Invincible Baby Mommy

Chapter 251: . Su Yumian's combat power is a strong w

The fighting power of Su Zhongnong in the Dragon Tomb 3a is a strong word 【7】

Dead girl, do you really think you are dead? Dare to talk so sweetly with any man. [26nbsp;] Although she is too weak, she has to make him understand a little bit in order to survive. But seeing him, knowing that he is safe, and dare to speak to Rongfeng like this, is he too afraid of dying a little?

It seems that he is too used to this little slave, it is necessary to impose rules on her. Humph!

Xiao Se looked at Di Lin's face as if it didn't look good, and persuaded softly, "Bring Miss Su first. Take it to that place and talk about it."

After all, there is no objection to see Di Lin. Xiao Se made a gesture and the group continued on the road.

Su Duanfei glanced a few times, there were more than thirty people in this team, and several of them were in the Rongfeng team. Rong Feng's group was not here, as if they had been sent to different places.

It's strange, why don't you put yourself together with the group of people, what happened after sleep.

By the way, Su Yudan feels that he only needs to sleep in the future. Anyway, when he feels it, he can run to a place where he does not know how far away, saving time and effort, and most importantly, transportation costs.

She touched her belly while thinking, maybe Su Xiaobao knew what was going on.

Because of the stagnant water, the road surface was slippery. It probably grew up when walking under the tomb. Rongyue's physical strength could not keep up. Xiao Se turned back in time and gently helped, gently saying: "There is still a long way ahead, I will help you go."

Rong Yue said shyly: "Thank you Brother Xiao, I just, I actually ... I'm a little stupid, I'm sorry, it's dragging everyone down, and walking with me so slowly."

Xiao Se thoughtfully said: "It's okay." While raising his eyes, he looked at Su Dandong with a puzzled look.

It should be more exhausting for Su Yudan to walk more, how can this girl still have such a steady speed, and there is no breathing between her breathing, as if she can physically follow this strong man.

Su Yudong didn't know what the other party was thinking, but just smiled politely and glanced back. She rolled her eyes and suddenly said sweetly: "Xiao Shao, are you looking at me, do you want to say something to me?"

After hearing such a lovely question, Xiao Se smiled politely: "If you are tired, you have to tell me. After all, Miss Su is a guest."

Hey, you ’re a **** kid. I ’ve been kidnapped. Do n’t say it ’s so beautiful, OK.

My heart was still sweet: "What should I do if I'm tired, and I don't care about it anymore, I have to support myself even if I'm tired. Alas ..."

Xiao Se listened, and suddenly felt his hands tickle, and felt that it was no problem to help the girl with his own physical strength. While extending his empty right hand over, he was about to say something else, and only felt a tall and muscular figure beside him traversing expressionlessly, grabbing Su Yudong's two hands tied in front of him, pulling, and Like pulling animals, continue to make strides forward.

Xiao Se looked at Di Lin, and touched his nose. There was no sound.

There was a slight smile on Su Yumian's face, but he just bent the corner of his mouth and made no noise.

The Emperor Lin was very hot, why was this little slave not good at all, actually seduce a man in his face, hum! Do you want to die or do you want to die or do you want to die!
