in nature, and he hates dealing with people.

Early in the morning, Wu Tao went out again, squatting on the street to see a bunch of ants and a worm fighting. Obviously, it was only the most obscure hunt between heaven and earth, but Wu Tao saw the feeling of a strong war, even Breathing followed the ups and downs of the battle.

Jin Heng really had nothing to do. He squatted on the ground with the effort of learning Wu Tao, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Wu Tao, you haven't practiced for four days. With your forging method, if you don't practice often, If you don’t make progress, you will step backwards. What do you think, do you really believe what Yang Zhen said?"

Wu Tao didn’t seem to hear Jin Heng’s words. Jin Heng also got used to it. In recent days, Wu Tao often distracted herself and talked to her without answering her questions. No, it’s not that she didn’t answer her questions. She really couldn’t listen. To.

Jin Heng pouted, squatting was really uncomfortable, he simply sat on the ground, glanced at the bustling commercial street, and murmured: "I don't know what happened to Mo Shimei. Compared to you, Mo Shimei It is even more worrying. She has been in contact with those mortals for such an answer for a long time. Isn’t she worried about Xiu being left by those people?"

Hearing those people, Wu Tao's expression condensed, turned to look at the gold heng sitting on the ground, and said, "Aren't you also wasting my time with me here?"

"Me?" Jin Heng pointed to his nose and said with a depressed face: "We are here together, if you are overtaken, I will also suffer losses, maybe we will form a group, and then it will be unlucky. It’s not me yet, so I’m not a waste of time, just to make you understand that our time is running out."

Wu Tao smiled and said, "I haven't moved my hands and feet for a long time. I will be able to practice as soon as tomorrow is over. Then we will compare."

Jin Heng hurriedly stepped back, slipped his **** on the ground, and his face became pale. He waved his hands and said, "What a joke, who wants to fight you."

Wu Tao smiled, tilted his head to look at Jin Heng, and suddenly asked, "Do you think that Sister Mo and I are wasting time?"

"Isn't it?" Jin Heng pouted and said, "Yang Zhen's **** is not good at practicing. It's just a guy who doesn't learn and has no skills. I really don't know how such a lazy monk gets the favor of God. , But the two of you even fooled with him. If you are known by your master, you will be punished, definitely!"

Wu Tao chuckled, then looked at Jin Heng with interest and said, "Jin Heng, who is better with you and Sister Mo?"

"Of course it is me..." Jin Heng's eyes flicked, and then he pouted: "Well, the two of us have compared many times, and there is no victory or defeat. Although her magical power is strange, but my Tianfengling Fire is not vegetarian."

Wu Tao glanced behind Jin Heng and then said: "If you are now compared with Sister Mo, do you have the confidence to beat her?"

Jinheng looked suspiciously behind him. After seeing no one, he chuckled and said, "Now? She hasn't practiced for several days. If she is willing to compare with me now, I must let her know what, It’s not annoying to be fat."

"You are so confident?" Wu Tao asked in amazement.

Jin Heng laughed and said: "You don't know yet, just yesterday, I broke through a small realm, the Tianfeng Linghuo has been cultivated to the point where the fire is pure, and now can condense six Tianfeng, already in the realm She stabilized and stabilized Mo Shimei."

Looking at Jin Heng's smug face, Wu Tao said with a smile: "But you are dead!"


Hearing Wu Tao's words, Jin Heng's face was so dumb, why did he die well?

Afterwards, Jin Heng seemed to sense something, his expression changed suddenly, the hair on his head flicked out a perfect arc, and all of the snaps were shot on his face.

After seeing a person standing behind him, Jin Hengao made a strange noise, and ran back, sitting on the ground with his buttocks, and looked up hurriedly. The two huge peaks were 36D in size, covering the sky, It happened to block the sun in mid-air.

"Mo Momo...Mo Shimei?" Jin Heng's face changed again and again, and he looked at Mo Shisha with a shocked face, and then shook his head violently. "Impossible, how come you don't have any breath at all, just mortals came to me Behind it, it is impossible to feel it. You... This must be your psychic power, an illusion caused to me, yes, it must be an illusion... But the illusion also has psychic power, why do you not?"

Seeing Jin Heng's suspicion of life, Mo Shiyan giggled and squatted down to look at Jin Heng and said, "Little fat man, I heard that you think you might be able to beat me? Why, do you want to compare?"


Jin Heng's head shook like a rattle, making comparisons and making jokes.

Now Mo Shisha in front of him is like changing a person. The kind of shadowless disappearance with strange magical energy on his body can't even feel the fluctuation of a real element. Obviously, the promotion in the realm In fact, she is far ahead.

"You... how did you do it?" Jin Heng said in shock.

In this Wu Tao is right. If Mo Shisha shot him just now, he has few lives and he is not enough to respond.

But how is this possible?

After mixing with mortals for a few days, the realm suddenly improved so much?

Mo Shisha seemed to know that Jin Heng would have this question, and said with a smile: "Because I found the answer."

"Answer?" Jin Heng looked at Mo Shisha with a stern expression, and then looked at Wu Tao: "What answer?"

Wu Tao could not hear what Jin Heng said, and turned his head to continue to study the battle between insects and ants.

Suddenly, Jin Heng seemed to remember something, his face changed, and with a loud noise, he rushed towards the hut.

Yang Zhen, it must be Yang Zhen!

It must be that this evildoer has done a weird thing on Mo Hookah.

(End of this chapter)