Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 857: Strength

  Yang Zhen is famous again.

   This time he didn't even think of himself. Even overnight, his reputation was completely exploded across the Western Region.

  Yang Zhen wants to challenge the emperor?

   "Which one is the news from which turtle grandson?"

  Yang Zhen looked at the cheap cat and the saucy chicken in a dumb face. The two jerks were afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

   "I am your sister, but that is a strong man in the celestial period. How do you make me discern?" Yang Zhen glared and shouted, "Ah, you two told me, how to disciple him?"

"Put him with your talent and strength!" A clear voice came, and Han Yaner walked in with a small face of shame and a small fortunate look, looking at Yang Zhen with a wide eye, and the expression on his face was a little... strange!

   Yang Zhen stared blankly at Han Yan'er. When did this little idiot turn into a little fan girl? With this look of worship, Yang Zhen almost couldn't help but rushed directly to the demon temple to beat the emperor.


   But as Yang Zhen said, the emperor didn't know how long the Tianxiang period powerhouse had lived for a long time. Almost in a slap, he could use his talent and strength to challenge his doubted life?

  What a joke!

  If after another period of time, one or two years, Yang Zhen may really be able to win the middle game with talent and strength. Now, Yang Zhen dares to go up so rashly, it is not necessarily who is who.

   "Have you heard the news too?"

   asked Yang Zhen staring blankly at Han Yan'er.

  Han Yan'er didn't seem to dare to look directly at Yang Zhen's eyes. After a long time, she suddenly looked up and looked at Yang Zhen and said, "I came to tell you that what I have said counts!"

   said, before Yang Zhen reacted, Han Yaner turned around and ran out with a small step.

  Yang Zhen looked at the back of Han Yan'er running out with a look of embarrassment, a little unresponsive.

  What did the idiot say?

The cheap cat and the Sao chicken came together and looked at Yang Zhen suspiciously, until the Sao chicken slapped the wings of the cheap cat, the cheap cat didn’t come back. Hey hey asked with a smile: "Little Dao I told you What's the point? No wonder you dare to go to a strong celestial period, it turns out that there was an agreement between you two."

  The appointment of your sister!

  Yang Zhen is still a little bit dumbfounded now. Things seem to be out of control. When did Ben Sao Sheng say the emperor's words?

   As for the agreement with Han Yaner... Yang Zhen thought about it for a long time, and his eyes suddenly lighted up, and the two titanium alloy chicken cat eyes almost blinked.

  Han Yan'er said that what she said counted, could it be...

  If Yang Zhen promised her to go to the Emperor Panzhong, would she let Yang Zhen kiss her?


  Yang Zhen rubbed his hands and stared at the cheap cat and Sao Ji, said: "Ben Sao Sheng feels that people who are so low-key as Ben Sao Sheng should not go to disturb other people's Hongdao Conference."

A look of contempt flashed on the faces of cheap cats and Sao chickens. Just about to speak, Yang Zhen went on to say: "But if the emperor's guy had to beg to beg and beg Lai to argue with Ben Sao Sheng, that's not true No."

   Hearing this, the eyes of both the cheap cat and the Saoji were rounded, and the cheap cat looked at Yang Zhen from top to bottom, left and right, and asked, "Are you really going to challenge the emperor?"

   Yang Zhen pouted, said: "How can such a low-key person like Ben Sao Sheng dare to challenge the emperor and his elders without saying anything, but if the emperor and his elders want to give pointers and instructions to Ben Sao Sheng, they can listen."

   "Isn't this... different?" The cheap cat looked stunned.

   "Of course it is different!" Yang Zhen grinned and said, "It was so pleasant to decide."

"What did you decide?" Another clear voice came, and Yue Ling walked in with brisk steps, looking at Yang Zhen strangely, and his face was incredible: "I heard that you are going to challenge Lord Zhongzhong? "

   Yang Zhen coughed and waved his hand and said, "Nothing, Ben Sao Sheng has nothing to do with food and support. Go to the emperor to be abused?"


   "No good, but how can you, a girl with such a big eyebrow and big eyes, listen to other people's rumors? If you pass along like this, wouldn't it make the enemies hurt their relatives?"

   "Who... is a relative?" Yue Ling stayed for a while, and seemed a bit overwhelmed.

  Yang Zhen pointed to his nose and said, "Of course it is me, whoever is with us, yours is mine, mine or mine, don't be so deserved."

"Oh!" Yue Ling took a deep breath and looked at Yang Zhen eccentrically. "But now it's spreading like this outside, saying you can control Dao Yun, condense Dao Yun into a needle, and go to the emperor. ."

   "Dig grass!"

  Yang Zhen almost jumped up, staring at Yue Ling and said: "Smear, this is absolutely slander, how can there be such a thing?"

  Yue Ling frowned, looked at Yang Zhen and said, "I also don't think you are like such an impulsive person. Are you saying that someone behind you is making fun?"

Hearing Yue Ling's words, Yang Zhen and the cheap cat Sao Ji were all stunned. The cheap cat jumped up and jumped up and said, "It must be the kid from Yuan Hao. Besides him, who knows you can Dao Yun condenses into a needle?"

   Yang Zhen yelled, said: "Damn, this kid is so cheap!"

   Everyone: "..."

"What are you going to do now?" Yue Ling looked at Yang Zhen with some anxiety: "You have already attracted the attention of the emperor, and maybe Yuan Hao's genus will target you at the Hongdao Conference, and you will not be able to step down. "

   Yang Zhen looked at each other with cheap cat and Sao chicken, and all grinned.

   "It's this time, you still laugh?" Yue Ling glared, her golden armor shone brightly.

  Yang Zhen waved his hand and said, "If you can't get off the stage, just dismantle the stage, what a big deal."

Yue Ling's eyes were suddenly rounded and said, "Don't you want to come, at the Hongdao Conference, there will be many seniors coming. It is said that even the old people from the sea in Beiyu will come, it is also a strong existence in the celestial period. Beiyu, almost no one is his opponent."

  The old man in the sea?

  Yang Zhen was stunned for a long time, but he didn't think about Beiyu still having such a person.

"There is also the old Yuelong man from the East China Sea, Shangwu Both of them have come to the demon **** leader, these are the strong in the celestial period, unless you don’t want to live, dare to destroy this great road General Assembly."

"Wait... wait..." Yang Zhen was startled, looking at Yue Ling eccentrically, and said dumbly: "The old Yuehai old man and the turtle Tianzun you mentioned are all coming from where of?"

   Damn, this is a bit confusing. Yang Zhen came out of the East China Sea and Beiyu stayed for a long time. Why haven’t I seen the powerful existence of the old Yuehai Old Man and the Turtle Tianzun?

  Don’t say I’ve seen it, I haven’t even heard of it, and there are no legends of these people in the East China Sea and Beiyu. Now all of them have popped out. Is it because these people suddenly emerged?

   "What Turtle Tianzun, is the old Yuelong, Shang Wutianzun, these people have been in the East China Sea, you have not heard of it?"

  Yue Ling looked at Yang Zhen with a surprised expression, and saw Yang Zhen and the cheap cat and the three guys shaking their heads in unison, and was suddenly at a loss.

"Did these people wake up from a deep sleep?" Yang Zhen thought of a possibility, and only this possibility can make sense. Otherwise, so many strong people, just come out and be able to flow into the East China Sea. How could it even be No legend at all?

  Yueling suddenly realized, nodded and said: "In this way, these people should have fallen asleep like the three emperors."

   Yang Zhen and the cheap cat Sao chicken looked at each other, there was an urge to scold the mother.

   In this world of self-cultivation, how much power is sleeping?

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