Invincible Baby Mommy

Chapter 217: . Seeing the basic situation in trouble

Longzhong Tomb: Seeing the basic situation in times of trouble [3]

The horses are all made of pottery. The position of each horse has obviously been carefully arranged by art. It is dense and dense. It does not feel crowded at all, but it makes the whole space more empty. [26nbsp;]

Everyone has expected that the closer to the ground floor, the greater the surprise, and the tomb heart will definitely be a very magnificent building, but it is also unexpected that it is so great.

After a while, Su Yudan thought of the proverb on the sheepskin roll, "Is this the Han River?"

Stepping over this cold river is the location of the tomb owner of this dike. Thousands of years have passed, the river under the bridge has not dried up, and the current is clear and surging.

Hu Zuonan swallowed his mouth involuntarily 3a "In this way, this bridge is really a road of happiness!"

Su Weinu laughed: "According to the volume, this pit is just the outer edge of the outer edge, which was already estimated to be discovered by future generations. The real Wangling Center is still at our feet. "

Rong Fengdao: "I had measured it with a detector when I came. The area of ​​the entire Wangling is about one hundred square kilometers."

Su Yumiao waved his hand: "I don't know how big that is, but I know that the most important part of Wangling's is definitely not so easy to find." This kind of saying is naturally not a word, and many ancient tombs of emperors are all If it is a spoon, it is poured into the groove with mercury, and it should not be shaken at all. After she said it, she paused for another 3a. "It seems the real situation may be more unbreakable."

Everyone walked forward, because there was no bridge, they had to step over the river. Rong Fengsu and Wu Hudan, the scumbag man, walked ahead and the rest followed. The river gurgled through, and it was real water.

With the lessons of the water locusts before, everyone is fully armed before going down the river, especially in the treatment of footsteps, even if the lake in front of them is clearly visible, it looks like a hiding place for something.

Everyone walked carefully in the water. The river fluctuated due to people's movements, and a little light overhead cast a beautiful spot on the lake. There is no danger in this river. The cold river makes people particularly cool and refreshing. Some people even suggested to wash in the lake before leaving.

Compared with everyone's urge to see the water, Su Yumian was not interested. She looked at the water surface boringly and kicked the smooth stones in the water.

Strangely, the dark red stone moved along the water. How could such a shallow water make the stone move. Su Yuxun wanted to look closer, but she just moved her knee a little, and the thing stopped suddenly.

Su Yudan dared not move anymore, staring desperately at trying to tell what it was. Then, she felt that the dark red stone was textured and seemed a little familiar.


Su Yudan blinked, the dark red stone, she finally distinguished what it was!

It was an eye, dark, reddish, lifeless eyes.

And the feeling of looking at that eye, Su Su-free raised her cold hair roots. But strangely, she couldn't look away. In the forced gaze, Su Yumian found that the red is not the eye, but the peculiar lines. The lines in the eye are bright red, and they are slowly distorting and changing.

The mind seems to be lost.

Like being hypnotized, Su Yumu just reacted, and his mind began to be unclear.

She clearly saw everyone around, but couldn't think. All of her intellect seemed to be fascinated by the twisted bright red color.
