Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 805: Love drops magic in circles!

   free Tianhua?

   Hearing Yang Zhen's words, everyone present was stunned and immediately thought of this problem.

   Anonymous mentality is indeed able to resist the terrifying breath of the starry world in the star monument, but the problem is that it is not a matter of releasing Tianhua.

The breath of heaven and earth exploding in the nine-tier world is really terrifying. Almost 90% of this terrifying breath is Yin Qi. In such a majestic Yin Qi, the Three Saints will release eighteen Tianhua came to resist, how much did Yang Zhen need to release?


The Lord Yaochi laughed bitterly and shook his head, saying: "Yang Zhen needs to release eighty-two Tianhua to be able to resist the yin qi in the ninth floor of the Star World, but... although the nameless mind method is not difficult to practice, it can also be How many years will it take to practice to be able to cultivate 82 Tianhua?"

"Twenty-two Daotianhua?" Jianlao exclaimed, shaking his head and said: "How many years will there be no Eighty-two Daotianhua, Holy Lord, you have heard that you can cultivate the nameless mind method out of 82? Was Daotianhua coming?"

   "I haven't heard of it, but..."

The sacred look flashed on the face of the Lord Yaochi, looking at the terrifying breath on the Star Monument, a violent wave like a scorching flame, rushing in all directions, even the entire world seemed to be in this He became irritable in his breath.

   At this time, no one dared to take a step closer to the Star Monument, for fear of being implicated by this breath and being implicated.

  Yao Sheng Palace Suddenly said, "Maybe this is not a bad thing."

   "Why?" Jian Lao froze.

The Master of Yaosheng Palace said with a bitter smile: "When the two entered the Star Monument, in order to be able to ascend to a higher world, they only emphasized the balance between yin and yang. Now they have reached the ninth floor. In this way, there is no need at all. The balance between yin and yang has maintained the stability of the starry world. Maybe in this case, the chances of the two people will be higher."


"Are you saying that...the practice of the Three Saints can condense more power in this imbalanced state of yin and yang?" A sigh of surprise flashed in the eyes of Lord Yaochi, before waiting for everyone to speak, suddenly haha Laughed and said: "It's also possible, but it's a pity Yang Zhen, without the balance of Yin and Yang, he simply couldn't stay in the ninth floor of the Star World for too long."

   "It's already pretty good. Yang Zhen has been trained in the nine-story world. Whether it is mental or physical, even the realm has been improved. This kind of character has already envied me. What do you want?"

"That's why it's the same thing." Sacred Master Yaochi stunned and said with a smile: "I just don't know to what extent Yang Zhen can do it. Has he really cultivated twenty heavens? Will it succeed?"

  Jian Lao said with a smile: "If you really cultivated twenty days of Tianhua, maybe you can stay in it for a while, just..."

  At the time when there was a lot of discussion, there was a terrifying light on the Star Monument again. Countless heavens rose to the sky, and in an instant the eighteen heavens released by the Three Saints were enveloped.

   "What is this?" Jian Lao didn't say a word, and was frightened by a shock, rubbing his eyes in a hurry, all with a horrified look.

  Countless Tianhua, the number of people can not be counted, at a glance, there are more than one hundred.

how can that be?

  Who got more than one hundred Tianhua?

  The mouth of the Lord Yaochi kept pumping, and he seemed to see the most incredible thing in the world. His eyes widened, and he asked the Lord Yaosheng Palace around him, "This is Tianhua?"

   The look on the main face of Yao Sheng Palace is no better than that of Jianlao and Yao Chi Lord. He turned his head hard after hearing the words and looked at Yao Chi Lord.

  Is this Tianhua, can't you see this bad old man?

The Tianhua cultivated by the nameless mentality has almost become the most obvious symbol of the Yaochi Holy Land. A few people don’t just open their eyes to see with their own eyes, but close their eyes and smell with their nose, they can all smell it.

  Now the Lord Yaochi actually asked such an idiot question, it is conceivable how much impact he was deeply in.

   "It's a lot more comfortable to dig grass. I already knew that I wouldn't be lazy. I would practice a few more ways. Hey, Three Saints, what's wrong with you, what is this look?"

  Yang Zhen's words came through the nine-story world, and so many people were shocked that they were all out of focus.

  Bei Qi Niang, more than a hundred glory?

   Yang Zhen got it?

  Do you want to scare the dead?

  In the end how to cultivate, can we cultivate more than one hundred glory?

   Lord Yaochi stared blankly at the countless glory in the air, swallowed hard, and muttered: "This is impossible, how is it possible?"

   What is the concept of more than one hundred brilliance?

   is the ancestor who created the nameless mentality. They have only cultivated sixty brilliances, and they can no longer cultivate more.

   is not that the ancestor's talent is not high, but this nameless mentality created by the ancestor, because of the limitations of heaven and earth, can only cultivate more than 60 ways, which is the ancestor's whole life to cultivate.

   As for others, not to mention more than sixty paths of glory, but no one can cultivate them in forty paths.

  Yang Zhen released more than one hundred glory all at once, this... Isn't he practicing the nameless mentality, or breaking through the shackles of the world?

how can that be?

   Suddenly, the Lord Yaochi exclaimed: "Not good!"

  What's wrong?

   Everyone was startled, and there was obviously a trembling of timidity.

   Lord Yaochi stared at the Star Monument and said, "Yang Zhen has released so much Tianhua, and now it has disrupted Yin and Yang, and the Three Saints may be in danger."

   "What?" Jianlao et al.'s face changed wildly, and they looked at the Star Monument horrifiedly.

  The Three Saints are too important for the Yaochi Holy Land, which is almost related to the future of the Yaochi Holy Land.

   Lord Yaochi and Jianlao rushed towards the Star Monument almost instantaneously. In any case, we must rescue the Three Saints.

But today, such a terrible power erupted from the Star Monument, where several of them could be approached casually, and not yet close to the Star Monument in a radius, they were exploded with a A group of people looked at each other Looking at the terrible air waves, he was a little dazed.

   Can't get in!

   In the nine-story star world, the Three Saints stared at Yang Zhen like a sun, dumbfounded and said, "What are you...?"

  Yang Zhen looked around and said, "Tianhua, it's from the cultivation of the Unknown Mind."

After the release of Tianhua, Yang Zhen really felt more comfortable, and now all the nine-character mantras have been refined by him, and a violent force in the body rushed left and right, making Yang Zhen feel very happy. Feeling a fight.

   But there is no one else here. The three saints, the little girl who looks charming, Yang Zhen is afraid that she will cry for a long time with a punch, so she has no intention of starting.

   At this moment, the entire Star Monument suddenly banged, as if it was hit hard by something, the whole world turned upside down.

  The face of the Three Saints changed wildly and exclaimed, and suddenly a violent pink wave burst out of her body. With a pale face, a spit of blood spewed out.

   Yang Zhen, who was in the magic circle of love drops, was taken aback, and forcibly turned his head to look at the Three Saints in the midst of the air, and asked in surprise: "Do you want to refine the Star Monument?"

   The three saints flashed a bitter smile on their faces, and said, "It's not that I want to refine the Star Monument, but now it's on the string. If we don't refine the Star Monument, both of us will die here."

  Yang Zhen was about to speak, and suddenly his expression moved, his eyes were like electricity, and he looked towards somewhere in the star world, suddenly trembling.

  . m.