Invincible Copy System

Chapter 1573: Other forces

While dealing with this matter, Zhang Feng also came to Liu Ning, hoping to have a good talk with Liu Ning. Their family has the deepest layout and paid the most for this, but in the end they did not receive a fixed amount. Harvest, so there is something uncomfortable in their family.

I hope to have a good talk with Liu Ning. Liu Ning has nothing to say about the situation of their family. This is your own business, and there is nothing with me. Who will let your family power also No way! Of course, Liu Ning also stayed away from the idea that they wanted to lean over. Although he knew they had been bullied before, Liu Ning could never forget Zhang Feng's face, if he couldn't do it in the future.

Zhang Feng will definitely retaliate against himself. Liu Ning knows what the result will be when that happens. Liu Ning knows better than anyone else. This kind of villain must stay away from him, and he must not pull me under his own hands, even if he takes it over. , That can only be a matter of fact, and it can never give him too many rights, it is easy to fight back.

Zhang Feng has only one idea here, and that is that his family wants to buy the steel plant. Although they know this is unlikely, they have to discuss with Liu Ning. They are willing to pay double the price and directly buy the steel plant. At the beginning, Liu Ning had already rejected this statement.

But Zhang Feng is still saying that this is not just an offense to Liu Ning's dignity. Liu Ning feels that there must be something else in it. Zhang Feng is not a fool, he has already clearly rejected it.

If this guy wants to continue talking, it can only explain one problem. Before the turmoil, someone should have thoughts about the steel plant, so they would do such a thing. If they can’t deliver it, It may be a tragedy for their family.

I must have made promises to others before, and they have made a lot of promises. The two parties did not reach this agreement. The old Zhang family has no other way. They can only ask their family children to come to Liu Ning and see. Can Liu Ning solve this matter for me?

"You tell me honestly, I always feel something is wrong with this matter. If your family asks for it, you can’t be so sad about this matter. If I didn’t guess wrong, in the previous time .

You should have received a lot of benefits. These benefits should be that you get the steel plant and then repay it to others. Isn't it what I think? "

Looking at the shivering guy in front of him, Liu Ning didn't even want to take another look. This Zhang Feng looks like a dog, but he doesn't care about things at all. How was Ms. Han embarrassed in the first place?

It can only be decided like this.

It has a direct relationship with this guy. As the saying goes, a husband and wife are gracious all night. How can I say that both people are kind, but what is it like now?

Not to mention a little kindness, almost nothing.

It’s clear from what they look like. In this state, if you can do better, it’s likely to be a good result. If you don’t do well enough, then these things are not easy to say. .

Everything in front of me is very clear. Many people know all of this. As for what the final result is, then these things are not easy to say. Everyone in front of me understands everything in this state.

Many people see it very clearly. If they don’t see well enough, then these things are not so good, so some things are the best, and everyone understands them very well.

"Mr LAU really saw it really. To tell the truth, someone is actually forcing us on this matter. It is the Hans family, one of the 12 largest families in the West. They have talked to us several times before. Up.

We didn’t know that Mr LAU liked it here, so we reached an agreement with them. Now it’s such a result. They simply can’t accept such a result. Therefore, we have repeatedly forced our family to do it, hoping that our family can follow Mr LAU. Reach an agreement.

They dare not come to talk to you in person, so they will encourage us later. We are still OK in this city, but if we are to compare with them, our strength is too far behind. I hope Mr. Lau can give We have a way to survive, just sell this steel plant directly to us.

We are willing to pay twice the price. As long as Mr LAU is willing, we can even pay higher. After all, compared with money, the existence of the family is the most important thing. They have already forced it too much. But we do not have any ability to fight back. "

When I came here, the old Zhang family had already educated them. Never lie to Liu Ning on this matter. The main reason is that you lied. Liu Ning will soon be able to understand this. Everyone knows this very well. , Liu Ning's brain wandered faster than the others.

If you think you can pass it, then you really don't know what to say about this matter, but if you can't pass it, then there is nothing to say about many things, in the current state.

Everyone has to see clearly. Some things can be done and some things cannot be done. Without Liu Ning's intervention, this cooperation of the old Zhang family is definitely a match made in heaven. The other party has given a lot of resources. .

The old Zhang family has expanded a lot of strength. Now that they should get what they want, then the old Zhang family has to hand over the steel factory. But unfortunately, Liu Ning and Liu Ning came out in the middle. The steel plant sees it as its own, so no matter what agreement you have reached.

This thing is impossible. I can only blame you people for not investigating it. And if someone else bought it, maybe Liu Ning could still think about it, but if it’s the Hans Group, I’m afraid Liu Ning will think about it. It doesn't mean that they have controlled 70% of the world's steel, and the remaining 30% is in the hands of the historians of the four major families.

Liu Ning opened a gap in their hands. At that time, he was able to develop better for himself and for human beings to achieve better development, although he was also one of the monopolistic groups.

But Liu Ning thinks he does good deeds, at least he will not increase prices desperately. What do you people think?

We are very clear here, if we don't do well, we won't talk nonsense with you.