Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 923: This is the correct way to play

   Seven weeks of strong?

   What a great look!

   Yang Zhen looked at the seven strong men who had fallen from the sky. None of them knew, but Yang Zhen liked to make friends the most. He grinned and said, "Hello!"

The seven Zhou Tianqiang strong men are a lot of ages. Obviously, they don’t think Yang Zhen is saying hello to them. One of the old men in red glanced at Wan Quan, who was seriously injured, and asked with cold hum. Master, why is it so embarrassing?"

   Wan Quan's face flashed with a look of embarrassment, pointing at Yang Zhen and said: "Elder Ma, this kid in front of you should not be underestimated, you killed him for me."

A scornful expression flashed on the face of the old man in red, known as Elder Ma, looked at Yang Zhen and said, "It's just a weekday kid. Where is the disciple of the Holy Land who ran out? If you cannot give us a satisfactory account today, the consequences should be clear to you."

   Obviously, including the elders in red clothes, everyone who came this time did not take Yang Zhen into his eyes.

A Zhoutian disciple who wanted to kill a small sect like Wanquan was able to handle it in almost a minute, but facing the Zhoutian period, even if an older generation came, it was not true that Yang Zhen could deal with it. of.

Wan Quan even asked the strong man of seven weeks to come. In the eyes of everyone, it is almost ridiculous. If there is no perfect account, even if Yang Zhen does not kill Wan Quan, Wan Quan will not live to see tonight. The moon is gone.

   Seeing the momentum of the seven Zhoutian period strong people, everyone around has a feeling of chilling, looking at the development with a dazed face, even dare not show the atmosphere.

  The seven week-day strong men, although they do not know where they came from, but these seven people alone have been able to walk sideways on the mainland of Youzhou for several times.

   Such a existence, who dares to offend?

Gou Shengtian's face was pale, but Yang Zhen was really surprised. The old man's hand holding the long sword started to tremble, but he was completely green, apparently prepared desperately, and came to Yang Zhen faintly. Yang Zhenhu was on his side.

   What a good old man, why do I have to pretend to be a harsh look that no one should enter?

   Yang Chen and Li Ruxue both held long swords and stood motionless behind Gou Shengtian, with sharp eyes, especially Yang Chen, a kid, and a pair of eyes, all looked excited.

  Can you get excited at such a time?

   is worthy of being the fancy of Ben Sao Sheng!

  Yang Zhen grinned at Yang Chen and almost cried the child excitedly.

   Everyone around was breathless, and his face was all stunned. The whole, no, half of Baiyun Mountain, the raven was silent, and only the wind was warm, and it made people like the spring breeze.

At this moment, Wan Quan suddenly pointed at Yang Zhen and said, "Elder Ma, Yang Zhen is not a disciple of the Holy Land, but a disciple of Yuanzong in front of him. He actually has such power in his body, and he is young He is already a strong player in the Zhoutian period. Obviously, he has gained a lot of opportunities during this time. The old man even suspected that he might have the inheritance of the Great Saint."

  The inheritance of the Great Saint?

  After hearing that Yang Zhen was just a disciple of Shang Yuanzong, the seven powerful men who were present all changed their faces and looked at Yang Zhen in surprise.

  Yang Zhen's face is still a breezy look, maintaining a gesture of hello to the powerful seven week days.

  Elder Red Horse came to Yang Zhen and frowned and said, "Boy, are you really a disciple of Shang Yuanzong?"

   Hearing the elders in the red dress asked, Yang Zhen understood that these people immediately knew that Shang Yuanzong.

   It is also said that Shi Jianmen and Shang Yuanzong have always been at odds with each other. When Xi Jianmen turned to them, they naturally heard of Shang Yuanzong.

   Yang Zhen nodded and asked curiously, "Which holy place does the senior come from?"

The elder in red laughed and said: "Boy, which holy place we come from, you don’t need to know, so, you tell us the inheritance and power of the body to understand the way we can, we can never blame, forgive you for our big Disrespectful, how?"

   Hearing this, Gou Shengtian next to him stopped talking, although it was a pity, but as long as Yang Zhen gave something to these people, he was finally able to save his life.

  Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Okay, this is a good idea."

A surprised look flashed on the face of Elder Red Horse. Obviously, Yang Zhen did not speak so well, but even if he understood it, he had seven strong weeks, and Shang Yuanzong was only capable of Yang Zhen. Fight with them.

  Knowing the life of the current affairs person, this principle is also true wherever.

However, the smile on Elder Red Horse’s face hadn’t bloomed yet, Yang Zhen reached out his hand, and then said, “Now take everything out of you, and I can blame the past, and leave you a way of life. It's not easy to get out of it."

   Hearing this, everyone around took a deep breath and looked at Yang Zhen with a shocked expression.

   The smile on Elder Horse's face gradually condensed. An old face looked like a horse's face, staring at Yang Zhen. His eyes flashed with annoyance and anger, and said one by one, "Boy, are you playing with me?"

  Yang Zhen nodded and said, "You are right, old mixed hair!"


   Everyone was scolded by Yang Zhen.

  As a monk of Zhoutian period, Yang Zhen blamed the elder of the red horse, who was also a Zhoutian period, in front of six strong Zhoutian period?

