Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 856: Challenge the emperor

  No one knows what Yang Zhen did except Yuan Hao.

  Everyone only felt that a wind suddenly fluttered on Yang Zhen, and then he knew nothing.

The airflow like the spring breeze, everyone even felt a little comfortable, but Yuan Hao's face changed a lot, you see this white, just like sprinkled with a layer of flour, and vomited a big mouthful of blood, this person can not be affected by the wind Blow?

   There are people who cannot be blown by the wind?

   Watching Yang Zhen walk by step by step in front of Yuan Hao, the kind of unhurried, meticulous, Yushu Linfeng gesture, everyone was stunned, suddenly felt that Yang Zhen was so handsome and handsome!

   This is the real strong man, the wind is light and the clouds are light, no matter who you are, whether you inherit the way of the emperor or the way of the great saint, a wind blows you!


   At the same time, everyone was shocked.

   There was no fool in the room, and I knew that the reason why Yuan Hao would become like this was definitely not because Yang Zhen blew him around. There must be something wrong.

   As for whether the wind is momentum or Tao Yun, I am afraid that no one but Yuan Hao, who is still in a daze, will know.

  Yang Zhen walked away slowly, but the cheap cat walked out of the way that the six relatives did not recognize. The **** was twisted, and the tail was almost lost.

   "Boy, awesome!"


  Everyone and one cat looked at each other, and looked at each other with pity. The master's lonely look made everyone want to fight.

Mr. recovered from the shock and hurried to follow him. Although Master Yuan Hao looked a bit like a stalemate, he was an out-and-out strong man. He snorted when he saw it, but instead of catching up, he looked at Yuan Hao glanced and asked, "What's going on?"

   Hearing the words of the Master, the little round-faced little girl and the young woman put their eyes on Yuan Hao's face.

Yuan Hao, who was still in a daze, was dumbfounded, Mu Mu turned his head to look at his master, the expression on his face was almost crying, and muttered: "I can’t, Master, it’s impossible Ah, Yang Zhen’s Dao Yun was able to directly break through the disciple’s defense. The disciple’s Dao Yun seemed to be undefended in front of him. How could this be possible?”


   Hearing Yuan Hao's words, everyone present was taken aback.

  What is the concept of no fortification?

  In just one breathing time, Yuan Hao can already die several times.

   Yang Zhen Dao Yun, so powerful?

   But... Where's the Dao Yun?

   Which breeze was Dao Yun just now?

If it is all Dao Yun, the Dao Yun of everyone present is stronger than Yang Zhen. Everyone on the scene counts one, except Yuan Hao, they have the confidence to stir up the breeze Dao Yun like Fang Cai in an instant. Shred!

  However, it was such a breeze that directly let Yuan Hao vomit blood without saying, and made him doubt his life?

  Thinking of this, everyone, including the old lady, was stunned, and a horrified look flashed in her eyes.

As we all know, Dao Yun is an indiscriminate force, which can only be released or withdrawn. I have never heard of any predecessors who can use Dao Yun as a free force, and at most form a kind of comprehension. Existence is just similar.

   But if everyone guessed right, Yang Zhen just now probably broke through this category. He condensed Dao Yun on Yuan Hao.

   Thinking of this possibility, everyone felt that they might be crazy.

   This is so impossible!

   To what extent is Yang Zhen Dao Yun so powerful that he can use it as he pleases?

   Everyone stayed, except for the four old ladies and apprentices, the other old men's faces flashed with a suspicious look, all looking forward to it!

On the other side, the cheap cat looked at Yang Zhen with a shocked expression, jumped three feet high, and landed on Yang Zhen's head. He grabbed Yang Zhen's hair, put his head in front of Yang Zhen, and exclaimed: "What do you say? "Boy, what were you talking about? You condensed Dao Yun into a needle?"

Yang Zhen froze, pulled the cheap cat off, and said, "What are you so excited about, Ben Sao Sheng only happened to think of this possibility by chance, and I tried it, shit, so, Ben Sao Sheng had to thank Yuan Hao, the original Dao Yun can still be used in this way!"

The cheap cat was hanged in front of Yang Zhen by the neck, without struggling. He swallowed and muttered to himself: "Dig grass, dig grass, dig grass, it's terrible, you just condensed Dao Yun into needles, directly Pricked the kid's head?"

   "Yeah, that guy's Dao Yun is in front of Ben Sao Sheng, almost like a night gate for a newly-married lady, who is not fortified at all."

"Wa hahaha……"

   The cheap cat suddenly laughed, rolled and rolled up, was held by Yang Zhen's neck, the whole fat body almost twisted into a twist in the air, and scared Yang Zhen to throw it out.

   "Damn, what are you doing?"

The cheap cat couldn’t take care of Yang Zhen’s eyes and rolled on the ground for a long time. He didn’t breathe until the husband came after him. He looked at Yang Zhen excitedly and said, “Boy, you know what you just did by accident. ?"

  Yang Zhen was taken aback, tried the forehead of the **** cat, only to find that Bingsiwaliang was so relieved, and asked curiously, "What did Ben Sao Sheng do?"

The cheap cat glanced at the suspicious laugh, and said with a deep voice: "You just did something that even the great sage can't do. This means of controlling Dao Yun was called tens of thousands of years ago, you guessed it what?"

"what is it call?"

  Yang Zhen was interested, looking at the cheap cat with a scorching eye.

  The way to control Dao Yun, before today, Yang Zhen didn't say that it was done, that is, I haven't heard it before, so what originally happened tens of thousands of years ago?

  Why is it gone now, is it a broken heritage?

   Just outside Yang Zhenshen’s wanderings, the cheap cat suddenly took a deep breath, and she was excited and wanted to solemnly say: "Ten thousands of years ago, this method was called...Emperor Technique!"

"What is it?" Yang Zhen was startled and stared at the cheap cat for a long time before saying, "Damn, Ben Sao Sheng has less reading, don't lie to me, this method is really called Emperor's Art? Only the Emperor can use it. s things?"

   "It's like a fake replacement!" A cheap cat with a horizontal neck expressed affirmation.


  Mr. Yang Zhenhe glanced at each muttered to himself: "I am so good?"

Mr.    smiled bitterly and said, "Boy, the level you are now exposed to is already much higher than the old man."

   Yang Zhen was proud, and the cheap cat seemed to be more proud than Yang Zhen. The two of them walked out of the way that the six relatives did not recognize and walked towards the city of giant mountain.

  Two days later, Yang Zhen was able to control the news of Dao Yun and did not know who had spread it. The entire Western Region was fried.

   "Bei Qi Niangzhi, is really great news, Yang Zhen can actually control Dao Yun. It is said that Yuan Hao, a genius in the East China Sea, who was pierced by Yang Zhen with a needle of Dao Yun, still doubts his life."

   "I heard this thing now, and Yuan Hao deserves it. I want to step on Yang Zhen's shoulder to become famous all over the world. Whoever thinks this is better, the whole person is going to be a fool."

   "You have heard that the emperor noticed Yang Zhen. It seemed that he had a little interest in Yang Zhen. After two days, the Dao Hong Dao, I am afraid it will be lively."

   "My God, is there such a thing?"

   "What? Yang Zhen wants to argue with the emperor? This... this is big news."

"But I heard next time that Yang Zhen didn't even plan to participate in the debate. Hey, this Taoist, you listen to me... Bie Qi Niangzhi, I didn't say that Yang Zhen would challenge the emperor. This is broken, If this news spreads, it will be fine!"

   "What? Yang Zhen wants to challenge the emperor? My God, this news is so shocking!"


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