Invincible Baby Mommy

Chapter 252: . Su Yumian's combat power is a strong w

The fighting capacity of Su Zhongnong in the Dragon Tomb 3a is a strong word 【8】

The rope knot on Su Yumian's hand was wrapped up by herself. On the surface, it was tied tightly and firmly. In fact, there was another slip knot underneath, which could be opened with a light stroke, but even so, in order to be afraid of giving to others Seen through, the skin on the wrist was still tightly tied to redness, and the skin also had a burning tingling after a long time. [26nbsp;]

But the moment Di Lin's hand was put on, there was a gentle cooling sensation slowly infiltrating, softly wrapping the skin bound by the rope, and all the discomfort immediately disappeared.

Su Yumian was even more happy, and quickly lowered her head, fearing that the expression on her face would reveal her mind. Although in such darkness, it is difficult for people to see each other's detailed expressions.

Xiao Se looked at Su Yudan and gave Di Lin a fast forward of pulling Dun Deng Deng, and there was a trace of different colors in his eyes, but he didn't make a noise, but just speeded up. Fortunately, he was pulling, and Rong Yueshen was shallow Barely keeping up, but the air was full of gasps that Rongyue couldn't control.

Su Yumian discovered something strange, his physical fitness seemed to be much better than before.

After all, no matter how good her physical strength was before, it was nothing more than the physical fitness of an average young man in her twenties, but now, it seems that she can completely compare with these special mercenaries. It seems that after practicing spiritual power, she is not sure Feeling mentally and physically up to a new level, I think that these benefits are nothing more than eating some jade and letting the baby help himself in the belly. I can't help but be happy. Oh, I'm still pregnant.

At least his baby will always love and protect himself. It's a hundred times stronger than the one in front of you who is so unpredictable that the dead star will be suddenly cold and hot.

Well, I must work hard and work hard, eat more and help my baby practice.

They walked twice or three times as fast as Rongfeng's team, because they drove all the way, unlike the previous Rongfeng who scored and explored the road, every step must be careful.

Rongyue had been panting for a long time. Although he had taken turns in a humble manner and Ronghua in turn, he still could not stand the high-strength marching speed. In the end, he could only let those mercenaries take turns.

Everyone looked at her with a bored expression on his face. In such a march, it was really unbearable to follow this guy who was completely useless and had poor physical fitness.

Di Lin led the way in the front, even arrogant enough to not even need a flashlight, completely relying on the glimmer of the flashlight in the hands of the people behind to rush forward. After walking for ten or more hours, when Su Yudan felt that he was going to starve to death, after a turn, Su Dandong froze.

What is in sight.

Have you seen the pile of gold diamonds?

There are three meters high jewelry piles, gold, jade, bronze, diamonds, various colored gems ...

In the bright light of the torch, dazzling beautiful colors.

Everyone involuntarily held their breath for a few seconds.

Really, the more such a random pile, the more people feel this incredible beauty.

Here, here, there ... Just look around, there is money, money, money ...

Ambilight luxury ...

Rong Feng's team was using various bags to categorize these treasures as if they had already loaded dozens of bags, and they were still trying to continue to load them. In that way, it's not like a grave robber, but like a coolie on the dock.