   And scolded so simply, without any mess, it is clear that Yang Zhen has not done this for the first time.


Unsurprisingly, the elder in the red clothes was furious, and a red fire wave suddenly burned on his body. The flames were skyrocketing. The momentum of the whole person suddenly surged to the extreme: "Boy, the old man wants to see where you came from. I am so confident that I dare to run into the old man like this and start to take this kid. The old man wants to let this kid taste the bitterness of the world."


   Seven weeks of strong body burst out of a sudden burst of gas, frightened everyone to scream again and again, desperately backed away.

  Who would have thought that as a strong man in Zhou Tianqi, he didn't play cards according to the routine, so he wanted seven to play Yang Zhen, but also to catch Yang Zhen alive?

   The elders in the red clothes flashed a sardonic look on their faces, and they clearly sneered at things like rivers and lakes.

  The trouble that can be solved quickly, why one-to-one effort?


  Yang Zhen looked surprised, but admired the working style of these people, this is the world of self-cultivation of weak meat and strong food.

   "You old shameless, do you bully a few people, believe me or not?"

   Yang Zhen retreated back with some palpitation, the expression of panic on his face was vividly expressed.

Obviously, the elders in red clothes like this feeling very much, watching Yang Zhen laughed and said teasingly: "Boy, you call it, even if you call your throat, there can be someone on the entire Youzhou mainland Did you save your life in this situation?"

   Yang Zhen's eyes almost glared out, a little doubt that the old guy was driving, but he had no evidence.

  'S side Gou Shengtian was almost in a hurry, holding a long sword in his hand and rushing up desperately. Suddenly, he looked stunned. When he saw Yang Zhen's expression, he didn't know why, and suddenly he felt relieved.

   is such a smile, and once Yang Zhen shows such a smile, someone will be unlucky.

Gou Shengtian looked strangely toward the elders in red clothes, his face changed greatly, and he said in front of Yang Zhen: "Boy, the old man remembered that a holy place suddenly appeared on the mainland of Youzhou. There are more than a dozen strong men in the next week's period, and the style of acting is very fierce. should leave Shang Yuanzong."

  Oizumi Holy Land?

   Hearing the name, Yang Zhen was shocked, but never heard of it.

   Watching the elders in red clothes wait for them to rush up, with a smiley expression on their faces, shouting, "Wait!"

The elders like Red Horse don’t seem to be in a hurry, maybe they enjoy the feeling of controlling the whole situation. They looked down and looked at Yang Zhen and said, "Boy, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. , I’m happy, maybe I can spare you a one-time life, or leave you a hope of revenge."

   Yang Zhen nodded, this is the standard villain, really standard.

   Seeing these people, Yang Zhen was even reluctant to kill them all.

   Such a funny soul can be a bit hard to find.

  Yang Zhen looked weakly at the elder horse in red and said, "I don't even care what is inherited or not. Are you sure you want seven people to bully me as a junior today?"

  Elder Red Horse frowned, staring at Yang Zhen and said, "Boy, the old man's patience is limited, you have only one chance!"

  Yang Zhen took a deep breath and said, "That is to say, you really want seven bad old men to bully me as a junior."


   Among the seven people, an old man with a grumpy temperament pointed a finger and yelled angrily, "Boy, you talk too much."

  Yang Zhen laughed and said, "Damn, Ben Sao Sheng has rarely spoken. Wait until you don’t leave, see if Ben Sao Sheng can tell you that you can’t sleep for three days and three nights."


  The irritated look on the grumpy old man's face rushed toward Yang Zhen, his body tumbling, and everyone watching was terrified.

But the expression of fear on Yang Zhen's face was gone. Instead, he looked up into the mid-air clouds and grinned, saying, "You guys, watching the show are addicted, right? So many bad old men bully me, or else Let's bully them too?"

   What... what?

   Hearing Yang Zhenzhen’s words, the grumpy old man suddenly stopped in the middle of the Obviously used it cautiously, and the long sword pointed at the clouds in the air, Shen Sheng shouted, "Who?"

   Someone in the clouds?

   Seeing this scene, everyone unconsciously looked up into the air.

   In mid-air, the air waves rolled up and down, like the waves of the ocean, making it difficult to see the above situation.

  The grumpy old man's voice just fell, and a yin and yang sound came out: "Boy, do you want to expose your hole cards for these few infamous goods?"

   Hearing the sound from the clouds, one of them was present, all showing shocked expression.

  What kind of cultivation practice is it, and it hasn't been discovered after hiding in the air for so long?

   It's okay if everyone didn't find it. Didn't the strong men in seven weeks' days find it?

  Everyone looked at the grumpy old man. The grumpy old man's face changed, and he flew back to the elder man in red clothes with a whimper, staring cautiously at the clouds in the air.

   and his group walked out slowly, especially the two cheap cats and Sao Ji, who could actually walk out of the way that the six relatives did not recognize in mid-air. Yang Zhen looked envious.

   This is the correct way to play.

  When everyone was in doubt, the elders in red and other people's faces changed wildly and exclaimed: "Sky Elephant Period!"

   woo woo woo woo...

  The seven-week-day strong men all ran away in the blink of an eye, leaving only Wan Quan with a panic and lingering face. He looked dumbly at the seven-week-day strong men who were almost blinded, and his face was stunned.