Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 922: Don't forget to call 666

   a sword?

   Hearing Yang Zhen’s words and seeing the colorful light erupting from Yang Zhen’s body, Wan Quan laughed and said contemptuously, “Hua Li is whispering!”


  The night of a hundred ghosts, the terrible dark light was violent, and countless black shadows rushed towards Yang Zhen. Among them, a **** sword gas that penetrated the heavens and earth, cut through the air, and reached the top of Yang Zhen in the blink of an eye.

   Everyone took a sip, and no one expected that Wan Quan shot so quickly, that **** sword spirit reached Yang Zhen's head, and Yang Zhen didn't react.

   Wanquan's body also disappeared into the air almost at the same time, and hundreds of ghosts of his followers rushed towards Yang Zhen.

  Three yuan ghost sword, a hundred ghosts are inexplicable!


   The terrifying air wave came and landed on the place where Yang Zhen was, the smoke rose, and everything around was blown by the wind.

The people widened their eyes and stared nervously at the place where the waves were rolling, and a figure burst out with a swish, fell to the ground with a thud, and stopped after rolling out for a hundred feet, and a carp stood up, but Wow a spit of blood spewed out, and fell to the ground again.


   Everyone stared blankly at Wanquan who was struggling to stand up on the ground, all with a ridiculous look on his face.

  The incomparable Wanquan was actually defeated by Yang Zhen's sword?

Yang Zhen stepped out of the dust, step by step, came to Wanquan, carrying the big missing sword, shaking his head and said: "Disappointed, how can you be like this? How can a person be so unbelievable? Not God of God Jiu Chongtian, stand up and fight again!"


   Wanquan, who had just got up, was lying on the ground again.

   It wasn’t Wan Quan who didn’t want to get up, but the force of Yang Zhen’s sword was a little too fierce, and the bones all over his body became extremely painful. I don’t know how many pieces he broke. How did he get up?

  Wan Quan couldn't hold up when Yang Quan was in full prosperity, let alone being seriously injured, how can he fight?

  Looking at Yang Zhen's disappointed look, Wan Quan's face showed a suspicious expression on his face. is this possible?

   must be a lie?

  How old is Yang Zhen, so terrifying?

Just a moment ago, Wan Quan felt that he could hide, but just about to escape, he suddenly found that he could not move, as if there was some kind of terrifying power, like the spirit of his deterrence, it was from the spirit of God. Shivering, it's almost like facing a natural enemy. That kind of fear can only be felt if you have experienced it yourself.

  Wan Quan looked at Yang Zhen with a horrified face, so he came step by step and roared: "Just now, what is that power?"

  A force that has never been seen before, can directly deter the mind?

  No, it runs directly through the whole soul, and even a trace of power can't be lifted up.

  If it wasn’t for Wanquan that there was a life-saving thing, the sword just now had already killed Wanquan.

  Yang Zhen didn't answer Wan Quan's question. For the power of power, the monk who cultivated like a duck-filler could not understand it. Sometimes, not all the inheritance is beneficial to the monk.

   is like Yang Zhen. If he wants to find a variety of heritage, I am afraid that he has already broken through the realm of the Great Saint.

   But what about that?

   This realm and cultivation practice, which is enhanced by inheritance and the recovery of heaven and earth, is simply not worth mentioning in front of the real powerhouse.

  Yang Zhen came to Wanquan, and a terrible black light erupted in his hand with a sharp sword in his hand, like a **** of war, which made people dumbfounded.

   "The thing in your body can save you a one-time life. I don't know if you will survive this sword next time."

   Speaking of this, Yang Zhen's face with a smile on his face looked at Wan Quan and said: "If the next sword, you can survive, Ben Sao Sheng will let you go, OK?"

   Yes...but your sister's good!

   The life-saving Lingbao was almost killed by your sword. Now the life-saving Lingbao is broken, and the ghost can resist your sword!

   Everyone around looked at Yang Zhen with a dumbfounded face, all with a ridiculous look on his face.

   How can I be so shameless?

  Put people first to confess, Yang Zhen's sentence can directly kill Wanquan, it is better to kill Wanquanlai simply with a sword.

  Everyone looked at Yang Zhen with a frightened face. Who would have thought that a disciple of Shang Yuanzong who had disappeared for a while and came back again was so terrible?

Frightened, everyone on the scene became frightened. I was afraid that what I just said had been heard by Yang Zhen. With the vengeful character that Yang Zhenjiu must pay, maybe he would settle the accounts after the autumn. Bearable?


  And the elder Gou Shengtian who saw the expressions of everyone around him, although a shocked look flashed on his face, he also understood why Yang Zhen did so.

   Gou Shengtian took a deep look at Wanquan, knowing that Wanquan would die today, he was already typical of Yang Zhen.

  With Yang Zhen's character, if the next sword still fails to kill Wanquan, Yang Zhen may find out several reasons in minutes, and give Wanquan another chance until Wanquan kills his life.

   Behind Wanquan, Yue Yingying and others flashed a suspicious look on their faces. They were astonished as if they saw the most absurd thing in the world.

   Especially Yue Yingying, the eyes of a pair of smart eyes are all unbelievable, staring at Yang Zhen's eyes become strangely weird.

