Invincible Copy System

Chapter 1586: Life is better

Mr. Lin Lei also showed joy next to him. According to Mr. Lin Lei's thoughts, with his mage supreme, what he wants to do is not very easy?

Is there anything they can't do in the entire human society?

It seems that there is such a thing, such as the current situation.

Don't worry about what's in your mind, can you solve the situation now?

If you can't solve it, it means that everything you did before was wrong. Let alone whether you are willing to accept this fact. This is the case at present, if you can accept the fact.

Then all things are very easy to talk about. If you are still very stubborn, then this matter is not easy to talk about. This is the current situation. It seems that Mr. Lin Lei can also accept it. The society is not what you think. You are indeed the highest point in this society, but you don't know much about it in your basic life. Once you follow your way of doing things, it will have a profound impact on the entire society. This is how the butterfly effect comes.

Liu Ning smiled and nodded. Liu Ning grew up from the bottom of the society. If he understands this society, of course he is better than these two people. Although Mr. Lin Lei also grew up at the bottom of the society, He showed his magic talent at a very young age, so even if he really understands society.

That is also a small point in his mind. It is impossible to understand too much. Now Liu Ning casually opened it and looked at it. Sure enough, all kinds of complaints are everywhere. It turned out that a small gang only charges monthly in the surrounding area. The protection fee of 300 yuan is really nothing for a shop.

But after this little gang was mopped up, another little gang appeared immediately. They offered a price of 1,000 yuan. If there was no 1,000 yuan, they would irregularly harass the surrounding gangs, and these shops would not have any. The method survived, and the cost of protection fees increased threefold, which had a great impact on any store.

Before, they only considered the original gang, and did not consider the new gang, so they also arrested the gang in the second round, but now it’s the fourth round, it seems like it can’t be caught cleanly. You arrested the bosses.

As long as one of their subordinates escapes, they can immediately set up another stall. There are more people in the society who get something for nothing. These people also understand very well. They work hard for a day in the factory for a month. It is more than 3,000 yuan, and there is no interest for a dime except for meals.

There is no way to enjoy other lives at all, but if you go out and mix, you can always get a little fruit in the society. At that time, the money is not a joke, and what they are doing is that, and doing It's pretty good, if you want them to get this kind of thinking.

It is a terrible thing for business people in society. They can do everything. Of course, they don't care how much they lose. They will do it anyway.

"I really don't know how to evaluate this thing. It turns out that the two of us were thinking too simple. The purpose of what we thought of doing things is that you commit a crime and I will arrest you. As for the following things, we didn't even think about it, nor did we expect These people are so tenacious, we were meant to protect them.

Who knows that after they accepted the protection, they turned their heads and formed a gang. It turned out that they hated these gangs for oppressing them, but only 48 hours later, these people have also become gangs that oppress the people. Can you imagine that I am a gang? What kind of thinking?

I can't wait to put all these people in jail and take their heads off to see. Didn't you accept the punishment in the first place?

Why are you bullying others now?

What these people are talking about is also very good.

Honestly, there is no future in the job, so I might as well take my head and go for a fight. Once this block is taken down, they will have no worries about their future lives. I really don’t know what their heads are thinking. What is it. "

Mr. Lin Lei said very helplessly. In fact, there are many problems involved. Generally speaking, life in society is too difficult. Once there is a shortcut, even if it is very dangerous, these people will not Those who hesitated to rush forward, for people like them, once gave up this path.

I am afraid there will be no such opportunity in this life, so when such an opportunity is placed in front of them, even if they know that the danger is great, even if they know that it is very likely to lose their lives, they still have to do so. , Will never allow this matter to fall down like this, and it is precisely because of this.

When these things happened, that’s what they had to do. When they formed a gang, the people in the patrol station warned them. They also knew what they were facing, so they went crazy in a few days. .

Giving a large sum of money to one's own family and sacrificing one of their own can make the family's life better. They will definitely do it, and they will do it without hesitation.

"I understand the feelings of the two of you. Everything you do for the people is also okay, but now another question is implicated, that is, what are the results of your doing this?

You have also seen that social security only appears in a short-term balance.

The next situation is something you can't stand. So at this point, I hope you can understand a little bit more. It's not that all people are the same as you. What is human nature like?

We really can't afford it. "

When Liu Ning said this, the two fell into contemplation at the same time. Is what Liu Ning said is right?

I thought that by saving these people, they would be able to live a good life, but now it is far from the case.

They didn’t save them at all. Instead, they continued to push them into this abyss. They didn’t even know what it was like in the end. So in this state, they can only cross the river by feeling the stones. I think it was a mistake, and it was very wrong. Now I am waiting for Liu Ning to clean up their hands and see what the result can be.