Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 806: Emperor Blood 1 out!

   There is something in the star world!

   Yang Zhen clearly felt that a place not far away erupted in a terrible wave, as if something wanted to rush out.

   The painful look on the faces of the Three Saints became more intense. Yang Zhen could see that the refining process did not seem smooth.

   In this situation, Yang Zhen can't help.

At this moment, the Three Saints suddenly exclaimed, her body suddenly became transparent, the whole person seemed to become transparent, the clothes on her body also instantly turned into powder, and the whole person floated in midair, Countless pink breaths like spider webs and heaven and earth penetrated her body.

   "Dig grass, don't ignore it!"

Yang Zhen's eyes widened and he looked at the Three Saints without blinking, muttering to himself: "No, what if the Three Saints are in danger, what to do with such a charming girl, in case of danger?" , Or help her protect the law."


   There is no true elemental fluctuation or even any breath in the Three Saints. The violent pink air does not seem to belong to her. At the time of her and heaven and earth, it is slowly refining this star world.

   Yang Zhen looked interesting. Anyway, there was no one else here. When the three saints woke up, he closed his eyes as soon as possible.

   It was at this moment that a whisper-like voice came, and Yang Zhen reacted violently, and there was a big guy coming out.

   Such a terrible power, Yang Zhen didn't dare to carelessly, and hurriedly called up all the power that could be invoked on his body. The whole person rushed into the sky and stopped in front of the Three Saints.

The Three Saints seemed to be unconscious, but they could feel everything around them, and when they felt Yang Zhen was staring at her body, the Three Saints almost passed out. This feeling, and she looked at Yang Zhen The body is completely different, the feeling of shame to the extreme, almost makes the Three Saints tremble.

   It’s just that the Three Saints are not trembling now, but they can’t even open their eyes. They can only watch Yang Zhen watch her body.

  Asshole, what are you doing with such big eyes?

   When the Three Saints felt Yang Zhen stand up and rushed towards her, she was really panicked.

  Almost nothing to think about, Yang Zhen rushed up at this time to do.

  Bitterness in the hearts of the Three Saints, in order to save Yang Zhen, the power of the seal inside the body was released. Unexpectedly, even the body should let Yang Zhen give...

  Thinking about it, Yang Zhen seemed to stop. The Three Saints were stunned and hurried towards Yang Zhen, suddenly stunned.

Yang Zhen stood quietly in front of her, turned her back to her, and looked solemnly at the terrible air waves not far away, like a **** of war, and exuded a terrible breath on her body, as if Yang Zhen stood here, Nothing can hurt her in general.

this is……

  The three saints set off deep waves in their hearts. Isn't Yang Zhen not only taking advantage of people's danger at this time, but also failing to protect her?

   At this moment, I don’t know why, the Three Saints suddenly remembered the two stunning women beside Yang Zhen. If the Three Saints remembered correctly, it should be called Hua Youyue and Han Yan'er.

  As for why they think of the most stunning woman between the two heavens and the earth, the three saints themselves don't know.

   At this moment, a sound like a roaring roar of a fierce beast came, and the look of the Three Saints was furious, and the heart became completely horrified.

   Legend has it that the Star Planet is a self-contained world, and the Star World is not an ordinary place. There is an unknown secret in it.

  Thinking of this, the Three Saints are almost desperate.

  Who would have thought that something that hasn't appeared in tens of thousands of years has appeared, and it's still at this critical time.

  The Three Saints desperately want to speak to let Yang Zhen run, but they can't even open their eyes, let alone speak.

   Just when the Three Saints were horrified, Yang Zhen's voice suddenly sounded in the Three Saints' minds.

   "Sister, you graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, there are many inner dramas."


   Rao is the Three Saints, and now she can’t even control her body with a touch of tremor, her face panicked.

   Yang Zhen can know what she is thinking?

  Yang Zhen’s voice came again, and he laughed and said, “It’s not that Ben Sao Sheng knows what you are thinking, but that the spider web on you is connected to Ben Sao Sheng, and Ben Sao Sheng doesn’t want to.”

   "Asshole!" The Three Saints were almost ashamed. If Yang Zhen knew what she was thinking, wouldn't she "hear" everything she had just thought?

   "Run quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

  The three saints took a deep breath, not paying attention to whether Yang Zhen heard what she had just thought, and hurriedly urged Yang Zhen to leave here quickly.

  Yang Zhen shook his head suddenly and said, "I have known for a long time that this star monument is unusual. Now the biggest secret is about to be revealed. How could it be possible to leave at this time?"

   "Asshole, that's not something we can compete with!"

  The three saints want to stamp their feet!

   Yang Zhen laughed, did not continue to speak, but stared at the terror in the air as if rushing out of the Nine Nether Purgatory, Shen Sheng said, "Come out!"


   The sky and the world roared past, and the entire star world became chaotic. The terrible air waves seemed to destroy the world. Not to mention the entire star world, even the star monument oscillated.

   "Impossible, how could the Star Monument have such a terrible power?"

The Lord Yaochi’s face changed wildly. This kind of breath, not to mention that he was a weekday strong man, together with the entire Yaochi Holy Land, could not resist this breath. This breath, at least, was exhaled by the Holy Realm strongman It is not the Holy Spirit, but the power of the Holy Land.

   Heaven and Earth Holy Land!

how can that be?

   "Not Is the legend of the Star Monument true?" The old sword screamed with a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

   "What legend?" The priest of Yaosheng Palace looked horrified and turned to look at Jianlao and asked.

   Lord Yaochi took a deep breath and said, "If that legend is true, I'm afraid I will die here today."

   "What is so terrible?" The strange look on the face of the main palace of Yaosheng Palace is more intense.

  Sword old grinned, said bitterly: "Emperor blood!"


   Hearing Jian Lao's words, everyone at the scene suddenly had a creepy feeling.

What is Emperor Blood?

   Once the blood of the Emperor came out, it was red and red!

  The Great Emperor is by far the most horrible place in this world, but no one has ever seen it, let alone saw the bleeding of the Great Emperor.

   In fact, whether it is the emperor, the Star Monument, or even the blood of the emperor, it is a legend of one person. As for whether these things exist, who knows?

   No one knows, because those who know these may be dead.

  Jianlao had to say that, the Lord Yaochi suddenly said in a deep voice: "Jianlao, don't say anything, so as not to cause trouble."

After hearing the words, Jian Lao looked amazed, took a deep breath, and said: "In the legend, the Star Star is sealed with a piece of emperor blood, which kills thousands of miles every time. It is one of the most terrifying secrets between heaven and earth, but No one has been able to refine it for tens of thousands of years. In this situation, is Emperor Blood about to be born?"

  . m.