  Wanquan, who couldn't even carry a sword, was injured by Yang Zhen?

  The next sword, what does Wanquan rely on to resist?

   Everyone's eyes fell on Wanquan's face, and the ghosts could all see it. Wanquan looked at Yang Zhen blankly as if frightened, and his face was full of horror.

Seeing Yang Zhen's face showing an impatient expression, Wan Quan suddenly laughed, struggling to get up from the ground, laughing, shaking his hand, shaking and pointing at Yang Zhen: "Boy, hello, you are very it is good!"

Yang Zhen was stunned and looked at Wanquan, who had run out of lights and was surprised, but he couldn't think of what happened to him. He said weirdly, "Of course I am fine, but you are a little bad. , Isn't my sword just a little heavy just now, amused your head?"

   Hearing Yang Zhen's words, everyone turned around subconsciously.

   It's too shameless. Yang Zhen, this bastard, is really maddening and he doesn't give up. In other words, I am afraid that he would vomit blood for a long time.

However, Wan Quan seemed to be worried about his life. His face flashed with excitement. He stared at Yang Zhen and asked, "Is the kind of power you just broke out, is it the power of the world? Is it... the legendary Is it right?"

  Yang Zhen yelled, and asked in surprise: "It seems that the inheritance you have obtained is very unusual, do you even know it?"

   Speaking of this, Yang Zhen nodded, then said with a weird face: "Yes, it is the power of the potential, the purest power in the world, why, are you interested?"

  Yang Zhen looked at Wanquan in a leisurely manner. Without waiting for Wanquan to speak, he said with a smile: "You look a little bit fearless. Is there anything you can't do? Or say... are you waiting for someone?"

   Hearing this, everyone around him took a breath, all looked at Yang Zhen with an incredible expression on his face.

   "Look, Wan Quan's complexion changed, doesn't that mean, Yang Zhen is right?"

   "Yang Zhen is a human being or a ghost. At this time, there are still thoughts and jokes with Wanquan. Does Yang Zhen know that Wanquan is procrastinating for a long time, deliberately waiting for the person behind Wanquan to fail?"

   "It's terrifying, Yang Zhen's demon is really terrifying. Who can compare this kind of thinking and momentum?"

Seeing Wan Quan's face change, he suddenly laughed and looked mad, Yang Jian pointed to Yang Zhen and said, "Boy, if the old man did not guess wrong, you also have inheritance, and there is more than one inheritance of terror. The world has changed greatly, and various holy places and heritages have been born one after another. It is no longer the time for us as individuals to control the world."

Speaking of which, Wan Quan glanced back at several figures lasing in mid-air, and a smile on his face was relieved, and he spurted blood with a smile, and said to Yang Zhen: "Today the final winner is still the old man. Although the old man does not know where you have the courage, he knows that the old man is procrastinating, and he can still feel calm, but... the old man can tell you that today you will die, everyone in Shangyuanzong will die, the inheritance in you, eventually It will also fall into the hands of the old man."


   Hearing Wan Quan’s words, not only the others present, but also the disciples of Yueyingying and other Jianmenmen, who were all surprised and looked at the stranger with surprise.

There are seven people here, all of them are full of horror. The terror repairs are fluctuating. The violent waves cover the sky, the endless thunder condenses in the air, and the rumble is up and down. The power of the stocks is ruined.

   "My God, so many weeks of power, what kind of existence Wan Wan provokes."

   "The seven-week period, it is clear that Wanquan has turned to the incredible existence, but what forces can dispatch the powerful seven-week period at a time?"

   There was a lot of discussion around the people, Yang Zhen also looked up in surprise. Where can I think that such places in the poor rural areas as Youzhou mainland can gather seven strong weeks?

  I don't know when Wan Quan, an old kid, actually turned to such a big tree.

   looked at Wan Quan's face with a fierce look, apparently wanting to break Yang Zhenyu's dead net, Yang Zhen snorted, just about to speak, and Gou Shengtian next to him suddenly yelled:

   "Yang Chen, go quickly to start the mountain protection array, like Xue, and leave here with many disciples and Yang Zhen. The old man can only resist you for a moment and go away!"

   Gou Shengtian's body burst into a horrible fire wave, and the whole person's soul almost burned, frightening Yang Zhen.

Taking the cultivation practice of Gou Shengtian as an example, once the spirit is burning, even Yang Zhen can't stop him, and slaps on Gou Shengtian's shoulder in a hurry, saying, "Great elder, what are you doing, desperately? "

Gou Shengtian staggered, looking at the seven Zhoutian period strong men who had reached the top of everyone's head, with a desperate look on his face, and said, "Boy, it's too late now, the **** Wanquan, he turned to such a powerful presence. , The seven strong Zhoutian period, it is to open the mountain formation method, and it is too late to stop."

  Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Since it's too late, then watch the drama in the back. By the way, when you see the wonderful, don't forget to call 666!"

   "Wh...what?" Gou Shengtian and other people's face looked surprised, and the full-bodied expression could not be turned away.

   At this time, who still wants to watch the drama?

  Look at how Yang Zhen was hanged and beaten by seven weeks?